View Full Version : Why don't you wear a cup?

01-15-2003, 11:47 AM
I have friends that play sports, and they wear cups for them.

These same friends don't wear a cup for paintball. One friend bought a cup for paintball, but ditched it after one use. He tried to sell it. lol

Anyway, I just stumbled upon this site I read a couple years back when I was first learning about paintball.

It isn't for the faint of heart, it has a picture of the injury.


I hope more of you will start using a cup.

Maybe if DYE made a cup and jockstrap super combo with chrome, more people would wear one? I am buying their sports bra though! (For my female!) :)

01-15-2003, 11:51 AM
I always wear a cup.........you spend $60 for mask for you face but nothing for the twins???

01-15-2003, 11:53 AM
Raven makes slider shorts with a built in soft cup. Seems pretty nifty I might have to pick up a pair.

01-15-2003, 11:56 AM
Pick up ANYTHING that will protect them.

There are folks who don't expect to get hit, because they crouch or something like that. You have to stand at times don't you? I always get hit in the neutral zone/dead box.

01-15-2003, 12:01 PM
I still have not found a soft cup I can use. I wear and athletic supporter for "the boys" to give me one more layer of extra protection. But still looking for a soft style cup that will do the job. Anyone know of one let me know. I getting tired of playing with only one hand! :D

01-15-2003, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by nippinout
...I always get hit in the neutral zone/dead box.

Umm...sounds like a personal problem to me! :D

01-15-2003, 12:06 PM
Originally posted by cphilip

Umm...sounds like a personal problem to me! :D

That's the worst time to get shot!

You're off zoning out or talking, and POW! you get hit.

I guess it is a person problem lol.

01-15-2003, 12:08 PM
I getting tired of playing with only one hand!

Hahahaha that's great!

01-15-2003, 12:19 PM
I don't cuz I just don't...

Strong like bull!

(Granted, I'm usually wearing sweat pants under my JT pants)

01-15-2003, 12:57 PM
I havent found one big enough....hehe j/k

I use to wear a cup that i used for fencing/martial arts....but it just got too uncomfortable after awhile. Ill tell you one thing tho...the *one* time I was hit in the groin...i was wearing my cup! woo hoo Wasnt till I was in cover and I looked down that i realized i had been hit.


Evil Bob
01-15-2003, 01:02 PM
I found a cup very uncomfy to wear when you're crouched down, too much binding or cutting into my legs when I found myself in awkward positions. Instead I wear biking shorts with a big padded crotch under my pants. Been hit in the jewels twice wearing them, bouncers both times, didn't break stride at all.

-Evil Bob

01-15-2003, 01:03 PM
when ever I get out and then watch from the side I alwasy put my mag in front of the boys to protect them

Mr Pink
01-15-2003, 01:19 PM
Neoprene Training Shorts! Stops you from pulling your Hamstring and gives lotsa bounces of your upper thighs and groin:D

01-15-2003, 01:24 PM
Neoprene undergarments are illegal at tournies. Some people used to wear wetsuits under thier jerseys to get bounces...

Anyway, I personally don't do this, even though I should, but get a normal athletic supporter, but forget about the hard cup. Go to your scuba shop, and see if they have any neoprene scraps. Cut up some neoprene to fit into the supporter. It won't hinder movement much, and it should be enough padding to keep your boys in one piece.

01-15-2003, 01:29 PM
I have actually been wearing baseball sliding shorts with a piece of closed cell foam cut to fit in the cup pocket up front.

Works best to cut the foam a little larger than "normal" cup size to catch those shots coming in from an angle, and keep from mashin the boys if you have to move funny.

Anyone know if there is an issue with the soft cup being legal in tournaments since I guess it could be construed as added padding?


01-15-2003, 01:36 PM
I've never worn one. In over 16 years, I've never been hit in the area(knocking on wooden desk very hard):)

01-15-2003, 01:43 PM
Bunch of wusses. I tell ya! ;)

(knocking on wood)

01-15-2003, 01:46 PM
Does a wallet in the front pocke count as a cup?:D

01-15-2003, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by StygShore
Anyone know if there is an issue with the soft cup being legal in tournaments since I guess it could be construed as added padding?

I could be wrong but I think they'd let you slide on this one. That's if they even noticed it. "EVERYBODY DROP YOUR PANTS! WE'RE CHECKING FOR EXTRA PADDING!" :D ;)

01-15-2003, 02:20 PM
Just wink at the ref and go "That's not extra padding, big boy..."

He'll probably run away and leave you alone.

01-15-2003, 02:20 PM
Hey, have you seen some of the tournament level clothing lately? It may come down to full clothing inspection at this point.

Some companies are putting out jerseys with padded shoulders and chests, gloves with goggle squeegies on them, pants that are VERY padded and "bouncey", goggles are getting more flexible, elbow pads have evolved into elbow and forearm pads, kneepads cover from the top of your knee to your ankle, jerseys have gotten a MUCH fuller cut to them, paintball under shorts have padding in all the right places, etc.

Pretty soon you'll see someone walk out with a couple of pillows and a few rolls of charmin wrapped around their marker!!!


01-15-2003, 02:32 PM
First, I always wear a cup and have only found 24hr games to get a little uncomfortable with it.

I was practicing for a tourney and it was a 5 on 1, me being the one. 2 guys came to bunker me and i got the first guy but the second guy was quick and put 3 shots into my groin and I never even felt it. Luckily I was wearing my cup that day and every time I play since.

01-15-2003, 03:05 PM
you Curse filter violation removed - cphilip. sure it hurts like hell when you get shot in the gonads but ive always had good luck with them bouncing. but i know this dude that got shot he couldnt get up for like a minute it was so funny. ive never laughed so hard.
There was another time at denver paintball when this little kid worked up some balls and tried to run the taper off the break and this kid snapped out and poped him one in the jewels. it was so funny it took that kid like 5 minutes to get to the dead box

01-15-2003, 03:17 PM
Ive always worn a cup

that picture is horrible :)

01-15-2003, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by elpimpo
you Curse filter violation removed - cphilip. sure it hurts like hell when you get shot in the gonads but ive always had good luck with them bouncing. but i know this dude that got shot he couldnt get up for like a minute it was so funny. ive never laughed so hard.
There was another time at denver paintball when this little kid worked up some balls and tried to run the taper off the break and this kid snapped out and poped him one in the jewels. it was so funny it took that kid like 5 minutes to get to the dead box

Dang, Cphillip, that was some mighty fast shootin'. :D

Yeah, it's REALLY funny when it's somebody else getting nailed in the 'nads, try laughin' when it happens to you. I used to play goalie in lacrosse, and man, we took some nasty shots.

Dye does make a sort of soft cup. I have the Dye slider shorts with the goofy foam insert for the jock area. That goofy insert has taken a couple of crotch-shots for me, and now I use it religiously. Definitely not a real solution, but at least its something.

01-15-2003, 03:24 PM
why dont i wear a cup? lazyness.. i guess i dont need them anyway... i was thinking of becoming a priest.:)

01-15-2003, 03:25 PM
If you stand sideways, you make less of a target, and you can't get tagged on the package.

Robert Buckel
01-15-2003, 03:26 PM
I never wear a cup but I had a friend that wore one.

Story Goes like this. Running through trees getting bunkered. Shot in Cup. Cup cracked in middle. Pinched Dingaling. Blood.

I will never wear one now. I have seen it first hand.


01-15-2003, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by Vendetta
If you stand sideways, you make less of a target...

NOT ME! ;)

Welcome to the Forum Robert. I see its your first post. Took something in the Gonadal area to get you in here I guess! :D

01-15-2003, 03:40 PM
I wear a cup when I can remember... I don't want to risk getting hit there. It's uncomfortable though and it gets real annoying to wear over long periods of time... some company should make a paintball cup that's neoprene+rubber or something so it's comfortable... plastic cups suck.

01-15-2003, 03:57 PM
I put a cup on top of thin gym shorts, and then pants on top. That's pretty comfortable for me.

01-15-2003, 04:06 PM
I can hardly believe how many people here dont wear cups :confused: to me, its like a given

I've gotten shot there 4 times, FOUR, with a cup on. Never felt any of them. For a long while I had more crotch shots than I had regular hits

01-15-2003, 04:14 PM
/me can't figure out why Falconguy is sticking his nether region someplace it could get shot at.... :confused:

Originally posted by FalconGuy016
I can hardly believe how many people here dont wear cups :confused: to me, its like a given

I've gotten shot there 4 times, FOUR, with a cup on. Never felt any of them. For a long while I had more crotch shots than I had regular hits

01-15-2003, 04:43 PM
i'm gonna try that soft cup idea, whenever i wear a cup when i play my thigh is always sore where the cup bumps.

01-15-2003, 04:48 PM
My worst story is when I went out to ref at the local field, I showed up in Umbro shorts and spandex jogging shorts underneath. Normally when I ref, I would throw a 3 tube pouch in front to cover the boys...

Well, when I showed up, not enough people were there to play yet, so the 3 refs and 3 guys that came to play decided to throw some paint in the rentals and go at it for a few games.

First game on the break, I am scrambling to my bunker, take one directly into the left jewel...of course, I totally forgot to grab a 3 tube harness! I went down, slid into my bunker, came up and shot my guy out. The game ended quickly Mercifully! I stood up and commenced to coughing, nearly puking, and feeling the most intense pain in my life. I hobbled back to the dead zone and stuffed a zip loc bag of ice in my shorts and was done for the day.

Upon further inspection, I had caught one directly on the gnad! had a big welt and all. To this day, 8 months later, that nut still hurts if I move wrong!

Now, I always have something covering em!


01-15-2003, 04:56 PM
I've been playing for quite some time now, and I've never gotten shot in the nuts. I say if you get shot in the nuts, you're doing something wrong.

If you're sitting behind a bunker and somehow you get shot in the nuts, I'll be VERY surprised.

If you're trying to bunker someone, on the other hand, that's more possible. the way I run up to a bunker in those sort of situations involves me hunching over a bit, trying to stay as small a target as possible, and it also involves me bending my knees a bit which protects my nads pretty good.

seems to work for me.

01-15-2003, 05:29 PM
uhi always tell myself i'm going to wear my cup, but i always forget to put it on b4 i go to play!

i usually dont get hit in the lower body, mostly on the gun, mask, and hopper if i get hit anywhere (unless i get bunkered cuz the rest of my team is already out:eek: )

01-15-2003, 05:34 PM
First game on the break, I am scrambling to my bunker, take one directly into the left jewel...of course, I totally forgot to grab a 3 tube harness! I went down, slid into my bunker, came up and shot my guy out.

Um did the paintball break? If it did I say you deserve it for cheating.;)

01-15-2003, 06:07 PM
Nope, the ball that tagged me on the start did not break - seems like they hurt worse when that happens!!!

The delay in coming out of the bunker was checking for a break of the paint or my ball!!!

I found that the foam from RAVEN knee pads works very well as a soft cup, one side of it is soft foam, the other is compressed type closed cell foam.

I have taken a few playing at TIP, and never felt a one since I started wearing the soft cup.

01-15-2003, 06:35 PM
Originally posted by Robert Buckel
I never wear a cup but I had a friend that wore one.

Story Goes like this. Running through trees getting bunkered. Shot in Cup. Cup cracked in middle. Pinched Dingaling. Blood.

I will never wear one now. I have seen it first hand.


The first part definately concerns me... but, that whole scenario was lost when I read that you have "seen it first hand". Sorry! Poorly worded! hehehe

Anyway, this is one of those topics that peeps that haven't had it happen shrug it off, those that have gotten tagged are looking for boiler plates and chainmail. I used the old 2 loaders on a belt, but, like the idea of these "soft cups".

God save the jewels! A softcup for all! It only makes sense!

01-15-2003, 06:51 PM
1 time a guy didnt know where i was hense he was on the side of the bunker i could easily shoot at, i shot him in the stomach and he didnt go out and whiped it cause he didnt know i was thier and didnt think anyone was looking so i shot him as fast as i could with my trigger pull and i must of hit him 15 times in the stomach and 5 to the groin lol the ref had to come and carry him off the field crying


01-15-2003, 07:32 PM
I got shot there about 5 times over 7 years...never wore a cup...Its to restricting and it hurts. Sure they hurt reallly bad but i'd rather be able to crouch without having plastic/rubbery stuff rub on my thighs and make them sore too

01-15-2003, 09:09 PM
I started playing with a cup, and now if I forget I feel REAL uncomfortable out there, especially sitting behind a bunker with my legs open.. Ouch. Get hit there and you're gonna sound like Michael Jackson for two weeks.

I wear a thin pair of tight underwear, THEN a hard cup, then another pair of underwear or a cup holder to hold it all in place and it's real comfortable.

The big problem with the hard cups is that rubbery edge which seems to have been designed by a sadist with an exfoliation fetish. If you wear something underneath it takes care of that.

I did a 24 hour scenario game once with the cup against my skin, and jeez, I couldn't walk in a straight line for a week.


Lakeview Bulldog
01-15-2003, 09:18 PM
I wear a cup for football for our 4hr practices and it never bothered me. I wear one for paintball just cause I know how much that hurts. Everyone knows that its funny until it happens to you. And I dont know about you guys but I sure wouldnt want to be taken to the emergency cuz I got shot in the crotch. I vote that this become a classic thread. Very informational about the pros and cons of cup usage.

01-15-2003, 09:41 PM
I dont wear one. I have been married 11 years the jewels arent used that much so getting shot in them would turn me on.:D :D

01-15-2003, 09:49 PM
I've only worn a cup like twice sice I started playing about 4 years ago. I may get the raven slider shorts with the soft cup just to have some protection. Hard cups are just too uncomfortable for me, especially playing laydown bunkers or the snake. Luckily I've never been directly hit in my nuts(as I knock on wood). I've had shots come close but thanks to my baggy dye pants they've just bounced.

01-15-2003, 10:01 PM
I go old school with the cup, I use a dish towel. :)

01-15-2003, 10:53 PM
I wear my pack backwards :), people laugh but it's much more comfortable than a cup :)

01-16-2003, 12:10 AM
Originally posted by rpm07
I dont wear one. I have been married 11 years the jewels arent used that much so getting shot in them would turn me on.:D :D


01-16-2003, 02:09 PM
I have always played with a jock and cup, except the last time I went out. No cup. Came back from the field with a bi-lateral hernia. Co-incidence? Hrmm...........

In all seriousness (I know the lack of cup didn't cause the hernia), you only get 2 of them in life. You can function with 1, but why risk it? Sure, they are uncomfortable. Sure, they rub in all the wrong places. We wear protection for the eyes, what should make the jewels any different? It's macho to not wear a cup? It's not mandated equipment required by the rules?

Better safe than sorry, I say.


01-16-2003, 02:25 PM
Never worn one (except for soccer and when I played goalie in hockey). I practice profile technique: turn to the side, and, as snoop might say, your dizzle will hizzle. :D Works well. If I'm running dead at someone I move my harness to guard em. Only time I got popped in the jubblies was when I was sliding down a hill and this sweet little 16 yr old girl popped me one. Bounced, but I called myself out. :D

01-16-2003, 05:52 PM
Sounds like Redz has a new product that they should come out with.....

A cup made of the material similar to what his chest protecters are made out of... but maybe a bit thicker by like 2x? heheh... somone better email them about that...

I would buy one

~da baller

01-17-2003, 10:25 AM
From the replies, I have come to a few conclusions.

Those who don't mind wearing a cup have a system. First, a layer of underwear, then the cup. Pants are optional. :)

Myself, I wear boxers, then the jockstrap/cup combo. The brand name of the jockstrap/cup combo is the 'Duke' and the name just calls for laughter.

The 'System' for protection seems to work. It doesn't chaff me at all, and you just get used to them. Like my mask, I just forget that I am wearing my cup.

I'd rather concentrate on my shoot n scoot over concentrating on how to arrange my body to limit jubbly shots. :)

I bet if DYE came out with their own jockstrap/cup combo, that 50% of us would be protecting our he-junk.

Plus, there's nothing more funny than going to a girls house, from your church, and having only boxers and external cup on. It's even funnier when her mom shows up.

01-17-2003, 11:55 AM
Three words, gentlemen: Bike. Soft. Cup.

I can personally vouch for the effectiveness--I've been using one for seven years, and I've caught at least two dozen shots there in that time. They're made out of a very flexible plastic that allows full freedom of movement, without digging into your skin. Easily my best paintball-related purchase ever.

01-17-2003, 12:03 PM
been using one for seven years, and I've caught at least two dozen shots there in that time. .:eek:

There are these things called bunkers that protect you from getting hit. In the wood there are also these things called trees that can stop paintballs:rolleyes: :D

01-17-2003, 01:15 PM
This has actually been kinda funny listening to everybody's eupemisms for "the twins downstairs."

01-17-2003, 01:35 PM
Yes, there are bunkers and trees....

If you want to sit and hide behind a bunker and fling paint, that's great! The cover will protect you, but if you advance and bunker people, you do have to leave the cozy confines of your bunker.

Yes, you have to put the beer and chips away, get off the sofa ya got set up in the woods, and advance toward the opponent to really enjoy this game we call paintball.


01-17-2003, 01:47 PM
the beer and chips away

Another euphemisim:D

01-17-2003, 02:49 PM
i've been playing for 4 years now and i have never been hit in the crotch. i don't expose myself too much and when i move to another position i shoot thier bunker while i run like there is no tomorrow so they stay down,i'm just lucky i guess. but i have shot a few people in the nuts on purpose if i see them wipe a hit or try a "dead man's walk" or throw a grenade at me. I know it's mean but they deserve it and it's fun to laugh at them when they limp off the field.

01-17-2003, 04:14 PM

Originally posted by chris99506
i've been playing for 4 years now and i have never been hit in the crotch. i don't expose myself too much and when i move to another position i shoot thier bunker while i run like there is no tomorrow so they stay down,i'm just lucky i guess. but i have shot a few people in the nuts on purpose if i see them wipe a hit or try a "dead man's walk" or throw a grenade at me. I know it's mean but they deserve it and it's fun to laugh at them when they limp off the field.

01-17-2003, 05:35 PM
If you want to sit and hide behind a bunker and fling paint, that's great! The cover will protect you, but if you advance and bunker people, you do have to leave the cozy confines of your bunker.

I don't hide and fling paint, but I do use them for cover. My play is very agressive, but I'm wise enough not the rush people while they are shooting at me.

01-18-2003, 12:04 AM
I bought softball sliding shorts when i fist started, they are really nice, they have padding for sliding and a cup holder that is pretty comfortable.

02-13-2003, 03:21 AM
I don't need a cup I have balls of STEEL.lol

02-13-2003, 04:42 AM
Great investment.


02-13-2003, 01:43 PM
Ah, bunkermaster10 you beat me to it!!

Mine are made outta steel too!

Actually, i'm seriously looking into buying some form of protection (Raven shorts?) I haven't been hit there yet (thankfully) but the hits seem to get closer everytime.
I'm starting to get scared!

02-13-2003, 03:37 PM
Won't ever be caught without a cup.

Playing slo-pitch softball back in '82 as a pitcher, standing 47 feet from homeplate. Took a line drive back up the middle, flush on the cup as I was back-peddling after releasing the pitch. Absolutely NO time to re-act. The impact left an imprint of the cloth on the hard plastic and fracture lines leading away from all of the vent holes. Then my 2nd baseman asked me if it hurt when I laughed!!!

Finished the game, but walked funny for a couple of days.

02-13-2003, 03:43 PM
Won't ever be caught without a cup.

Playing slo-pitch softball back in '82 as a pitcher, standing 47 feet from homeplate. Took a line drive back up the middle, flush on the cup as I was back-peddling after releasing the pitch. Absolutely NO time to re-act. The impact left an imprint of the cloth on the hard plastic and fracture lines leading away from all of the vent holes. Then my 2nd baseman asked me if it hurt when I laughed!!!

Finished the game, but walked funny for a couple of days.

Psycho Chicken
02-13-2003, 07:29 PM
After a few shots...(hey i didn't think it would happen again!)...I use a towle draped over my pants. Now it's like blam...whew...didn't feel a thing.

02-13-2003, 08:01 PM
i dont wear one and i wont i got shot in the groin at ne ao day 2 which about 15 people witnessed along with me falling on the ground with a massive groan and a nigh to kind word.