View Full Version : review #more then one of the dye atc's

01-15-2003, 09:52 PM
alright, i know some other people(i think it was coffey but i could be wrong) have reviewed these super cool shoes but i decided i would give you another opinion.

i have had mine for just under 2 weeks and i love them to death!!! i actually look forward to putting them on(you have no idea how strange that is for me) and i dont even notice i'm wearing shoes they fit so well, i love how i can lace them up and zip them or do one or the other. they look great too!!! i love them and i think i will just keep getting new pairs as i outgrow my old ones, i highly suggest you get these if you are looking for new shoes!!!

the only thing is they are sized a bit small(mine are a whole size larger then my normal shoe size) so i suggest trying them on in person before buying.

01-15-2003, 10:04 PM
Do you wear them as regular shoes?