View Full Version : Possible Retro valve problem

01-16-2003, 11:42 AM
When I pulled out the reg valve pin assembly the entire assembly just fell apart... i put it back together but it sure doesn't look like the picture in the store anymore...... Could this be a problem??? When I gas up there is a leak coming from the rail underneath my asa. When i pull the trigger the leak is still there. I'm pretty sure its not coming out anywhere near my on/off. Any ideas?

01-16-2003, 03:01 PM
What I have done.

I have replaced the reg piston oring, reg valve pin orings, I have reassembled the regulator pin assembly to exactly how it is in the pictures. My input pressure is about 700psi I have had this leak before I went to lvl10. Its definately not coming from my asa... it seems to be coming around the on/off but when the trigger is pulled it continues to leak. any other information? Only other thing I could think of is to replace the regulator seat... but I don't really want to spend the money right away to try that.....

01-16-2003, 06:45 PM
update: whenever someone has an idea :)

Well I think its an on/off problem. I fed some more oil through it and it actually stopped leaking for a second or so. I degassed and gassed it back up and the leaking began again. The only oring I didn't replace/check in the on/off assembly was the quad oring since I don't have any extra ones. I am assuming the quad oring wears out fast?? :) Ah well I just havn't tinkered with my emag for 4months. I always seem to have a problem when i gas her up.

01-17-2003, 12:01 PM

01-18-2003, 09:01 PM
my last try :)

01-18-2003, 09:14 PM
just get a new reg. pin valve assembly. That's probably where the leak is coming from. The Quad rings do not wear out fast, if the rest of your on/off o'rings are fine, my guess is the reg pin valve assembly.

(plz try and use the sig once per page.):)

01-19-2003, 03:45 AM
Originally posted by Havoc_online
just get a new reg. pin valve assembly. That's probably where the leak is coming from. The Quad rings do not wear out fast, if the rest of your on/off o'rings are fine, my guess is the reg pin valve assembly.

(plz try and use the sig once per page.):)

Yeah I suppose I will try that. Oh the sig thing, I am trying my best. I am a very busy man and when i get on here i'm in a rush the way it is ;)