View Full Version : XValve Problem Troubleshooting Thread

01-16-2003, 01:15 PM
I figured I would start this out to have a good reference source. Anyone who has had a problem with their XValve so far and can explain for others in detail what it was, what the symptoms were, and how it was fixed, post here so others can troubleshoot their Mag to help the guys at AGD from having to go through it all if you have to call them.
The ones I have had so far are the following:

1.) Air was leaking out the crack in the valve between the two halves. By unscrewing the two halves, making sure the oring was seated well, and rescrewing the valve it solved that problem.

2.) Right now the on/off assembly does not seem to be able to sit flush with the valve body. I've checked the orings inside the hole to make sure they are sitting flush, the pin is not bent (I just got it last night too) and it doesn't interfere with the valve assembly sliding onto the gun. My gun is not firing right now though (part of #3 so I'm wondering if this is not an issue or possibly something). Anyone have any experiences like this? It was on real tight originally but doesn't seem to be able to sit that well again. I have treated it with car besides making a clear effort to push it back in.

3.) The thing won't shoot! The trigger pressurizes, no leaks exist when the tank has 1000psi left and is preset to release at 850psi, so I know the air getting to the valve is pressured enough at least. When I remove the tank the valve is still pressurized and I can literally unhook the quick disconnect and the valve stays pressurized. About a minute or two later is makes a sssssSSSST noise and despressurizes. Anyone have this happen to them, know why, and know how to fix it?

These are my key ones and of course any issues with Level 10's being adjusted can be included, anyone have detailed and accurate input on these issues please post for myself and others, and by all means contribute any other issues to this knowledge base to make it a common reference point. Thank you.

01-16-2003, 01:21 PM
Not a bad idea. However, the valve is nothing special. It's a retro valve. And it comes with level 10. So deal with it as a normal ReTro Valve and Level 10 kit. No real need for a special thread.