View Full Version : Santa Clara County Fairgrounds paintball...

01-17-2003, 07:23 PM

tommarow is the grand opening, free admission, rental gear is booked up, they have all day hp for $10. BYOP for $10 or $60 a case... Check it out, I'll be there with my cocker, hopefully it works so i can show it off :) I think Covadsux said he was going, and mabe someone else, but anyways post if ur gonna go...

Evil Bob
01-17-2003, 07:27 PM
If it weren't for the fact that my youngest brother is getting married tomorrow, I'd be there for sure, but he's coming over tonight for his bachelor party and I'm guarranteeing that we'll not be in any real shape to play serious ball in any form tomorrow :)

-Evil Bob

01-17-2003, 07:45 PM
I will try my best to make it as I am still not sure if my bro's can make it or not. Most of my people are already committed to another function...

01-17-2003, 07:49 PM
I might try and make it out. What time is everyone planning on being there?

01-17-2003, 07:55 PM
Such short notice! No way I can make it. We will have to try again another time. Okay? :D

01-17-2003, 08:01 PM
It looks like I will be there tomorrow round 8:30a...go ahead and call me if ya'll want to meet up...408/375-7369.

Rick, you should make it. I am dying to see that blade trigger in action on the Emag.:D

01-17-2003, 08:06 PM
Its short notice, I don't have any paint. I'll see what the wife has to say when she gets home. Nice to have a field so close.

01-17-2003, 08:26 PM
im in...j/k..i wish there was a field that cheap around here...

good luck with the cocker dude..

01-17-2003, 08:56 PM
Wow, lotsa people from the area I see... Well anyways, ill be there around 8:15 or so, I live like 5 mins away so, ya it won't be a far drive :D. So looks like the only one going is covad and mabe blend? Well cya guys there if you go, I will have my chrome and green cocker and a red mask and AP lighting jersey, I won't be hard to spot scince im pretty big too:p

BTW: Mabe one of these days we will have to do a AO Bay area meet :D

01-17-2003, 11:07 PM
I would be there but i am already committed to the 5man tourney happening up at APP. Hope to meet up with ya guys another time.

01-18-2003, 11:37 PM
Hey guys, how about a field review.

Nice to meet you infinityBPS. I had met Phil before.;)

I wasn't able to play today, but stopped by to check it out.

01-19-2003, 01:28 AM
Sorry i couldnt make it guys. I will another time. This is what my day was like. Got up at 5:30. Drove 2 hours to folsom. Started tourney at nine. Didnt make the finals and ended at 12:30. Drove 2.5 hours to operation paintball in Hayward. Tore operation up with my team until 9pm. I drove about 230 miles today and shot about 5 cases of paint lol. I am tired but i had a great day lol.

01-19-2003, 02:25 AM

Got more info on operation paintball in Hayward? I'm learning about new fields left and right here...

01-19-2003, 01:34 PM
I couldn't make it yesterday. How was the new field?

01-19-2003, 04:41 PM
Hey, it was nice meeting you too Blennidae, as for a feild review, I'll do my best :) Covadsux was there to, I seen a few friends from school there, so that was cool. And the cocker worked flawlessly all day.

Feild Review:
The feilds: There were 4 feilds, 2 sup air, a red and a blue one, the "hyperball arena", and a barrel feild.
The sup air feilds were nice to play on, but they were very unballanced, this could just be because they were rushed to set them up for the grand opening. When I say unbalanced I mean, on the blue feild they had about 4-5 large stand up bunkers on one side then on the other side there was one large stand up and a large dorrito, that was the only good standing cover for that side. So they need to even that out for anyone to be able to play on the feild fairly. The red feild was a little better with being balanced but had about the same problem with one side haveing better cover, I think someone needs to tell them that they need to try to have each side a like a mirror image of eachother. The hyperball feild was my favorite feild. But it was hard to play back with about 5 people in each back bunker. And the barrel feild, I feel was the worse feild, there was virtualy no standing cover, except in the middle of the feild, so if you don't want to get out pretty easy ur gonna have to squat or lay down. But I think they knew about this, they said they didn't want to use that feild that day, but they did, and then toward the end of the day they stopped using it. I think that they will probably work on getting the feilds a little better set up next time, because I know a few people complained to the staff.

Prices: The prices are about the same as any other feild in the area, with a total cost of about $90 a day if you buy the feild paint. The prices are $20 for full day admission, $12 for half, $60 for a case of paint, $10 for all day air, and $10 if u BYOP.

Saftey: This may be one of the biggest cons of this feild, chronoing wasn't inforced at all. But luckily mostly everyone was smart enough to chrono and didn't shoot hot. The netting, well that could have been improved also, there was about a 3 inch gap at the bottom of the net, and balls bounced out from under there and hit cars and people, heck my mom got shot in the back of the head from a ball while in the staging area, and I seen a few balls wizz past my legs while in the staging area. On another note they did inforce goggles and barrel plugs pretty good.

Refs/Cheating: There wasn't any cheating that I noticed, and the refs were good at paint checking and getting people out of the game when they played on( I actualy got pulled about a few times for playing on, on accident of course:D )

Conclusion: The feild seems to have good potential to become a great feild, just needs a little more work. I plan on going there again, especialy scince its like 5 minutes from my house, and hopefully next time they will have most of the problems fixed.

01-19-2003, 06:03 PM
SJ is going to be done nicely when the reffing staff is completely squared away. Chronoing was a joke, but I spoke to Mike, he said he'll be setting up more chrono's, more refs and hopefully soon a "tourney player day/night/whatnot". There were about 300 players total so it was chaos but it should be okay for future reference. Overall the field layouts were ok, the blue field played out for a more defensive position on the far side, but you can still pinch the angles if you keep your back line crossed up.

I will be reffing there in the future and possibly setting up an AO Bay Area day in the Spring.