View Full Version : can some one help me plz

01-16-2003, 06:46 PM
ok i am trying to convense my friend that with less kick is more accurate i thought i saw a thread that had why less kick is more accurate i tried searching but found nothing

01-16-2003, 07:00 PM
Well, when there is kick... that means you move right? So, if you move, then you cant be as accurate because the gun moved a little, and especially during a repeated string of shots. Even if you contain the kick, it makes you less stable as you use more muscle power to hold the gun. Its not all that bad though in paintball guns

01-16-2003, 07:08 PM
well, just to some it up, when a gun kicks it moves off of its center, therefore you have to re-position it to hit your target again, so less kick= less movement=more accuracy.

Evil Bob
01-16-2003, 07:57 PM
Anytime the barrel moves due to recoil the point of aim/impact point moves as well. Less recoil = more accurate on successive shots.

Another factors that can cause the barrel to move is how you pull the trigger... do you yank on it hard? do you pull it sideways? Degas your marker and balance a penny on the end of the barrel. If you can pull the trigger repetitively and the penny remains, then you have perfect trigger pull. If the penny falls off then you need to work on it. I have seen guys work up a fast "twitch" when fanning the trigger and not be able to hit the broad side of a barn as their barrel is bouncing all over the place.

Additionally, the weight of your marker plays a role in how sensitive it is to barrel bounce in both recoil and trigger pull. A heavy marker (more mass) will be more forgiving and can tolerate more recoil then a very light marker.

-Evil Bob