View Full Version : adults only paintball?

01-16-2003, 02:11 PM
Now let me just say I dont think paintball should be for adults only. Paintball should be for the whole family. But...I would love to see (or if i ran one) a paintball field that was for ages 18+ (or under 18 if accompanied by a parent/guardian on the field). I would like to see what everyone elses thoughts are on this subject. Its my hypothesis that many other adults would like to see the same thing.


01-16-2003, 02:18 PM
why? it seems kinda pointless to me..

01-16-2003, 02:23 PM
What I think is needed is a vacation package involving paintball. Check it out: it could be like the Hedonism Island where you and a host of other singles play paintball during the days and then mingle and whatnot at night. How cool would that be? A tropical vaction spot with lovely single women interested in paintball? Of course, they might have a little trouble at first getting a lot of women to go but it would be cool if they could.

That would be a great vacation...lovely ladies, umbrella drinks and paintball on an island. (Sounds like Road to Aruba) It's worth mentioning I'm sitting in Kansas City right now looking out at a couple inches of snow, so that might be my inspiration.

Anyway, as to the original post, I can see your point about having seperate fields for adults and kids. I don't really think that's necissary, just maybe "newbs" and "regulars".

01-16-2003, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by cheetah256
why? it seems kinda pointless to me..

*edit* since some people don't seem to be catching the sarcasm...

how old are you? :) smiley means i'm kidding older players would be more mature *ahem* sarcasm alert! responsible *cough* sarcasm again and better sportsmen..... HAHAHAHAHAHA! can we take all this sarcasm? thereby making the game more enjoyable for them because they wouldn't have to deal with all the cheating, unsafe practices, whining, and temper tantrums. :p whole sentence = sarcastic

nonsarcastic:somehow i don't think this is gonna happen. besides the fact that there's always gonna be a jerk messing things up regardless of age there's too many players in the 14-17 age group. this would have to be done in an area where there's enough players to cut out large portion of the playing population.

now that i've edited it people can stop quoting my first paragraph and disagreeing with it. :mad:

01-16-2003, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by Jack_Dubious
Now let me just say I dont think paintball should be for adults only. Paintball should be for the whole family. But...I would love to see (or if i ran one) a paintball field that was for ages 18+ (or under 18 if accompanied by a parent/guardian on the field). I would like to see what everyone elses thoughts are on this subject. Its my hypothesis that many other adults would like to see the same thing.


I could be all for an 'Adult Swin' type setup. Maybe Thursdays are 18+ only, or something. That seems like it woul dbe cool. That way adaults could go play good competitive paintball wthout the kids running around.

The only reason I say this is from experience. I have seen the youngun's running around like fools plenty of time. Not to mention the 12 year-old newbies that hide in the back bunker... ;)

Like I said, I think a regualr 'Adult Only' day or evening, or something would be a cool idea.

Later ~ Jonesie

01-16-2003, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by Jack_Dubious
Now let me just say I dont think paintball should be for adults only. Paintball should be for the whole family. But...I would love to see (or if i ran one) a paintball field that was for ages 18+ (or under 18 if accompanied by a parent/guardian on the field). I would like to see what everyone elses thoughts are on this subject. Its my hypothesis that many other adults would like to see the same thing.

I don’t mind folks under 18 playing. And I don’t think it should be required that if your are under 18 you have a parent/guardian ON the field. I do however don’t like seeing Paintball (or any recreational activity, or even malls for that matter) used as a babysitting service. Children should not be dropped off and left in wild packs to ruin other people’s days.

I am sure we have all seen this before.

But it is up to the field owners to enforce any “guidance” or “control” issues. The good fields WILL do so. And they are not afraid to tell a group, or individuals to not come back.

I will however, say that I would not be opposed to days set aside for either under 18 players or over 18 players. This would create some days that “feel” different than days mixed with all ages. I think adults need to get out sometimes without having kids around. And this is NOT saying kids are bad, but I am sure other adults know what I am talking about.

I love my kids dearly, but some of the best times I have had are when me and the other adult in-laws go out by ourselves. We sometimes go to the lake and go boating, and other such things. Kids do stuff like that all the time, but too often forget that parents are people too, and we need time alone…. with other adults… minus any children at all.

Now, the days for only kids, they still need adult supervision at the park, that goes without saying… but on the playing field, it would be ONLY the kids.

01-16-2003, 02:32 PM
lol...a Hedonism w/Paintball.....hehe

If i wasnt more clear I mean...the entire paintball facility would be 18+, not just certain playing fields within that facility.

My thinking goes like this...Im 30 now. When me and my friends go out and do something we are usually in an adult enviroment...and I would like that to extend to paintball also. For example...if I went to play pool...would I want to go to a place that had a large group of 12-13 year old kids running around? No.

This is just my thoughts...I dont think it should be for the entire sport of paintball....i would just like to be able to go to a paintball park that was adults only.


01-16-2003, 02:57 PM
Based on your more recent post, allow me to expound on my previous post, Jack.

I don't think that an entire facility should be 18+ or <18. But I do think that a day of the week or some such period of time would be not only appropriate, but attractive.

And just to clarify, I am an adult, but just barely at the ripe old age of 22! :D

Later ~ Jonesie

01-16-2003, 03:10 PM
I do not think blanket policies about age will be as effective as imagined. I have seen an equal amount of negative behavior at paintball places from adults and teens/kids alike. Plus, I would not want to lose out an an opportunity to play. I could see how it would be frustrating, as an adult, to have a day of paintball, if not quite ruined, than diminished in fun, because of some young kid. I however, would not be against certain age nights, as long as there were equal number of under 18 days as there were over 18 days.

01-16-2003, 03:24 PM
trying to keep us kids out eh...? :p

01-16-2003, 03:31 PM
I know many people complain about minors not acting "mature"...but this is not my reasoning. We have all seen adults act as, if not more, immature than many minors. My point is much as what Shartley said....its just sometimes nicer to be in the company of adults.

Also I feel that some field owners think all of thier customers are children, thus treating everyone like children...but my anger towards many field owners and thier poor customer service is for another thread..


01-16-2003, 03:39 PM
You can't buy a pb marker in the states until you are 18,you're not supposed to be at a field if not at least accompinied by a family member 18+.Do many fields follow this law? No,but it looks good on paper!:P

01-16-2003, 03:59 PM
Originally posted by MantisMag

how old are you? :) older players would be more mature *ahem* responsible *cough* and better sportsmen..... HAHAHAHAHAHA! thereby making the game more enjoyable for them because they wouldn't have to deal with all the cheating, unsafe practices, whining, and temper tantrums. :p

Why do you say tha adults would be more mature/better sports? Ive seen just as many adults cheat and whine as I have kids my age(im 15 BTW). In fact most of the kids who play regulary that I know are WAY more honest then some of the older guys I know. If you dont wanna be arouund kids why dont you go somewhere else in the staging area?

Most places are only open 2 days a week, and if you have an adult day then that takes away half of the time I can play. If Sunday is adult day and I work on saturdays then I dont get to play unless I have a day off. SO hows that fair, adults can play whenever they want, and kids only get to play certain days?

The only reason I say this is from experience. I have seen the youngun's running around like fools plenty of time. Not to mention the 12 year-old newbies that hide in the back bunker...

SO now its MY fault that kids never played before? And besides, Ive seen just as many older people doing the EXACT SAME THING.

Quit whining ya old geezers. You guys are probably just lookin for an excuse cause you cant hack it with us anymore.;)

01-16-2003, 04:30 PM
Being over 30 myself I find this idea appealing.

At our local field their is a pair of brothers probably 12 and 14. They are dropped off by their parents in the morning and spend the whole day fighting and cussing and throwing fits. I have all but quit reffing because of them.

The older boy plays along with about 8 other kids who are well behaved and easy to get along with. The two trouble kids have a daddy who appearantly has more money than time for the kids.

I will also admit that I have seen a few players that are my age behave almost as poorly. On the field, anyone that is being pissy becomes my first objective.

Most of the older players that I play with make for an enjoyble day because we also share other common interests like "our" music and muscle cars etc. that provide good conversation off the field. But hey just an old farts perspective.

01-16-2003, 04:36 PM
I'm 30 in February,and I understand both your points(the kids,and the whiny adults),I've seen both.If fields do an 'adults only' field,then there should be a 'kids only' day or some other such thing.

01-16-2003, 04:44 PM
theres not enought fields around (or at least here) to be excluding people. besides, why would age limits change anything for the better anyway?

01-16-2003, 04:50 PM
I understand both your points(the kids,and the whiny adults),I've seen both.If fields do an 'adults only' field,then there should be a 'kids only' day or some other such thing.

I will agree with warped1. What's good for the goose is good for the gander and paintball is a sport for everybody.

01-16-2003, 04:53 PM
Jack, I am in the same boat. Maybe one night adults only, one night kids only. Something like that. But, I get tired of the young pissant attitudes sometimes....oh well, guess I'm just getting old:rolleyes:

01-16-2003, 04:54 PM
I think the "adult swim" idea is good. You can't exclude younger players, they're the future! but yeah, maybe an 18+ night at some field would be cool. Personally, I can't understand what some of these kids are saying on the field, cuz they got high pitched voices screaming under a mask that muffels thier voice! <sqeek> <sqeek> lol!!!

01-16-2003, 04:57 PM
We don't need seperate fields to open,just set aside(for example)every other weekend for adults only,or "sat is 12-17 year olds only!",and "sun is 18 and up only!"etc etc.

01-16-2003, 05:10 PM
I would love having Adults only time, to eliminate some of the really young kids. (12-15) Let them play with other kids and build skill. I'm not a great player but I hate when young new players call themselves out when they haven't been hit, because they are scared.

I live in Pensacola Florida and some guys started the Pensacola Painball League. There is a website www.pensacolapaintball.com that lists where everyone in the league is going that weekend. If you work it right you can get all the adults to go to one place on one day and there may be kids there but overall it will be adults. Kids who need rides to places usually go to the same place that their parents know. If you go to a place that has few kids you'll be golden.

01-16-2003, 05:10 PM
Jack....look you need to sitdown and shut up. You are going to spoil a damn good thing us old guys got going. Of course, at 35 I am in the young old crowd.

Consider...a game of centerflag push with the box in the middle...without some 14 yr to go run and get it one of old farts would have to. It takes 2 minutes to get that far.

And where would I get my flushers...you know that group of 12 yrs that run in front of you and flushes the other players out of their hiding positions and keep you from getting shot from the side with your bad eye.

And I would miss all those bunker attempts. The 16 yr that just saw a pro do it and doesn't realize that he is not suppose to come running at your bunker when you are looking at him.

I can just see it now, back players with flatlines and rocking chairs, mid-players with bifocals and super electro guns(because we can afford it), and front players with electic wheel chairs (thay can move the fastest). Of course the major sponsors would be Viagra, Oldsmobile, and IBProfen.


01-16-2003, 05:11 PM
IF you want to play with people your age than go make a private group thing or w/e its called to your field, so its the people your age :rolleyes: Not that hard now, is it?

01-16-2003, 05:27 PM
Originally posted by CRog075
IF you want to play with people your age than go make a private group thing or w/e its called to your field, so its the people your age :rolleyes: Not that hard now, is it? But pb is all about meeting new people too.

01-16-2003, 05:32 PM
The closest to 18 and over that I have seen at a field, was at the New Jersey Paintball Club in West Milford, NJ.

On their walkon days, it is 16 and over, unless you are acommpanied by an adult. They strongly reccoment players under 16 play in a private group.

01-16-2003, 05:34 PM
Weighing in at the old age of 31 I can partially understand where you are coming from. The most fun I have playing is when we manage to get all the high school chums together for a battle royal.

I do enjoy playing with the young ones as well, however. The funny thing is that if you just are nice enough to talk with those young players you suddenly have an army of firepower following you. :D

Sometimes the army can start getting annoying.

01-16-2003, 05:49 PM
Now let me start by saying Im just 16, but here are my thoughts:

First off, Im guessing with the 18+ thing your going for an 'adult' atmosphere, which is totally reasonable, but then make it 100% and say even kids with adult supervision cant be on. But one other thing, IMO 18 year olds, arnt a whole lot different than 16 year olds, except the can legaly smoke and buy porn. They are a bit more knowledgeable (I cant spell...) and maybe a bit more mature, but get 3 or 4 of them together and you wont be able to tell the difference. Make it like 23+ or so, beats me, but 18 year olds arnt that mature :)

Now I admit, almost 90% of the times I go paintballing, I get worked up in a bit of a frenzy and get outspoken and bossy, and I realize that thoes little kids that look like idiots to me, I probly look like an even bigger idiot to the older guys watching. Ive been working on keeping that to a minimum, but sometimes (even during P.E. at school) I just get really worked up and VERY competative, even if Im totally sucking.

01-16-2003, 05:50 PM
You know what I find funny, and a good example of WHY an Adult Time would be good? It does not matter that every adult that said it would be a good thing also said a special time should be set aside for kids as well…. people will only read what they want.

No one is saying that what is good for US is not good for the kids too. That was NEVER said. It was not even insinuated.


Originally posted by eric
Why do you say tha adults would be more mature/better sports? Ive seen just as many adults cheat and whine as I have kids my age(im 15 BTW). In fact most of the kids who play regulary that I know are WAY more honest then some of the older guys I know. If you dont wanna be arouund kids why dont you go somewhere else in the staging area?
You have missed the reasoning for this all together….

Originally posted by eric
Most places are only open 2 days a week, and if you have an adult day then that takes away half of the time I can play. If Sunday is adult day and I work on saturdays then I dont get to play unless I have a day off. SO hows that fair, adults can play whenever they want, and kids only get to play certain days?
And your argument about working holds no water sorry. Adults work on weekends too. And I will point out that the average child has more free time than the average working adult.

Not to mention that these days don’t HAVE to be on the weekend.

Originally posted by eric
Quit whining ya old geezers. You guys are probably just lookin for an excuse cause you cant hack it with us anymore.
Who the heck was whining? Some adults asked a mature question and wanted to have a mature conversation about it, and see what happens? ;) Again, another reason for Adult time.

Guess what? Some kids may think I am a “bad” person for this, but in my house when I have adult guests, the kids are not “invited” to join in the conversations. I don’t tell my kids to get lost, but they know that not EVERYTHING is for them, or demands that they participate in on an equal level as an Adult, or be privy to it. The same as when my kids have friends over, I don’t hang around and try to join in on everything they do. Sometimes Adults and Kids need time alone and with their peers.

Unfortunately this is one downside of the internet, the lines are too easily blurred. And sorry, I don’t think it is rude, or asking too much that adults have something for themselves…. Even more so when we openly admit that kids should have it too. And that is not whining.


01-16-2003, 06:10 PM
My saturday and sunday thing was just an example.

01-16-2003, 06:27 PM
You know, some kids are a lot smarter and more mature than adults..Do you ever watch videos of the pros when they get shot out? At my field I have NEVER reffed a game and seen somebody throw a temper tantrum, all but once. The person was a grown man who was screaming and cussing, and proceeded to come at me! Adults can be so ignorant when it comes to children. They think because they were born earlier they are the superior. Although SHartley is my hero :) he can get on my nerves for this such reason. And on the matter of the adults only paintball field, if you could have kids play with parents there anyways, whats the point? Kids kick the grownups *** anyways :)

edit: About the "kids running around" thing. Thats another statement which is true for nebies. You think all grownups are competitive speedball/tourney players? NO! I am only 15 and go to 1 tournement a month, captain an organized FULLY sponsored team...you know, grownups are crazed sometimes, mabe I will understand when Im "older"

edit again: About kids throwing temper tantrums and such, mabe if your field had the balls to make them sit out a game, or punish them in some way for breaking the rules you wouldnt have that problem. At my field when a kid or somebody freaks out, we make them sit out for a game. Only once has this happened however.

01-16-2003, 06:38 PM
Eric, you seriously missed the point. I'm 18 (19 on Sat. woot!), and alot of kids I play with are a bit more immature than the older players. Yes, there is a difference between 18 year olds and 16 year olds. The whole mindset of being out of high school does wonders for maturity. Alot of younger players do give up when they have 2 guys left, or are the last man themselves. They whine and moan when I call them out because they got hit on the gun and didn't see it. I've seen tons of arguments, bad tempers, swearing, pushing, near fist fights, and so on. All this from the younger crowd. I WILL NOT get into who cheats more, because that is a question of integrity. But eric, it's not fair to call all of us who want an adult only day "old geezers".

01-16-2003, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
You know, some kids are a lot smarter and more mature than adults..Do you ever watch videos of the pros when they get shot out? At my field I have NEVER reffed a game and seen somebody throw a temper tantrum, all but once. The person was a grown man who was screaming and cussing, and proceeded to come at me! Adults can be so ignorant when it comes to children. They think because they were born earlier they are the superior. Although SHartley is my hero :) he can get on my nerves for this such reason. And on the matter of the adults only paintball field, if you could have kids play with parents there anyways, whats the point? Kids kick the grownups *** anyways :)

edit: About the "kids running around" thing. Thats another statement which is true for nebies. You think all grownups are competitive speedball/tourney players? NO! I am only 15 and go to 1 tournement a month, captain an organized FULLY sponsored team...you know, grownups are crazed sometimes, mabe I will understand when Im "older"

edit again: About kids throwing temper tantrums and such, mabe if your field had the balls to make them sit out a game, or punish them in some way for breaking the rules you wouldnt have that problem. At my field when a kid or somebody freaks out, we make them sit out for a game. Only once has this happened however. LOL Again you missed what I was saying. ;)

It is not an issue of only maturity, we have established on many occasions that adults can be immature. But what kids seem to think is that if an adult says “Kids are not my peers.” or anything like it, that they are saying so simply because they are jerks, or were “born first and thus superior”. That is not it at all. And I am afraid that no matter how many times we try to explain it, it will not sink in until the kids BECOME adults and have kids of their own. ;)

This is also not about who are better players. But we see that tossed in as an excuse for why kids think we want our own time.

Kids get to be with other kids all the time. Kids get to PLAY with other kids all the time. Kids get to escape and be with their friends all the time. Adults and Parents can not. It seems we spend our lives rotating around our work, and making sure our kids have what they need and want, taking them to and from places, etc.

You kids are right. We don’t deserve any time among ourselves. You are better than us in everything. You know more. You are more experienced than we are. You are more able to fend for yourself and others than we are. And the list goes on and on…..

We on the other hand don’t do a darn thing, are not good at anything, are totally incompetent, and what gets me the most is how we can even get though life at all.

Tell you what, lets switch roles for even just a month. Not just one kid, but ALL kids and adults.

Yeah, I am out of line. I am way off base. Kids RULE!

(And all this because some adults wanted some time without kids. )

01-16-2003, 06:45 PM
Originally posted by Jonesie

The only reason I say this is from experience. I have seen the youngun's running around like fools plenty of time. Not to mention the 12 year-old newbies that hide in the back bunker... ;)
Later ~ Jonesie
i can sorta see your point but i was playing pan-am and nppl young guns at 12 and was probably more in shape more than now. right now im 16 and continue to kick 20 and 30 year olds buts idea. at my locat field, they have seperate newbs/beginners and advanced/tp games. i love this, as it seperates the field with less paint flyin around (unaimed) and you dont have to feel bad about hitting that newb too many times

01-16-2003, 06:48 PM
Originally posted by shartley
LOL Again you missed what I was saying. ;)

It is not an issue of only maturity, we have established on many occasions that adults can be immature. But what kids seem to think is that if an adult says “Kids are not my peers.” or anything like it, that they are saying so simply because they are jerks, or were “born first and thus superior”. That is not it at all. And I am afraid that no matter how many times we try to explain it, it will not sink in until the kids BECOME adults and have kids of their own. ;)

This is also not about who are better players. But we see that tossed in as an excuse for why kids think we want our own time.

Kids get to be with other kids all the time. Kids get to PLAY with other kids all the time. Kids get to escape and be with their friends all the time. Adults and Parents can not. It seems we spend our lives rotating around our work, and making sure our kids have what they need and want, taking them to and from places, etc.

You kids are right. We don’t deserve any time among ourselves. You are better than us in everything. You know more. You are more experienced than we are. You are more able to fend for yourself and others than we are. And the list goes on and on…..

We on the other hand don’t do a darn thing, are not good at anything, are totally incompetent, and what gets me the most is how we can even get though life at all.

Tell you what, lets switch roles for even just a month. Not just one kid, but ALL kids and adults.

Yeah, I am out of line. I am way off base. Kids RULE!

(And all this because some adults wanted some time without kids. )

You know what, I completely agree with you, well for the most part. However, I understand that it was not initially a matter of maturity or anything like that, but people made it that way. I wouldnt have a problem with the 18+ thing, in a way. Whats the difference between a 15 yr old and an 18 yr old when there is a 55 yr old there also?Should we have 55 + too? I understand all of your points, and usually shartley you are right, but people on here change things SO quickly from what they initially were...and by the way, I recently got our team a full sponsorship for 1 tournement a month, 5 dye 2003 jerseys, 5 invision masks, 5 dye 2003 hybrid pants! Im so happy :p

edit: about the kids getting to see there friends all the time, I DONT! I hold 2 REAL jobs, have math tutoring, and school. I dont get a lot of chances to do stuff with my friends. Adults on the other hand can have there friends (if they have em lol) over whenever they want, after work of course.

01-16-2003, 07:00 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
You know what, I completely agree with you, well for the most part. However, I understand that it was not initially a matter of maturity or anything like that, but people made it that way. I wouldnt have a problem with the 18+ thing, in a way. Whats the difference between a 15 yr old and an 18 yr old when there is a 55 yr old there also?Should we have 55 + too? I understand all of your points, and usually shartley you are right, but people on here change things SO quickly from what they initially were...and by the way, I recently got our team a full sponsorship for 1 tournement a month, 5 dye 2003 jerseys, 5 invision masks, 5 dye 2003 hybrid pants! Im so happy :p
Let me first congratulate you on your sponsorship. Good job. I am proud of you,

Thank you for understanding my points. I think more should keep this in the spirit it was started as.

Yes, even among adults you have age brackets. But the biggest age bracket happens at roughly 18… those younger, and those older. And there are things that everyone in each of those TWO brackets can relate to with others in that bracket. I will admit that there is a big difference between 18 and 55, but there are many more similarities than with 15 and 55. It has to do with what each person is doing in life, or has done.

This is not a bad thing. It is part of growing up and growing older. It is also why they have things like Seniors Cruises. I would not feel comfortable at one, and don’t belong. I also don’t want to deny them their special thing. And when you look at it, there are far more special things for kids than working age adults. And this is not a bad thing either.

All this thread is about, is having special times where adults of working age can get together to play paintball and shoot the breeze without a younger crowd around. It is even admitting that a kids only time would be great as well, and in fact needed.

All the other issues are just pissing contests. And from what I saw, started by kids. Add to that, that the adults discussing it were not being insulting in any way about it either. Makes you want to toss your hands up and shout “Jesus! Can’t we have ANYTHING?!?” LOL

01-16-2003, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by shartley
You kids are right. We don’t deserve any time among ourselves. You are better than us in everything. You know more. You are more experienced than we are. You are more able to fend for yourself and others than we are. And the list goes on and on…..

Okay Shartley you are laying it on really thick:D

But I agree with Shartley on this. This is not an issue of being better players, more sportmanslike, etc. The only times I have seen near fights at the field have been among adults. Totally immature and really ruin the day for the rest of us. This was just posed as a question for other peoples thoughts about occasionally playing all adult games (for various reasons).

It was not suggested that people want to play this way ALL the time. Shartley did not say this but I'm sure that playing with his kids are some of his best paintball days. He would probably choose playing with his kids over an all adult paintball day a majority of the time (speaking for you Shartley, sorry...).

I play with my stepson and I truly enjoy it. If his marker breaks down, however, guess who has to fix it? If he wants to play speedball versus woodsball guess which one we play? If he has a friend along now I'm pleasing two egos before my own. I'm not complaining. These are the things that parents do. Occasionally, however, it is nice to totally be self indulgent. This is why I wouldn't mind the occasional all adult game. If I had to exclusively pick between one or the other for the rest of my life I'd rather play with a mixture of ages but occasionally I'd like to worry about one person (myself).:)

01-16-2003, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
edit: about the kids getting to see there friends all the time, I DONT! I hold 2 REAL jobs, have math tutoring, and school. I dont get a lot of chances to do stuff with my friends. Adults on the other hand can have there friends (if they have em lol) over whenever they want, after work of course.
You are not typical then. But your comments on what adults can do is not quite accurate. ;) I have many friends, and can never seem to get together with any of them… and they all say the same thing. Our time is not as FREE as you may think it is. Even if I have nothing to do, I can not just get up and go someplace… I have a family and kids to take care of and be there for. As do all my friends. Hmmmm So where is that time we can just have friends over or go to our friend’s homes? ;) It does not exist for many of us.

01-16-2003, 07:07 PM
I think yall are just intimidated by us young ppl. No im just playing. I wouldnt really agree with the 18 and older thing. First of all i would get stuck playin with alot of younger kids. Most of them are usually newbs and just shooting up newbs is a waste of time and paint in my mind. I like playing with older ppl for i learn more and it can be alot more fun. Thats just what i think. by the way im 16.

01-16-2003, 07:08 PM
Originally posted by aaron_mag

Okay Shartley you are laying it on really thick:D

But I agree with Shartley on this. This is not an issue of being better players, more sportmanslike, etc. The only times I have seen near fights at the field have been among adults. Totally immature and really ruin the day for the rest of us. This was just posed as a question for other peoples thoughts about occasionally playing all adult games (for various reasons).

It was not suggested that people want to play this way ALL the time. Shartley did not say this but I'm sure that playing with his kids are some of his best paintball days. He would probably choose playing with his kids over an all adult paintball day a majority of the time (speaking for you Shartley, sorry...).

I play with my stepson and I truly enjoy it. If his marker breaks down, however, guess who has to fix it? If he wants to play speedball versus woodsball guess which one we play? If he has a friend along now I'm pleasing two egos before my own. I'm not complaining. These are the things that parents do. Occasionally, however, it is nice to totally be self indulgent. This is why I wouldn't mind the occasional all adult game. If I had to exclusively pick between one or the other for the rest of my life I'd rather play with a mixture of ages but occasionally I'd like to worry about one person (myself).:)
First let me say¡K. Of course I was laying it on really thick¡K that was my intent. ;) I think most realized that. ƒº

As for the rest.. you are dead on. I have 4 kids, they are my life¡K. as are their friends (as tends to be the case¡K LOL). But you hit the nail on the head.

Thank you.

01-16-2003, 07:15 PM
Originally posted by shartley

First let me say¡K. Of course I was laying it on really thick that was my intent. ;) I think most realized that.

Yes I knew you were being sarcastic. Just poking some fun at you.:D

01-16-2003, 07:40 PM
Thakn you shartley for seeing it my way, as well as I to you. I am glad we can end the argument on a more happy note, and agree.

01-16-2003, 07:54 PM
Ok heres my idea, DajaVu-Paintball:D . A indoor paintball facility with "Adult" entertainment. Without going into to much detal due to the youngsters reading, ther could be some "Adult" supair fields "44 yard line DD standup":p , and a lounge with hotwings and NON-alcholic drinks(Safty first), served by very qualified ladys, in view of a stage.
Just an idea.
But on a more real look a things, I would like the idea of adult only days or times. Maby a field that offered adult only night games, even it it was only offered once a month.

01-16-2003, 09:01 PM
Originally posted by MantisMag

how old are you? :) older players would be more mature *ahem* responsible *cough* and better sportsmen..... HAHAHAHAHAHA! thereby making the game more enjoyable for them because they wouldn't have to deal with all the cheating, unsafe practices, whining, and temper tantrums. :p

somehow i don't think this is gonna happen. besides the fact that there's always gonna be a jerk messing things up regardless of age there's too many players in the 14-17 age group. this would have to be done in an area where there's enough players to cut out large portion of the playing population.

i'm 17...thing is...i don't like getting stuck with the little kids either :(. i hold my own on the field...i can see how the old fogies wouldn't want us on the field though...we'd get in the way of their walkers :p

01-16-2003, 09:09 PM
Hay Cheetah we mount or 114/4500 remote tanks and 10 140round pod holders to those walkers;) now if they would let us put plexi-glass on the front of them they could be bunkers:D

01-16-2003, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by eric
Why do you say tha adults would be more mature/better sports? Ive seen just as many adults cheat and whine as I have kids my age(im 15 BTW). In fact most of the kids who play regulary that I know are WAY more honest then some of the older guys I know. If you dont wanna be arouund kids why dont you go somewhere else in the staging area?

:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: this was way back in the thread, as i've been out all day and there's been a lot of responses. however i felt i should respond to this. eric, you TOTALLY missed the whole point. i was being sarcastic. i thought i made that abundantly clear with the smiley face, *ahem*, *cough*, and HAHAHAHAHA!. really now. how much more obvious do i have to make it that i don't actually hold that opinion?

now run and cry to your mommy. :p:p:p
(the :p means i'm kidding)

01-16-2003, 10:19 PM
No matter what age, you always get that one bad apple :D

01-16-2003, 10:39 PM
Originally posted by MantisMag

how old are you? :) older players would be more mature *ahem* responsible *cough* and better sportsmen..... HAHAHAHAHAHA! thereby making the game more enjoyable for them because they wouldn't have to deal with all the cheating, unsafe practices, whining, and temper tantrums. :p

somehow i don't think this is gonna happen. besides the fact that there's always gonna be a jerk messing things up regardless of age there's too many players in the 14-17 age group. this would have to be done in an area where there's enough players to cut out large portion of the playing population.

At my local field, where I used to ref all the time, its the opposite.

When I saw a big group of adults coming, I know its going to be a tough day of reffing.

I have NEVER had a problem with a kid, they always listen, and do what the ref tells them to. Adults on the otherhand are a different story.

They think they are the all powerful adult paintball warrior. They think the ref knows nothing. I've been involved in SEVERAL incidents where the Adult simply would not cooperate, got mad, and got kicked out.

One of these situations ended up with a rental gun being thrown at me while on the field because some guy took his mask off and I ran up to him screaming "Put your mask on"(Figured it was sorta important SINCE HE WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FIELD!)

Other incidents include the guy who wouldn't let a ref get near him for paintchecks, and would NOT let us look in his hopper because we suspected he was shooting illegal paint(He never did show us, he was kicked out).

Kids are nice, they dont argue or fight, and if they aren't listening its really easy to get their attention. They have more of a respect for authority than the average adult, who is used to bossing people around vs. being bossed around(no matter how kind I am)

Now, when I say adults I certainly dont mean all adults! When I'm reffing of course I see many more good sports than bad sports(even if they are more stubborn;) ). Just in general, its the adults that cause the major problems.

Now, back to the topic:
An Adults only field. Sure, why not. It might lead to a slightly different playing experience, but I would never start a field like that. Kids, birthday parties, etc. is where the money comes from.

01-16-2003, 11:51 PM
I think "adult ball" is a great idea, except I think the age should be at most 16 instead of 18, I know many people under 18 who can play at my level, and beyond. The only group of people who need to be isolated are the impressionable little kids. Here's an example: I made a move to a bunker that I thought was empty, I hadn't seen any activity from it the entire game. Well, wouldn't ya know it, there were two 10 year olds behind it, and before I could even think, I instictively nailed the both of them. It was just a reflex. Of course, here come the tears, and here comes mom, and the field owners catch heat. We probably lost two young guns that day. I still feel terrible about it to this day, but that kind of thing happens when the two groups get mixed.

01-17-2003, 08:36 AM
And we keep seeing folks talk about playing levels and skills, etc. We see folks talk about maturity as well.

That has nothing to do with it, or very little at the least. It is about the whole experience, not JUST the game. It is sort of like when we had the discussion about AO Days and one field stated that you had to play all day with no big breaks between games. Well…. AO Days are about more than just playing the game. Same with Adult Days.

I have found that in most cases, mature adults tend to hold back when around kids. I am not talking about holding back playing skills either. But if you could put a hidden camera in and watch adults having fun around JUST adults, you will see them cutting loose. JUST LIKE KIDS! And Kids often hold back when around adults too…. I have kids and know all about that (as well as WAS one…).

We would like to be able to talk about mature subject matter (no, not just SEX), our families, kids, current events, politics, history, etc. as well as act a little silly on the side… without the addition of children being around. And some of us would like some other place to do that OTHER than a bar.

So, as you can clearly see (or I hope so), this is not about abilities, maturity, or any of the other issues that some of you folks are brining into this. And yes, every age group can display the SAME behavior and skills… but that does not mean they are essentially the same… because they are not.

And again, be are not talking about making a NEW field dedicated to this separation (as I keep seeing folks post)… we are talking about having one day (or evening) per month, or twice a month or whatever, and the SAME thing for kids. I also understand the kids not wanting to be forced to play with JUST other kids… well, since this is a limited thing, DON’T go on those times. LOL

I just think some people are reading more into this than is being said, and WHY. :)

01-17-2003, 09:06 AM
De javu paintball HAHA
When i saw this i thought that was the point you guys were looking for. that or maybe clothing optional paintball. It'd be just like every other CO activaty a bunch of guys and about 2% female.

Honestly. I don't see the point of excluding ppl from the field at any time. I don't know that it would suceed in my area. The fields here are suruggling to break even. However doing a couple of week night adult only kid only women only games might just work. Who knows, It might be worth a shot.

However I personally feel that the great thing about paintball is that everyone can compete on an equal playing field. I have personnally boycoted the Ultimate maddness tourney because of their "women's only" division. I hop and pray that this doesn't catch on. My wife is in total agreement here The movement to women only and men's only type of pay would be a step backward in my opinion as would the adults only kids only thing. If you want to have adlut entertainment go there after the game guys.

01-17-2003, 09:38 AM
HeeHee… again we seem to miss the point of the separate days. ;)

Yeah, let’s get rid of all segregated events and activities… to include Young Guns! :D I know that fields often cater to younger crowds with special events, activities, etc. And that is a good thing… after all they are the future of Paintball… but why do we see ANY opposition to catering to Adults only? This type of thinking kind of bothers me.

Oh.. only Kids deserve special things? And even more, we have maintained that there should be an IDENTICLE time set up for only Kids. But not once have I seen anyone complain about THAT.. or all the other Kid only things all over the place, to include paintball.

We see “theme” or “catered to specific groups” things in all sorts of activities. It does not take away from NORMAL play, or NORMAL scheduled events… it only ADDS to the selection, and options folks have. It looks like people seem to think that by having Adult Only times is somehow taking something away from kids…. It isn’t. And Kids already have special things for THEM… what is the big deal?

It is also not changing the fundamentals of the game where all ages can play and have a good time… together.

Heck, we see fields offer discounts to women… special women play free days, children discount days, college discounts, and all sorts of “special” things aimed directly at one group or another. It is all aimed to bring more folks into the game. So to me, as long as you are adding to the sport and not taking away from it, its all good.

And having special days set aside for Kids and Adults would only add to the choices folks have… thus adding TO the sport. This would be something added equally, not one sided…. Unlike other things that I have mentioned that ONLY allow children, High School only events and Leagues, College only events and leagues, etc.… but those are okay? Right? ;)

Before we start preaching about making and keeping everything open and equal for everyone at all times, we need to HAVE that first. ;)

(Added: And I believe that this was NEVER intended to be about "adult entertainment".. that was tossed in after, and I for one do NOT agree with it.)


01-17-2003, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by shartley
And we keep seeing folks talk about playing levels and skills, etc. We see folks talk about maturity as well.

We would like to be able to talk about mature subject matter (no, not just SEX), our families, kids, current events, politics, history, etc. as well as act a little silly on the side… without the addition of children being around. And some of us would like some other place to do that OTHER than a bar.

So, as you can clearly see (or I hope so), this is not about abilities, maturity, or any of the other issues that some of you folks are brining into this. And yes, every age group can display the SAME behavior and skills… but that does not mean they are essentially the same… because they are not.

I think this perfectly sums up what those looking for a little adult paintball time are talking about. It's not a skill or maturity thing. It's about being able to play paintball with your peers. It's about being able to interact with other adults without having to be concerned about a "family" atmosphere. I'm sorry, but as a responsible adult I can't behave around a 15 year old exactly the same as I would around an adult. I don't care how much that pisses off the 15 year olds here. It's not about your maturety, it's about my responcibility. It's a fact of "real life" which isn't fair (at least I always thought so when I was younger). You may absolutly be able to "handle" anything that might be said or done (it's not like we're talking about going to a strip club), but I still have to take into consideration that there are younger people around. Sometimes I'd like to not have to worry about that in places other than, as Shartly said, bars.

01-17-2003, 12:21 PM
edited my first post. xmetal please reread. also read my second post. anyone else who thought the first paragraph of my first post was my actual opinion please do the same. :(

01-17-2003, 05:04 PM
this was way back in the thread, as i've been out all day and there's been a lot of responses. however i felt i should respond to this. eric, you TOTALLY missed the whole point. i was being sarcastic. i thought i made that abundantly clear with the smiley face, *ahem*, *cough*, and HAHAHAHAHA!. really now. how much more obvious do i have to make it that i don't actually hold that opinion?

now run and cry to your mommy.
(the means i'm kidding)


Originally posted by shartley
Kids get to be with other kids all the time. Kids get to PLAY with other kids all the time. Kids get to escape and be with their friends all the time. Adults and Parents can not. It seems we spend our lives rotating around our work, and making sure our kids have what they need and want, taking them to and from places, etc.

You kids are right. We don’t deserve any time among ourselves. You are better than us in everything. You know more. You are more experienced than we are. You are more able to fend for yourself and others than we are. And the list goes on and on…..

We on the other hand don’t do a darn thing, are not good at anything, are totally incompetent, and what gets me the most is how we can even get though life at all.
glad youve finally come around;)

About my old geezer comment, sorry I was just joking, didnt mean to offend anybody.

Now, I am not offended to adults having seperate time, that wouldnt bother me a bit. What I AM offended at is that that time would take up time that is usually open to everybody. Like I said before, most places are only open on Saturday and Sunday, so if you close it down one of those days to kids, then thats half of our playing time gone.

Now if a feild would open up one day a week, or have extended hours once in a while for adults to play on their own, that wouldnt bother me a bit.

And your argument about working holds no water sorry. Adults work on weekends too. And I will point out that the average child has more free time than the average working adult.

So shartley, say you had to work on saturdays. If someone came along and said, you cant play paintball on sundays or week days would you be pissed? Hell yeah you would. Youd have to wait untill you got a day off, or youd have to quit altogether. And when youre under 16 good jobs are REALLY hard to find.

01-17-2003, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by eric
So shartley, say you had to work on saturdays. If someone came along and said, you cant play paintball on sundays or week days would you be pissed? Hell yeah you would. Youd have to wait untill you got a day off, or youd have to quit altogether. And when youre under 16 good jobs are REALLY hard to find.
HeeHee hold on I have a newsflash for you……

I DO have to work on Saturdays quite often, and at one point in my life EVERY Saturday, heck I used to work for over a month at a time with NO days off. Such is life. LOL And honestly do you think kids corner the market for it being hard to find good jobs? Try being a father with several children and a wife to support… good jobs? Quiet a few people are just happy to have A job... let alone a GOOD job. ;)

Your argument here, again, holds no water. Life is not fair, and if at 16 you learn that, it will make your life MUCH easier to deal with from that point on. It is called growing up. :) And nothing is fair to EVERYONE, and no scheduling will be good for EVERYONE. Heck, look at all the folks that can’t make it to AO days…. But do we NOT have them because someone might not be able to make it to any or all of them? NO…… again, welcome to the real world. We deal with our problems and sometimes AROUND them. And sometimes no matter what you do, you can’t do what you want all the time.

Now add to that having a family and trying to do your best to allow THEM to do what THEY want as often as you can.

You are talking to the wrong man about sacrifice, scheduling issues, and balancing all that off personal entertainment. ;)

(Added: not to mention that we are not talking about making these days scheduled for EVERY WEEK. And that being said, how many people HONESTLY go play paintball EVERY weekend? I would bet not many. ;))

01-17-2003, 05:32 PM
I know most people looked at my Dejavu-paintball as the joke it was meant to be, but for those that did not read it that way IT'S a JOKE:p I was to bring a smile to some faces when reading this post. The people that saw it as the Joke are the type of people I would like to have on a field for a great game of Adults only ball, the kind that wont go crying to a parent, spouce or the field owner if things dont go there way. This goes for any age, the 18+ or 21+ what ever just hopfully gets rid of the crying to a parent factor

01-17-2003, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by Nobody077
...people I would like to have on a field for a great game of Adults only ball, the kind that wont go crying to a parent, spouce...

Don't tell me I can't cry to my spouse.:mad: That is the primary reason for getting married. Now that we're legally bound I can let my true whiny pathetic self come through! :D

01-17-2003, 06:40 PM
:D Crying to your spouce is better than crying to your Mommie :D

01-18-2003, 05:44 AM
And the cuddling time after is alot of fun too:D Anyway, Shartley you are one heck of a debater, I'll take you on my side anyday. By the way , I like the idea of a special day of adult paintball, several fields here already have young gun days why not Old farts day;) It would be interesting to see how well it would work if tried somewhere.

01-18-2003, 09:54 AM
Originally posted by Jack_Dubious
Now let me just say I dont think paintball should be for adults only. Paintball should be for the whole family. But...I would love to see (or if i ran one) a paintball field that was for ages 18+ (or under 18 if accompanied by a parent/guardian on the field). I would like to see what everyone elses thoughts are on this subject. Its my hypothesis that many other adults would like to see the same thing.


I think this is a bad idea. Most of the adults in my area are on teams with kids(A ten year old makes the best flag runner-small target). I also think the competition would get old, because more newbies are kids.

01-18-2003, 12:13 PM
Originally posted by Scootyd
Most of the older players that I play with make for an enjoyble day because we also share other common interests like "our" music and muscle cars etc. that provide good conversation off the field. But hey just an old farts perspective.

bah im 15 and like "your" music and cars and so on i accualy like most rock(heck the only thing i can listen to on vice city is the 80's rock and i like it!)