View Full Version : New Trigger: Manual and Electro only. No Hybrid.

01-16-2003, 05:52 AM
Hey All,

Further to some discussions a while back about what tourny players want in a trigger I came up with a new design of trigger system. It's a drop in replacement for the stock trigger which CAN allow you to have ONLY electronic mode and manual. In this prototype the trigger is still adjustable for firing point but not for travel (you can adjust the magnet).

With another replacement part (or modification to stock part) for the trigger system we could make the trigger travel adjustable and be able to tune in hybrid mode if people want it... I think I still need to make a prototype to prove that to myself ;) but I am fairly sure. So you could have electro, manual, or hybrid all off the selector switch WITHOUT having to turn your gun on or off or mess with any other switch...

This version in the photo's is a prototype (codenamed 'TT' for obvious reasons, to me anyway) and will look a bit different (read better ;) ) when in production and has my design version of what I call 'speed bumps' This allows the same thing as Odyssey's trigger where you can rub your finger over the humps up and down to get the gun to fire... only I have two bumps... = two shots on way down and two shots on way up if done just right. :D I can max out pretty much any ROF I want to this way (I've done versions with more bumps also). The really clever thing about how Chris from Odyssey fires his gun is the way he holds it to fire it, with his finger pointing back towards himself. But you need long fingers and it's not that comfortable for me personally.

With mine you can hold it normally and due to intentionally built in slop run your finger up and down along the guard (I've also built them with guide bars or trigger guards... ;) ) to get the firing action easily.

The trigger is very heavily radiused and polished smooth for ease of firing. It's actually also designed to be fast for the conventional type of firing by walking the trigger by easily letting your finger slide off the side.

If you don't want the 'TT'(tm) version with 'speed bumps' (tm) I will look to do other designs, I have a 3 bump design, as well as a semi blade version with one very smoothly radiused speed bump in the middle.

Oh and I am also looking to make it so that you can have a spring return for those that want the pull to get heavier as you pull and not lighter as with the current magnet set up. In fact you can make it have a snap release due to the magnets, a weak pull over the firing point and then heavier return with the spring... (how perfect is that? ;) ) This prototype also has an extra adjustable magnet location where I was looking at using magnets to return the trigger, but this would require a frame mod or bolt on piece which I am not too happy with at the moment.

It won't be cheap as there are several machining operations and set ups required to make this. But considering all the features stated (how did I get so many into one trigger I hear you ask ?!?!? ;) ) I think it will be value.

Disclaimer, this is not anything to do with AGD. You can not call them up and order it from them (this was a mistake made in a previous post on Sunday which subsequently got deleted). It is something which I, with the help of some others are looking to get produced somehow ;) .

Ok here's the pics...



Mr Pink
01-16-2003, 06:22 AM
So when are you going to let me have a go? Pinki's mag must own all:D

P.s I love the Manike Mag body - Picked a colour yet?

01-16-2003, 06:23 AM

I now have a gun which I can select manual, electronic and then hybrid mode just via the selector :)

With the use of tools. I can make it just manual and electronic :D


Anything else you guys want while I am at it? Fission in a test tube anyone? hehehe

01-16-2003, 06:41 AM

Mr Pink
01-16-2003, 06:46 AM
I'll take Cold Fusion if you've got some lying around.

Load SM5
01-16-2003, 08:53 AM
Good God, Manike, you've been busy. Looks really nice. I'm definately interested in trying a trigger or 2 of your's out.

01-16-2003, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by manike

I now have a gun which I can select manual, electronic and then hybrid mode just via the selector :)

With the use of tools. I can make it just manual and electronic :D


Anything else you guys want while I am at it? Fission in a test tube anyone? hehehe i want some fission in a test tube, please. do you use deuterium? what weight? (http://www.the-whiteboard.com/autowb093.gif)

anyway, back to the trigger... will the three-way select have a hybrid lockout? and will it work on my blade trigger?

01-16-2003, 09:48 AM
Who was the Model used for the Double TaTa's on that thing Simon? :D

01-16-2003, 09:56 AM
Originally posted by RamboPreacher
anyway, back to the trigger... will the three-way select have a hybrid lockout? and will it work on my blade trigger?

I need to fine tune how it works, and actually I have several options on how to choose what you get from it.

Currently you lockout the hybrid mode by rotating around where the selector switch sits on the selector barrel :) But this requires a mod to the selector and to the barrel.

I believe I can do it by just a mod to the barrel so the stock selector is fine.

If you just want to be able to use manual or electro then I can do it purely via a new trigger. Which is a straight swap in with no mods.

If you want you can tune that combo to be hybrid and manual (not sure if that's wanted).

It will not work with your current blade design as part of the design is integral to the trigger. We would offer blade style triggers though. I tried a way so that only the selector barrel needed to be replaced (so any trigger can be used) but it doesn't seem to be viable.


01-16-2003, 09:58 AM
Originally posted by cphilip
Who was the Model used for the Double TaTa's on that thing Simon? :D

I was betting you would get it first ;)

If you could see the magnet adjustment screws you would see the resemblance even more.

01-16-2003, 10:01 AM
Originally posted by manike

I now have a gun which I can select manual, electronic and then hybrid mode just via the selector :)

With the use of tools. I can make it just manual and electronic :D


Anything else you guys want while I am at it? Fission in a test tube anyone? hehehe

Manike, can you briefly go into how you get all three modes with just the selector switch. Is it Xmag specific, or can I accomplish this with my Emag?

Sorry, I type slow, did you just explain it? I'm a little confused.

01-16-2003, 10:09 AM
Originally posted by JEDI
Manike, can you briefly go into how you get all three modes with just the selector switch.

Sorry but not in detail until I find a way to see if it's possible to make them for everyone. Don't want someone ripping off my design and selling them first :)

It's another one of those 'doh thats so simple why didn't I think of it' ;)

It should be able to work on ANY E-mag at all, even your pink girly one ;) :D

01-16-2003, 10:18 AM
Not everybody can have a sexy marker like you... But you're right- at least it's not pink... :D

Nice work Manike!

01-16-2003, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by manike

Sorry but not in detail until I find a way to see if it's possible to make them for everyone. Don't want someone ripping off my design and selling them first :)

It's another one of those 'doh thats so simple why didn't I think of it' ;)

It should be able to work on ANY E-mag at all, even your pink girly one ;) :D

Oh sure, thats fair enough. I didnt realize you hadnt fully finished it. Keep us posted. Pink and girly? From you I deserve that;)
Dayspring- Keep it to your self. My ACID RED Emag is gonna hand you a little friendly *****-slapping next time us PBX'ers get together. :D

01-16-2003, 10:53 AM
[Thread Hijack]
Funny. We ALSO have an Acid Red Emag on our team... :D and a total of 6 Emags (One SFL- 5 regulars).

In other words- BRING IT. :D (Speaking of which- you going to the dinner on Friday?)
[/Thread Hijack]

Originally posted by JEDI

Oh sure, thats fair enough. I didnt realize you hadnt fully finished it. Keep us posted. Pink and girly? From you I deserve that;)
Dayspring- Keep it to your self. My ACID RED Emag is gonna hand you a little friendly *****-slapping next time us PBX'ers get together. :D

01-16-2003, 10:55 AM
Wht would you want to make E-Mag not have the hybrid mode? Is it simply that you can't have it with this trigger or is it that you're intentionaly taking it away?

01-16-2003, 11:02 AM
Originally posted by TheTramp
Wht would you want to make E-Mag not have the hybrid mode? Is it simply that you can't have it with this trigger or is it that you're intentionaly taking it away?

a) because in hybrid mode you can sometimes get two shots from one trigger pull and this is not wanted for some tournament series that I play in.

b) You could have hybrid with this trigger if you want it.

b) yes I am very intentionally taking it away (you could still have it if you wanted it)

Many tournament players just want electro with the mechanical back up. No hybrid.

Hybrid mode tends to cause me more problems than benefits. Ideally for me I want an electro gun that I can switch to mechanical if anything goes wrong, without having to worry about a judge trying to be an idiot and getting a double tap from my gun to stop me playing.


01-16-2003, 11:20 AM
Originally posted by manike

because in hybrid mode you can sometimes get two shots from one trigger pull and this is not wanted for some tournament series that I play in.

Fair enough, very good point.

Many tournament players just want electro with the mechanical back up. No hybrid.

Personaly, I love the hybrid but I can see how more profesinal tournament players wouldn't want to deal with ANY possible problems.

Hybrid mode tends to cause me more problems than benefits. Ideally for me I want an electro gun that I can switch to mechanical if anything goes wrong, without having to worry about a judge trying to be an idiot and getting a double tap from my gun to stop me playing.


Like I said, good point :) . I'm lucky in that the tournament series I play in isn't quite as strict. Of course we're not playing for large cash prizes or new cars, ect. Of course we also don't pay the big bucks to get in.

01-16-2003, 11:33 AM
That's pretty cool. It reminds me of the safety scissors they gave us in Kindergarten so we couldn't hurt ourselves or others.

01-16-2003, 11:46 AM
Yeah, they give you the scissors that can't cut dirt but gave you the compass that could kill a horse.

Originally posted by Python14
That's pretty cool. It reminds me of the safety scissors they gave us in Kindergarten so we couldn't hurt ourselves or others.

01-16-2003, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by manike

Sorry but not in detail until I find a way to see if it's possible to make them for everyone. Don't want someone ripping off my design and selling them first :)

It would seem to be something patentable, despite the fact that it is pretty easy to do.

And of course this is prior art vs. say someone else doing it;)

01-16-2003, 07:08 PM
i am pretty sure i know how you did it and that is simple and sweet idea to cut out the hybrid mode. this means you could store it in manual and not have to have the inhibitor at all. that would be good for us forgetful types.

01-16-2003, 07:17 PM
Originally posted by beefstew
this means you could store it in manual and not have to have the inhibitor at all. that would be good for us forgetful types.

Unfortunately not. I looked at doing that but it's more complicated and costly.

You will still need to switch your gun off via the yellow pin (or switch) else the battery will drain.


01-16-2003, 08:55 PM
so are you just saying this will improve your speed by the way the trigger was designed? i'm not following. or is there something like the agd/odessy trigger like the wheel?

01-16-2003, 09:02 PM
Originally posted by p8ntballervirus
so are you just saying this will improve your speed by the way the trigger was designed? i'm not following. or is there something like the agd/odessy trigger like the wheel?

The 'speed bumps' work exactly the same way as the wheel on Odysseys trigger... but can also be 'stroked' from the side (not as quick for me as from the front but still works).

Also a large edge radius makes it easier to walk the trigger in a conventional manner because you can slide past the edge of the trigger easy and keep a rhythm.

All in all it's the fastest trigger I've shot, how ever I use it.


01-17-2003, 12:39 AM
So does this trigger work in manual?

I read over it but I'm kinda stupid from too many projects.

01-17-2003, 07:20 AM
Originally posted by FooTemps
So does this trigger work in manual?

Did you even read the title? How can you have read the body of the thread without knowing the answer to your question?

YES. It works in all modes if you want it to. But you can make it just work for MANUAL and ELECTRONIC.


01-17-2003, 12:20 PM
Very nice job Manike!:D

Question: Where did you get that removable drop system? NPS doesn't carry them.:(

01-17-2003, 12:27 PM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye
Question: Where did you get that removable drop system? NPS doesn't carry them.:(

From Have Blue. He posts here so you can PM him for one. Tell him you want one like I have. I love em.

They are originally from NW Paintball.


01-17-2003, 12:33 PM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye
Very nice job Manike!:D

Question: Where did you get that removable drop system? NPS doesn't carry them.:(


very usefull little bit of hardware, but i'd hold off getting one for a week or so, you never know what could creep into the market by then.

01-17-2003, 12:45 PM
Originally posted by synreal


very usefull little bit of hardware, but i'd hold off getting one for a week or so, you never know what could creep into the market by then.

Like what?:confused:

01-17-2003, 01:10 PM
you'll see ;)

01-17-2003, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by synreal
you'll see ;)
I was about to say, what do you know that I don't. But then I remembered. hahahahaha I know what it is.

01-17-2003, 01:17 PM
I'm looking forward to seeing them also Synreal. I definitely want one! Pre-ordered in shiny black ;)

01-17-2003, 01:22 PM

I don't want to order this if something better is coming out. Preordered what? Please let me in on this secret!

01-17-2003, 09:04 PM
:) that is some funny shat...

Simon, I need to try one of them there triggers, so since I picked you up at the airport at shatner, I think I should be first in line;) Any idea on costs yet? $50, $75, $100, $beer?

/me knows the secret!!!;)

01-17-2003, 09:08 PM
Muzikman I have no idea about cost yet. When I know I'll post up.

01-18-2003, 04:45 PM
I now have a gun which I can select manual, electronic and then hybrid mode just via the selector :)

How did you do that? I'm interested :)

Anything else you guys want while I am at it? Fission in a test tube anyone? hehehe [/B]

No thanks. Some poeple already did it. Just avoid sodium in the water, it cancels the reaction (fusion here) :))

I don't really like the look of the trigger, but if it allows me to reach 26bps (twice my ROF hence), I'll happily buy one from you :)


01-18-2003, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by Pand0ra
I don't really like the look of the trigger

I'm not sure I do either :) It's a case of function over form, but I can do a few things to spruce it up.

Any qualms over the looks soon go away when I shoot it though. It's awesome.

The thing about triggers like this is not just the ROF, but who consistently you can keep that rof going for.


01-18-2003, 06:18 PM
What is coming out soon?

Please someone tell me!!!

01-18-2003, 11:37 PM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye
What is coming out soon?

Please someone tell me!!!

a new trigger.

01-18-2003, 11:56 PM
Originally posted by mag-hatter

a new trigger.

No, not the trigger. Earlier in this thread, Synreal and Manike alude to a new type of quick release drop and I want details!!!!

01-19-2003, 01:19 AM


01-19-2003, 01:32 AM
I'm guessing this wouldn't work with gloves... will this be as effective as the roller?

01-19-2003, 07:37 PM
i have fired in the method described with gloves, without the roller in the trigger.

01-21-2003, 10:12 AM
Hey guys, those of you that joined in the fun thread hi-jacking I'd really appreciate it if you could delete those posts and clean up the thread now :)



p.s. Mods feel free to help out also ;)