View Full Version : New to agd, just traded for a micromag!!

01-16-2003, 05:42 PM
Hey guys, I just traded some guns for a nice Micromag and I know absolutely nothing about mags!! What can you guys tell me about this gun? Thanks. :D


01-16-2003, 05:45 PM
first, welcome to mags and AO!!!!

second, could ya give us some more specifics? like what trigger frame, valve and other things you have on your setup, pics are good also.

01-16-2003, 05:48 PM
anyways.... #1 thats a pretty pretty Micro... I have always wanted to buy one for myself.

Cocker threads would have really helped yrs ago when I had a Sniper2 and MicroCocker...

what did u trade for that niceness..?

~da baller

01-16-2003, 05:49 PM
There is one pic there right? I don't know anything about the trigger frame or anything just that he told me it had: 8" taso barrel and expansion chamber. Here are two others that the guy sent me of it:



01-16-2003, 05:50 PM
I traded two older unibody phantoms that were in ok shape and a SL-68 II brand new. So it has cocker threads? Keep the comments coming guys, thanks... :p

01-16-2003, 05:54 PM
Hi JJ,

Welcome to AO!! Nice marker!!


01-16-2003, 05:56 PM
Ahh micromags, I shall soon own one.
Yes, the take cocker threads for the barrels. And of course N2 is recomended over CO2. Its a must if you have a retro valve. If that is indeed a x-chamber, I would recomend scrapping it for a gas-thru grip. Dont get a regulator, just use a regulator on the n2 tank. I think you have the stock double trigger frame on there, and I would sugest an iteliframe, but thoes are a bit expensive (115$) also, LvL 10 is a must, and retro valves are very nice, if it doesnt already have one. I really like that gauge setup on the gun, Ive never seen that done before, but it seems VERY practical and unique to me. That is a nice barrel, if your going for compact, because you have the nice big drop for it as well. If you want a bit more length (and IMO higher quality) barrel, Id recomend a 10" Custom Products, they are cheep too :)

But I dont own my micromag yet, so lets let some other people get their adivce in ;)

01-16-2003, 05:58 PM
I would take off that gauge on the back. It looks to me like you've got a 2x Benchmark trigger frame. Very nice set-up if you ask me. What'd you pay for it?

Load SM5
01-16-2003, 06:03 PM
Yep they have cocker threaded bodies.
Your's look to have the benchmark frame that comes with micro's which tend to have a longer pull than some like but others love.
I would recommend switching out the microline for some macroline. I just don't trust the stuff not to blow on me. If you don't it already I'd recommend a good motorized hopper (12volt minimum) and, if you can afford it and have places to fill it, a nitrogen/air tank. Mags run better off of air than they do CO2. But if you have no alternative than CO2 I'd look into an angled bottomline and a anti-syphon for your CO2 tank.
Also I highly recommend the new level 10 bolt kit for the mag. They make ball chopping almost a thing of the past in case you mess up and shortstroke or outshoot your hopper.

Other than that, you have a right nifty looking gun. Welcome to AO.

Oh and the guy 2 posts above me was none other than mag-inventor Tom Kaye himself. Are'nt we special!:D

01-16-2003, 06:09 PM
Afraid I was 2 posts above you and I DIDNT invent the mag ;) but we all know who you are talking about.

Load SM5
01-16-2003, 06:14 PM
You did'nt? Oh well. ;)

Actually it was when I started typing, but I type slow. OK 3 posts above

01-17-2003, 06:05 PM
Anyone here know how this barrel will work with Blaze? It's FPO and it is very small...what barrels work well with small bore paint on the mag(autospirits?)? Thanks...

It's cocker threads also I have to remember....

01-17-2003, 06:16 PM
blaze is an ok paint i found even on a freak you cant get it to match right i recomend shooting w/ the barrel on there your results should be good