View Full Version : Firing Up the HYPE Machine>> Super Trigger, FAST and LEGAL

01-15-2003, 03:11 AM
AO Speed Demons!

I have recently been chastised for trying to hold back the hype on the Xmag. I have been told that NOT coming out with a constant flow of new stuff is what hurt us in the past.

Ok, I get it, I'm putting on the marketing hat so hold on to your shorts.....

Yes Ladies and Germs WHAT is it that you all want? WHY did you spend a life savings on that fly by wire, multi barrel, super regulated, compressed-air-powered-paintball-blaster??

When you go on the field don't you dream of intimidating the other team with your paintball flamethrower? Don't you want them to whisper to themselves when you walk on the field with "that gun"!!! Wouldn't you just love to tell your teammates "don't worry they are too scared to come out of the back bunkers".

Think about what it is that makes Lasoya great. What is the benchmark that they make online videos to prove. What has been the single driving force that has guided paintball technology? There is but a single answer to this question. One word that encompasses all that we search, beg and dream of in paintball. That one word is:


Firepower, we eat sleep and feed the need for SPEED! Sure you complain that you don't need it but that's because your wallet is complaining, not your adrenalin soaked brain cells. Tell me your not twitching out every shot you can when that guys is bumping up to the next bunker on the tape. Tell me you don't complain when that guy runs through your stream on the break and gets in clean to his bunker.

Sure you can blame it on bad reffing because "I know I got that guy!" but deep down inside, in the depths of your soul you know the truth. You don't like it but its true. The fact is you missed, not with one shot but with ALL your shots. You were lame, you sucked, you were just TOO DAMN SLOW to get that guy! If you loose this game its because YOU blew it on the break, YOU blew it on the bump, YOU lost in the snap shots

You can’t blame it on the gun. Nope, not the gun. Can’t POSSIBLY be the gun because I spent a fortune on this sucker. I know it shoots way faster than I possibly can. So your pet polished baby is snuggled there in your hands while your shooting at that guy and you know what your gun is saying to you? You probably have never heard it because of the air blast but its talking to you. Its saying “come ON lets GO!!” “GET THAT GUY!!” “Pull my trigger FASTER you dweeb! I’m not even breathing hard!!” . Then you miss and have to deal with that little voice inside and your gun (under its breath) whispers “laaamer”.

Now I know you feel bad, its tough to admit you suck and your gun laughs at you but I can tell you with complete authority it’s not your fault. Hey you are doing the best you can right? You sit around all week and finger your trigger while you watch TV. You missed out on the genes that give fast twitch muscles so you can blame your parents for that. After all you’re one of the fastest guys on your team!

So there has to be something more, there has to be a way to stop the voices! And by now you know that I wouldn’t be giving your ego this thrashing if there wasn’t something WONDERFUL at the end of the rainbow. But what could that be? What would possibly make me Superman on the trigger, make my gun strain under the volume of output? Damn it better be cheap because I sure can’t afford another gun. Also it has to be SIMPLE because I can’t fix anything. I want to be able to learn it quickly and install it myself with a few common tools. And whatever it is if it ever quits on me during a game I am going to slam my gun in the dirt!!!!

Well there is a new Sun rising in the east. A new day is dawning for those willing to take the step. For those who have the need for speed and want, no, DEMAND a way to fill it. We have……a trigger…..a trigger that is so incredibly simple, so incredibly reliable, so unbelievably cheap that we should have had it years ago.

In testing, the protos DOUBLED the speed of the users. On the field NO ONE was able to run through the stream on the break. Refs complained but had to shut up when they saw it was one shot per trigger pull. Most players that got hit never saw the tester because they were instantly gogged with multiple shots or had to hunker down behind the bunkers under the firestorm of paint.

Now when you see it you might just go “huh? I don’t get it” Others might say “I can’t shoot my gun like that”. I say to all of you ….GOOD!! Please DO NOT USE THIS TRIGGER!! I agree with you, can’t shoot it, don’t need it, why get it, no one uses it. Your right, stick with what you have. Melt into the crowd, make sure your next jersey says ANONYMOUS on the back. Tell your grand kids how you almost won the game. And come on down any time you want to play me. Bring along a big box of game because your going to need all of it. But one thing, DON’T ***** about loosing. Don’t complain that “its unfair” (winy voice) just shut the hell up and play!

So Tom did you develop this? Nope it was cooked up by Odyssey with a little assistance from us. If this is so simple why is it coming out now? Because now we have everything in place with high horsepower guns matched to high volume loading systems. Is it coming with the new Xmags? No, its hot off the press but we will offer it as an aftermarket item if things work out with Odyssey. Also some people won’t get it (see above). Is it going to cost a fortune? Start from the beginning and read this again! Why are you telling us this now? Because with all the lawsuit crap going on we want it in the public domain so things don’t get complicated later. Is this ANOTHER one of your big hype pitches that turns out to be BS??!!! Nope, this is for real but I’m glad you asked!!

WHEN DO WE GET TO SEE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(readjusting the marketing hat) Wednesday evening 7:00 pm central time I will post the proto pics.


I suck at marketing,


01-15-2003, 03:14 AM
So the torture begins!!!

01-15-2003, 03:27 AM
/me sits at desk pondering what it could be.

Tom, you may think you suck at marketing... but you don't... Just making us wait like this is making me want it more and more....

One question... Does it fit all frames? :D

01-15-2003, 03:27 AM
Less than 17 hr's to go!:(

01-15-2003, 03:29 AM
16 hours and 30 minutes as of this post

01-15-2003, 03:34 AM
once again...don't you love it. should i ask first...

umm will this fit on my original emag....;)

01-15-2003, 03:36 AM
In theory this will work on ALL electronic guns.

Don't you just love it!!


01-15-2003, 03:43 AM
cant wait to see it!

01-15-2003, 04:10 AM
Hmm.. what is this thing I must absolutly have? I think I remember hearing about a "bumpy" trigger where you can run your finger down the trigger and the bumps will make the trigger vibrate allowing you to shoot super fast...

01-15-2003, 04:12 AM
its a neuron plug in the back of the head...
think "fire".

just dont ever have any evil thoughts about your teammates..


01-15-2003, 04:14 AM
OMG i cant wait. I love to shoot fast.

01-15-2003, 06:02 AM
Tom stating "Now when you see it you might just go “huh? I don’t get it" Others might say “I can’t shoot my gun like that makes me think its not a regular looking frame o.O

unless hes referring to people saying, huh? how'd he shoot that fast? i can't shoot my gun that fast."
then another storyy..

01-15-2003, 06:05 AM
ok Tom, your driving me crazy here. Sneeky ploy!! ever hear of pavlo,s experiment. well your doing it again. Making us salivate simply by dangling a thought out there...your soooo cruel...an evil genius.....I like it!!!!!HONK HONK..:p

01-15-2003, 06:43 AM
OH THE HUMANITY! MAKE IT STOP! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! :D But Tom, nothing new for the mechanical markers? :(

01-15-2003, 07:00 AM
This sounds awsome!! Plllllleeeeeaaaaassssseeee make it for intellframes ( if its possible...):D :p

01-15-2003, 07:22 AM
So, when will it be available in the online store?


01-15-2003, 07:24 AM
12 hours 37 minutes. I can't wait to see this. It's going to be for all electronic guns? COOL!

nuclear zombie
01-15-2003, 07:36 AM
The real question is , if this thing does everything tom says it does , how long will it remain tourney legal ?

From this post 11.5 hours to go ....!!!!

01-15-2003, 07:44 AM
now alls i need is an emag....

congrats on the new stuph mr. kaye!!!

01-15-2003, 07:45 AM
Is this an electro frame or something of the like? Tom, your post just confused me ;)

Or is there something in there I missed about emag only?

Top Secret
01-15-2003, 08:28 AM
Holy !!!! I can fire fast as it is! Don't make us wait Tom!! :D

01-15-2003, 08:32 AM
is it that E-Z grip everyone has been wanting!?!?

01-15-2003, 08:32 AM
:eek: I'm glad no one can see me. I can feel this stupid look one my face, while I set here trying to figure out what just hit me!! :D

I gotta go back and reread it!

01-15-2003, 08:37 AM
do you have a name for it yet?

im going to be sitting on my computer all day. AHHH! I CAN'T TAKE THE SUSPENSE!!!!

01-15-2003, 08:40 AM
now i just need an electro gun :(

01-15-2003, 08:42 AM
Because with all the lawsuit crap going on we want it in the public domain so things don’t get complicated later.

I have a suspicion part of the equation is a new loader or loading system from Odyssey.

01-15-2003, 08:47 AM
i want 2!!!!

Load SM5
01-15-2003, 08:52 AM
Well, he said it was a trigger.

Y'know Tom, if this is real, my SFL is sitting in your shop waiting for upgrades......

01-15-2003, 08:54 AM
So is it for Electric Mags only? Available for mechanical Mags and installable on Intelliframes? I was going to go after work today and buy an Intelliframe but I have to hold off now in case I'm buying whatever this thing is. I don't have net at home either so I won't be able to see this till tomorrow. Darn! Anyone have any input on my situation?

01-15-2003, 08:59 AM
:eek: I want to see it! I know where I'm gonna be later tonight...

01-15-2003, 09:00 AM
I needed to be part of this thread. "Oh Captain, My Captain," thank you for keeping up with the quest for new stuff. I cant wait to see whats up!

01-15-2003, 09:30 AM
I will be waiting with my credit card.

01-15-2003, 09:39 AM
Though I will get one for the "fun" of it. I am not sure how I will like it. I like to have some "feedback" when triggering. One of the reasons I personally don't like mouse-clickity triggers. SOunds like alot of fun, though and that is why I play paintball. PBIF!

01-15-2003, 09:47 AM
Pressure....to... great.....

Can't... hold back.... anxiety....

Must know what's going on.......


Can I send my brain in for upgrades... i just fried it again... whoot !!!

~da baller

Will Wood
01-15-2003, 09:53 AM
*tick tock tick tock*

AGD never fails to suprize me. They won't tonight. Can't wait..

01-15-2003, 09:55 AM
I wonder if this will work
on my bushy and my cocker?

Or will it be a firepower only
solution and take out the slow
fire accuracy?

I can't wait to find out.


01-15-2003, 09:57 AM
Holy molly!

I've just had a bunch of HYPE rammed down my throat by AGD and I love it!

Whatever you got Tom I'm buying!


01-15-2003, 10:13 AM
On the assumption it's a bumpy trigger to enable the rate of fire by sliding your finger down the trigger, would this work with the Reactive technology of the RT Mags (or ones with the XValve in them? Will we have to buy a whole new frame or will it be installable on Intelliframes? This is killing me cause I want to buy an Intelliframe today at 530-600 after work, but PNL closes at 7 and I don't have net at home to find this out anyways! Argh! Someone on the inside clue me in just so I know if I can buy the frame today (can as in buy it without wasting my money and having to buy a different frame to get this new thing, before any wiseguy responds to that).

01-15-2003, 10:22 AM
It's going to be for electric frames only. I doubt it will be compatible with manual triggers. An intelliframe is a manual trigger so there's your answer.

01-15-2003, 10:31 AM
From the hints, I'm guessing a new z-grip for the e-mags?

01-15-2003, 10:33 AM
woah, if that is the case, then count me out for gettign one for fun. hehehhhehe those z-grips hurt my wrist just looking at them :D

01-15-2003, 10:55 AM
ACK!!! WHy must we be made to wait...

Beautiful... make us all wait knawing at our toenails wondering, pondering... WATH IS IT!!!!! SHOW AND TELL!!!

Oh a kitty...

01-15-2003, 10:57 AM
Hmm... I get out of class at 7:00pm EST, 45 min drive home... I should be just in time! :D

Can't Wait, I'll Take 2!


01-15-2003, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by AGD
So your pet polished baby is snuggled there in your hands while your shooting at that guy and you know what your gun is saying to you? You probably have never heard it because of the air blast but its talking to you. Its saying “come ON lets GO!!” “GET THAT GUY!!” “Pull my trigger FASTER you dweeb! I’m not even breathing hard!!” . Then you miss and have to deal with that little voice inside and your gun (under its breath) whispers “laaamer”.

LMAO! laaaaaaaaaamer. that message should be installed on the IR3. :p

01-15-2003, 11:06 AM
my question is: TOm, does it shoot better with or without the crown point barrel? I have the sinking feeling this idea goes down the exact same road...Tom's trying to see if we're fish again..

01-15-2003, 11:23 AM
Funding for this project came from: Draxxus, Rp Scherer, Nelson and Pro Caps

Wc Keep
01-15-2003, 11:34 AM
i want one........but dont shoot an electro mag. what if i got a hyperframe? would it fit that?

01-15-2003, 11:37 AM
that's what wc needs, more paint in the air...

cause if you can't shoot straight, but you shoot a lot,
somethings got to hit him


lol... just kidding WC....

You hit me plenty of times.


01-15-2003, 11:41 AM
Originally posted by ezrunner
... just kidding WC...You hit me plenty of times.


Uh...yea that is true... but you were Reffing when he did Rob! :D

01-15-2003, 11:41 AM
Here is my guess about what this toy is. Since it might work for all electro's. I would guess the it is a multiple switch trigger. Why does an electro trigger have to have only one switch? With an electro gun the trigger could be buttons or even a beam instead of a "Traditional" trigger.

Sounds like the paintball makers are gonna love this thing.

01-15-2003, 11:45 AM
Darkstorm: I don't think so because that would involve more than one ball per trigger pull and AGD stated that this device will be legal.


01-15-2003, 11:47 AM
this is making me want to get my emag sooner than I planned

01-15-2003, 11:51 AM
Originally posted by Darkstorm
Here is my guess about what this toy is. Since it might work for all electro's. I would guess the it is a multiple switch trigger. Why does an electro trigger have to have only one switch? With an electro gun the trigger could be buttons or even a beam instead of a "Traditional" trigger.

Sounds like the paintball makers are gonna love this thing. It's illegal in most, if not all, torunaments to have more than one switch in a marker anyway. One guy came up with a super cool Intimidator trigger that had a pivot point it the middle and two switches on either side (for walking the trigger) but the people at the NPPL made a rule agtainst it awhile ago to my knowledge.

01-15-2003, 11:54 AM
i hope it will be a controllabe ROF. Although i know everybody would like to be able to shoot much faster,when needed, i dont want to be banned from SCVillage for overshooting some poor guy and sending him to the hospital for excessive bruising.

this quote is what makes me skeptical to the "bumpy trigger":

Refs complained but had to shut up when they saw it was one shot per trigger pull. i dont know what it is, but it has to be connected to Odyssey somehow. And for an idea so "revolutionary" but so simple as well, to be developed by an associate company...im sure tom is kicking himself for not realizing it with the release of the emag.

but if it is what he says (tom never lies;)), then i'll have to buy an asbestos barrel because these new attainable ROF's are gonna melt my current barrel. :D

*edit* i think tom has pity on us..he said he's gonna sell it for much less...because paint output is gonna be much higher. Tom, thanks for giving me an excuse to buy 5 cases of paint per day! my wallet's gonna love it!:rolleyes::D

50 cal
01-15-2003, 11:56 AM
Sorry to rain on everyones parade.....but, don't we have enough over shooting as it is. Way too much newbie bashing by jerks with wonderguns.

Sorry, but I'll keep my Emag at 12sps, that's plenty.

I'm sure the paint companies will love it though!!

Jack & Coke
01-15-2003, 12:18 PM

01-15-2003, 12:20 PM
Although I'm bummed this new creation isn't a lighter trigger pull for normal Mags (can't afford an Emag/Xmag and don't trust the reliability of an Impulse as my only gun since I couldn't afford a second as a backup) a point to make to 50 Cal.... all these super-guns (Angels, Shockers, etc) are still one pull, one shot. It's not the gun blasting the hell out of the newbie, it's the guy handling it who is not confident enough in his ability to get the guy with two or three balls. In tourneys you need high ROF and heavy shooting because of the skill level and style of game (holding people in their bunkers and such) and I love a light trigger pull for snap shooting and not tiring out the trigger finger, but I think the real solution is having these hyped-up idiots who think they're tough because they can shoot 20BPS and who get kicks hurting new people with low-level guns to calm down, and not holding back on advancing the technology of markers. Only limits to manufacturers should be "safe (no runaway), 1 pull 1 shot, and field speed limit." The limited BPS thing is weak because companies are avoiding it anyways.

Tom Kaye- I love my mechanical (reliable) Mag, can you look for a new way to lighten the pull? A Short and light pull without electrics would be killer

01-15-2003, 12:44 PM
Well, personally, I LOVE the trigger on mine. BUT, I am still curious. Tom, you have us to help with the advertising. Just remember next time, INCLUDE THE WEBSITE!!! ;)

01-15-2003, 01:00 PM
I hope this trigger comes bundled with a crown point barrel! :p

01-15-2003, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by AGD
You were lame, you sucked, you were just TOO DAMN SLOW to get that guy!

I think that is the best part.:p

01-15-2003, 01:03 PM
i'm guessing a tirgger with rollerbearings on it. thats what ive heard and from that post... I WANT ONE

01-15-2003, 01:24 PM
Are just Odyssey and AGD going to be selling this?

01-15-2003, 01:31 PM
Now you've done it Tom. I've missed WLIPP's...I've missed key posts...I've missed product announcements....and i've dealt with it.

Now you have to announce this at the EXACT time my hockey game starts? This is some kinda conspiracy. Stop talking to my backup goalie Tom, he just wants to get me day dreaming so I screw up and he gets in.....Tommy boy....this is the final straw :)

(side note...woohoo! I'm getting an emag hopefully within a week)

01-15-2003, 02:00 PM
going out on a limb here.. but its a trigger concept.. not a grip. ie- instead of pulling the stick to make the thing fire, you <insert new trigger mechanism here> to make it fire.

this means it could be put on ALL markers which are fired by an electronic grip, as stated. is the intelliframe an electric grip? no.


01-15-2003, 02:02 PM
Doubling speed, mmmmmmmm.
14 bps currently
28 with new trigger..
28 per second, 60/case
71 seconds of firing
1.183 minutes to blow 60 bucks.
They better build some new plants to make balls and i better get into counterfit money.
ALso im gonna need a software upgrade tom. Better include that with the trigger.
I'd also recommend you patent this baby fast.
YOu better come out with an upgrade for the stock mag too!!

01-15-2003, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by joeyjoe367
Hmm.. what is this thing I must absolutly have? I think I remember hearing about a "bumpy" trigger where you can run your finger down the trigger and the bumps will make the trigger vibrate allowing you to shoot super fast...
Yeah, I heard something similar to that too. That's the only thing I can think of that could be compatible with all electros.

01-15-2003, 02:30 PM
These are already available on the black market in Israel for $1.50

That Odyssey will be sued by someone who claims to own the patent on the "trigger".

And of course the fade ano jobs will be questionable.

01-15-2003, 02:43 PM
im willing to bet its that bummpy trigger. mostly because of watching JJ try to run his finger up and down an e-mag standard 2x trigger making it fire (at IAO). so yeah i think they have been playin around with the idea for awhile now and thats what we will see tonight....the question is now, how much is doc nickle gonna charge me to install one on my hyperframe :p

01-15-2003, 02:58 PM
By "bumpy" do you mean something like this?


01-15-2003, 03:03 PM
my ? is why does it have to be a trigger why cant u just put a button there?
i mean just reach over and tap ur mouse as fast as u can.
thats faster then i can shoot..
tom give us a button!!!

01-15-2003, 03:11 PM
It could be a lot of things?...

Electro only right? Think all you need to do is is trip a switch. And there are MANY ways to do that.
Heck look on your desk an answer might be right there. Roll your wheel mouse a couple of time hear all those clicks, and if ya want you can get only one click. That isn't even tweeked for speed.
Split a double trigger, and but a switch behind each. One pull of each = one shot. Pull um both simultaniously bamn double rate of fire. Are two triggers illegal?
Or heck even make a drum full of contacts and crank it like a fishing reel, your own mini-gatling gun.

Lots of ideas if your just flipping a switch, so lets just wait and see what Tom and the Odyssey folks have dreamed up... I know I am not alone in wanting to know...


01-15-2003, 03:15 PM
with a trigger that fast everyone will have to use either a warp,a revy2or a haloB

01-15-2003, 03:20 PM
<---- extremely confused....

is this for mags? will it work on classic mags, or is it only for those rich emag jerks;) ?

01-15-2003, 03:21 PM
Here is a pic of that 2 switch Timmy idea....

01-15-2003, 03:38 PM
4 hours, and 20 minutes, until "it" is unleashed on the world.

Jack & Coke
01-15-2003, 04:00 PM

Someone actually remembered my work (photoshop) :):):)

01-15-2003, 04:10 PM
If tourney rules wont allow a 2 switch trigger system how about using (1) 2-pull switch. The switch when straight, (trigger at rest) is open. When the top part of the rigger is pulled it pushed the switch back which fires. Then when you pull the bottom of the trigger the rod pulls the switch back to the rest position and then to the forward position to fire again. This would work great for walking and is still one pull one shot!

The switch that I have in the picture also is very smooth and short pull. It is also spring loaded or something because it returns to the straight position on its own. I have a few extra switches if someone would like to try and make this work.

Props to Jack for the original pic

01-15-2003, 04:15 PM
FAST and LEGAL...just like I like my women.

(Sorry, but somebody HAD to say it...)
:D :D :D

01-15-2003, 04:26 PM
im wondering how easily interchangeable it is between guns because id just buy one depending on cost and switch it for when i use my imp or when i use my emag

Sir Samuel
01-15-2003, 05:01 PM
so this is gonna work on all electros? like the imp or timmy?

01-15-2003, 05:17 PM
OMG I WANT ONE! i cant wait...let me see, let me seeee!

01-15-2003, 05:19 PM
why do ypu people keep aksing the questions? lol.. they were asked since the beginning of the thread and Tom has made two posts on here already, obviously hes not gonna answer them til the prototype pictures are released.. durrr :p

Originally posted by pito189
4 hours, and 20 minutes, until "it" is unleashed on the world.

no. thats just the time til Tom tortures us with the prototype pictures.

01-15-2003, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by dre1919
FAST and LEGAL...just like I like my women.

(Sorry, but somebody HAD to say it...)
:D :D :D LOL! Well played indeed. :D

01-15-2003, 05:32 PM
This is the only time I will say this to Tom....

DAMN YOU TOM!!!!!!! I realy realy can not wait!!!! You know what would be realy cool? Is if he incorperated(sp?) my twisted Z-grip idea with it! Back to subject, I'm going to die from anticipation!!!! Man was this a marketing plan? Put AO on the virge of a breakdown then just before every one goes crazy, you release it to the AGD store and for everyone to stay sane we have to buy it?

01-15-2003, 05:39 PM
Originally posted by confedman75
Back to subject, I'm going to die from anticipation!!!!

I think we ALL will! :D Why can't AGD come out with another mechanical marker upgrade?!? :( :rolleyes: I don't even own an electro and I can't wait to see this damn thing! :p :D :eek:

01-15-2003, 05:41 PM
This sounds interesting, has lots of ideas floating around in my head.

01-15-2003, 05:43 PM
Hmm.....I think I know what it is, I even think I saw and held one of these. Back in Nov of 2001 at the Mega tour, Tom, myself and 3 or 4 other people were sitting around the AGD offices around 2am. Top picked up these few triggers and asked if we could guess how they worked. So, my guess is that these are those triggers.

01-15-2003, 05:49 PM
OH I GET IT, he's going to show us the prototype pictures at 7:00 because thats when the patent gets filed, right? hehe im probably right too.

01-15-2003, 05:53 PM
It's things like this that make life WORTH living!

Blessed Mother of Accuracy By Volume, DON'T FAIL ME NOW!!!

01-15-2003, 05:53 PM
or he wants the curiosity to be building up as much as possible and give it time for word to get out so the most people will be waiting, but at the same time not making everyone else wait too long.

01-15-2003, 06:00 PM
i just have one question, will it be both reliable and compatible for manual x-valve owners eventually? thank you, cant wait.


01-15-2003, 06:00 PM
The answer is probably yes, but tom didnt say anything about the intelli-ing it, guessing it will be a grip.

01-15-2003, 06:02 PM
nah, you guys have it all wrong.

he's just teasing is with some imaginary trigger. it doesn't really exist. it never will. he just wants to test our loyalty.

who am i kidding?:eek: RELEASE IT!!!

01-15-2003, 06:11 PM
Sorry Guys, but I have my doubts.

I remember the last time we say a huge post from Mr. Marketing Hat. *Cough* Crownpoint barrel */Cough*

Fits on anygun and IN TESTS doubles rof? Sounds like its not actually gonna be some sort of trigger, but instead just a little pointless hyped up gadget.

Sorry to sound pessimistic....

01-15-2003, 06:15 PM
I suspect tonight will break the most users online at one time record.

01-15-2003, 06:16 PM
Originally posted by AGD
In theory this will work on ALL electronic guns.

but will stay on emags only i hope, right??? :D

01-15-2003, 06:24 PM
i bet it's a little ring u put your finger in and a little gas model plane motor pushes the ring back and forth against the trigger at a few thousand RPMs...... lol... nah, but that would be funny...

and for people who want the E-Z-grip, why would he bother with suspense like this for that???

01-15-2003, 06:25 PM
I guess there will be a new thread w/ the pics?

01-15-2003, 06:29 PM
I'm not reading 4 pages so if someone said this all ready oh well. My guess is it's a trigger like the V2 wermstick that has a lip on the top front edge that allows you to shoot on the pull and then on the foward push of the lip.It's simple,easy and still one pull one shot.I have one on an impulse and it's unreal!Easily doubles your ROF.

Just a guess,

Gitaroo Man
01-15-2003, 06:31 PM
Well, if it doubles your speed say you can shoot 10bps then you can 20bps? I don't see how that would be fun....if half the players on the field have it then everyone is just going to sit there laying down paint and not moving at all.

I don't think it would be fun to use in games IMO

01-15-2003, 06:35 PM
i think the real question should be:

is it going to be (tournament) legal?

01-15-2003, 06:36 PM
I KNOW!!!!!!!!!

its a normal trigger that has less than 1/100 mm pull to it, PLUS! it comes with 100lbs of coffee
the more you twitch, the faster it goes

im 99% sure its gonna be a ribbed trigger...

01-15-2003, 06:37 PM
my guess would be a trigger that has multiple firing stages, some type of reactive trigger (2 shots per 1 pull), or a vibrating trigger, because face it, everyone loves stuff that vibrates.

01-15-2003, 06:41 PM
well in that case, my impulse is in need of a new trigger/frame .. i sold my iframe ;\ .. im getting a 2003 shocker anyway, but if this is good, maybe i'll get this also.

01-15-2003, 06:42 PM
cant be 2 shots 1 pull, then its not legal. read first post.

01-15-2003, 06:54 PM
pfff, i dont read. correct me if i'm wrong, but shouldnt the prototype pics be released any minute??

01-15-2003, 06:56 PM
any minute as in about an hour from now.

01-15-2003, 07:02 PM
Central time not eastern

01-15-2003, 07:02 PM
doh! i'm in the eastern time zone.. forgot about the whole 1 hour set back thing.

01-15-2003, 07:03 PM
hes still late in my book :)

01-15-2003, 07:03 PM
head.... overloading... can't wait much ... longer... *BOOM (head explodes)*

01-15-2003, 07:04 PM

Spray Painter
01-15-2003, 07:13 PM
i think you shouldn't make the "whatever it is" for every gun, only for AGD markers so then everyone would have to buy them :) <2 hours right

AGD- you NEED a video along with lot and lot and lots of pics

01-15-2003, 07:16 PM
It will be like reeling in a fish. You just reel, and there will be flippers that hit the trigger for you. But one "click" one reel. You just sit there and reel away. And just like other AGD stuff, the lefthanded model will be available in 2006. I'm waiting Tom...

01-15-2003, 07:19 PM
Originally posted by RRfireblade
My guess is it's a trigger like the V2 wermstick that has a lip on the top front edge that allows you to shoot on the pull and then on the foward push of the lip.Here is what he is talking about.....

And here is what the designer had to say about it...
Originally posted by WERM
We find if you place your index finger , & apply pressure, in the top curve while pulling the trigger with the middle finger , you result with a faster rof. We are still testing though. We also have a 2nd reason for the curve, but thats not being announced yet ;)

01-15-2003, 07:23 PM
I am looking for intelli frame black matte with blade trigger. (or the trigger tom is talking about :)

I have:
2x Benchy
14" Center Feed J&J Custom Barrel, black
8" Speedball barrel
12oz CO2 with on/off Aluminum (great)
20oz CO2 with on/off Aluminum (great)
black vert adapter with KAPP? gas thru chrome 4grip
Sell everything for $115
Or trade everything for intelliframe (black/blade/matte)

Let me know if you're interested!
[email protected]

will part out if I have to, no reasonable offers will be declined!

Spray Painter
01-15-2003, 07:30 PM
thats what the buy/sell forums are for:)

<1.5 hours left

01-15-2003, 07:31 PM

01-15-2003, 07:32 PM
I know, I posted this post and it should be on front page of the buy/sell misc. items!

So yeah, intelliframe is what i'm looking for. :)

[email protected]


01-15-2003, 07:39 PM
wrong forum buddy!

01-15-2003, 07:57 PM
Ok it's up, http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=64019 may this thread RIP:rolleyes: :D ;)

01-15-2003, 08:00 PM
Werm's trigger would be illegal under current NPPL rules.

In effect the trigger's operation is between the two extremes of movement. With the Werm stick that would be two shots and illegal.

With triggers like Odyssey's that's only one shot so they are legal.


01-15-2003, 08:04 PM
Originally posted by manike
Werm's trigger would be illegal under current NPPL rules.

In effect the trigger's operation is between the two extremes of movement. With the Werm stick that would be two shots and illegal.

With triggers like Odyssey's that's only one shot so they are legal.


I'm not sure how it would be ilegal. It looks like the flang just allows you to "assist" the trigger in resetting quicker. I don't think it fires multiple shots or anything.

(who admits to knowing nothing about NPPL trigger rules...)

01-15-2003, 08:12 PM
Calvin... if it's anything like a trigger I made which was similar...

when you pushed the trigger back it ran over the micro switch and fired. When you pushed it forward past the rest point it ran over the switch and fired again...

The switch is set to normally open with the trigger nub on it at rest. Running the trigger nub (at the back which touches the swicth) off the nub in either direction makes it fire ;)

It's in effect a clever and hard to realise auto response. And thus illegal. Hella fast though :)

01-15-2003, 09:09 PM
Yeah Manike,
That's pretty much it and it does smoke,however,but you can set it up for a typical pull.Is it illegal for sure though? No one's ever said anything to me about it.They usually think I'm on auto till they see it's an impy.(semi only)


01-15-2003, 09:59 PM
Well after checking the rule book,I think it could be illegal.It's definitly one pull one shot unlike the autoresponse but they also won't allow "dual action triggers". So I'm not sure.


Warped Designs
01-16-2003, 03:05 PM
damnit this has even drawn me back to this site.
should be funny to see on my rainmaker

and stuff

01-16-2003, 03:48 PM
wait... why wasnt it released on time?