View Full Version : Whoo hoooo! Latest fad in car modification..

01-18-2003, 12:39 PM

Check out the video. Nice driving by that guy too..

Man oh man..

I wanna see what ricers can do with this one :p



oh man

01-18-2003, 12:46 PM
bubba rubb ROFLMAO

01-18-2003, 12:57 PM
They are being told those things are legal? What kind of idiots are they talking to? Ever hear of “Noise Pollution” laws?

Almost every (if NOT every) community has noise ordinances. You can get a ticket for playing our care stereo too loud. You can get a ticket for not having a muffler which meats local noise standards. You can even be charged for playing your HOME stereo too loud. Ever throw a party and it get too loud? My point exactly.

How anyone can say a tailpipe insert that makes the car audible for a mile is “legal” is beyond me. Folks need to get a clue.

And those two folks on camera are total idiots and if they think they are “cool”… they need to think again. They looked like uneducated trash. Not to mention the car taking off crossing the center line, almost hitting parked cars, and then speeding through a stop sign…… ignorant… simply ignorant.

01-18-2003, 01:08 PM
"its driving her nuts!"

01-18-2003, 01:35 PM
which meats local


anyways, i wanna see the video of them getting a ticket for being too loud.

01-18-2003, 02:17 PM
woops! I put a thread up then noticed this one! omg that guy is hilarious.

btw: that really should be illegal.

01-18-2003, 02:22 PM
Yes im sure it should be illeagl but i want one anyone no where i can buy one :D

01-18-2003, 02:36 PM

01-18-2003, 03:30 PM
ghetto trash!!
did u see when he was all to happy to show his car off.
almost hit a parked car, blew a stop sign, almost hit car at stop sign. lol


01-18-2003, 03:37 PM
OMG i totally missed the video that bubb rubb guy was hilarious

01-18-2003, 03:46 PM
see where i live that whistle [b]*EDIT* We are not PBReview, do NOT circumvent the cuss filters. This is your only warning. Next infraction will cost you a 3 day ban. Army[b] would last about a day and at night they would find there car on fire or the muffler ripped off of it
WOOO WOOO that!!

01-18-2003, 04:21 PM
this has got to be the funniest thing of all time....

bubb rubb will be known throughout the whole world haha

01-18-2003, 04:54 PM
I want Bubb Rubb to father my children.

01-18-2003, 05:16 PM
Man, I lost my ebonics translator...the only thing i understood was "woowoooooo".


01-18-2003, 05:17 PM
Wow no wonder some ppl are racist

01-18-2003, 06:08 PM
Originally posted by Heat
Wow no wonder some ppl are racist

what do you mean by that?

01-18-2003, 06:53 PM
lol thats my sig now at the tippmann forum WHOOO WHOOO!!! god and i thought my brother was bad when he drives 50 on main street with his hands out the window atleast he drive straight

01-18-2003, 07:58 PM
Well some peopel havnt passed noise pollution laws yet and I really didnt see how it was that loud or that distracting. If they want to do that to their car i say let em until someone goes and changes the law then they cant stop them anyway. If they think that is loud they should come here and listen to all the crazy rednecks with NO muffler at all dunping strait out of the manifold or the ones with Glasspacks on their 20 foot tall trucks.:rolleyes:

01-18-2003, 08:06 PM
even white guys dig the WOO WOOOOOOO!

01-18-2003, 09:05 PM
just look what those whistlers did to this poor patron.....

01-18-2003, 09:36 PM
Originally posted by oldsoldier
Man, I lost my ebonics translator...the only thing i understood was "woowoooooo".



01-18-2003, 09:53 PM
Originally posted by Heat
Wow no wonder some ppl are racist

Yeah really, what do you mean by that?

01-18-2003, 10:23 PM
i think he was referring to the dumbass black people. now so noone is stupid and thinks that racist, follow these steps

download video
tell me those people arent uneducated, worthless, disgusting human beings who deserve to die

ok, maybe going a bit overboard there, but any person who is as dumb as that, white black or all the colors of the rainbow due to some freakish genetic disease, is a waste of genes.

"duh, its just for decoration"
decoration doesnt make noise, retard

i think the citizens of brooklyn need vigilante justice, KILL ALL THE ******** WITH THAT IN THEIR CAR!!

or just key the damn things

01-18-2003, 10:26 PM
halB that was halarious

01-18-2003, 10:29 PM
Originally posted by rhetor22
I want Bubb Rubb to father my children.

so hes my daddy :eek: :confused: :eek: :confused: :eek: :confused: :D ;) :p

01-18-2003, 10:38 PM
yes its true, you're my illigitimate fourth bastard child. You're half asian, half black, and three quarters Dji'Boutian.

your father has grown ill and you're the only bastard child who stands left to inheret his 14 quadrabillion dollars.... of debt.

01-18-2003, 10:45 PM
ill just take kiwidog hostage.. PRESTO! no more debt:)

01-18-2003, 10:51 PM
Originally posted by halB
i think he was referring to the dumbass black people. now so noone is stupid and thinks that racist, follow these steps

download video
tell me those people arent uneducated, worthless, disgusting human beings who deserve to die

ok, maybe going a bit overboard there, but any person who is as dumb as that, white black or all the colors of the rainbow due to some freakish genetic disease, is a waste of genes.

"duh, its just for decoration"
decoration doesnt make noise, retard

i think the citizens of brooklyn need vigilante justice, KILL ALL THE ******** WITH THAT IN THEIR CAR!!

or just key the damn things

ok, so they are uneducated, but they aren't worthless disgusting human beings who deserve to die.

And what does them being black have anything to do with this? I've seen equally stupid people of any color.

And maybe decoration was some kind of ebonic slang, you shouldnt judge someones intelligence by dialect either, The majority of my friends are black, and all talk ebonics, not all heavy like Snoop Dogg fo heezy, I totally understand them and everything, and almost all of them have 3.5-4.0 gpa's.

01-18-2003, 10:52 PM
Originally posted by halB
i think he was referring to the dumbass black people. now so noone is stupid and thinks that racist, follow these steps

download video
tell me those people arent uneducated, worthless, disgusting human beings who deserve to die

ok, maybe going a bit overboard there, but any person who is as dumb as that, white black or all the colors of the rainbow due to some freakish genetic disease, is a waste of genes.

"duh, its just for decoration"
decoration doesnt make noise, retard

i think the citizens of brooklyn need vigilante justice, KILL ALL THE ******** WITH THAT IN THEIR CAR!!

or just key the damn things

Last time I checked Brooklyn was NO where near Oakland umm whos the uneducated one? I garuntee you dont have the balls to say that to his face it takes a real big man(or boy in your case) to insult someone on that level. You wouldnt say it to any black mans face and u better not say that kind of crap in front of me if we ever meet.

01-18-2003, 10:55 PM
Originally posted by CRog075

Yeah really, what do you mean by that?

What does wooo woooo and a hacker have in common? they are both inconsiderate about other who don't think their actions are funny or cool. Is the hacker a foreiner and got offended?

Well I got offended when a guy I get a long with real good at work walked up to me the other day and asked "How long would it take the cops to show up here if I rape a white girl? He's a foreiner. What am I supposed to make of that?

Does this elaborate what I meant with that? Now go spoil the fun for more CS players with your l33t h4x0rz skills.

01-18-2003, 10:59 PM
Hey I said nothing about black ppl... I said racist. Just the same way white ppl can hate blacks- blacks can hate whites and mexicans can hate asians etc... Racist is general, don't worry, I'm not leaving anyone out.

01-18-2003, 11:02 PM
Originally posted by TransMan

Last time I checked Brooklyn was NO where near Oakland umm whos the uneducated one? I garuntee you dont have the balls to say that to his face it takes a real big man(or boy in your case) to insult someone on that level. You wouldnt say it to any black mans face and u better not say that kind of crap in front of me if we ever meet.

Why you gonna kill him? He was just poking fun. Wasn't offending anyone.. I think that's pretty obvious..... or on second though.... Do you gots rainbow colored skin?:eek: :eek:

pssshhhhhhht, guys I this is kinda hush hush, but he doesn't like to be called rainbow bright.. so just don't call him that.:D :D :D :D

01-18-2003, 11:11 PM
Originally posted by EsPo

so hes my daddy :eek: :confused: :eek: :confused: :eek: :confused: :D ;) :p

Who's Yo Daddy

01-19-2003, 02:13 AM
Ok everyone...lets not start flaming about racism...cause it is against the rules of posting and most importantly,

even if you are
black, white, asian, hispanic, or whatever...

Its still all about....



ps- I cant stop watching that video. I almost wanna start a "WoooWhooo Force" or a "Bubb Rubb Fan Club" (hey that rhymes!)

01-19-2003, 08:49 AM
I think that loud of a car would just be embarrassing:o

01-19-2003, 09:44 AM
I love the fact they showed it on some griswold wagon driving through town hahaha

or that guys "pimped" out suprah hehe oh yeah thats soo ghetto.


man gotta love that.. im gonna go back and watch the video again and again.

"Its like whoo hooo!"

"It's juz dekeration yo!"

01-19-2003, 10:52 AM
This is some of the most inconsiderate ghetto trash I have ever seen. "They" probably dont even have a pot to piss in, but they have money to spend on a freakin' "whoo Hoo" for the tailpipe on their car. They should spend the money on other things...like car insurance and vacuum cleaners for their homes. "They" dont care about the rights of others, and they do whatever they want. Lock um' all um I say. Learn some respect and manners. Try learning the english language to start...

01-19-2003, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by Tunaman
This is some of the most inconsiderate ghetto trash I have ever seen. "They" probably dont even have a pot to piss in, but they have money to spend on a freakin' "whoo Hoo" for the tailpipe on their car. They should spend the money on other things...like car insurance and vacuum cleaners for their homes. "They" dont care about the rights of others, and they do whatever they want. Lock um' all um I say. Learn some respect and manners. Try learning the english language to start...

I want to see you go say that to a black man right now though tunaman, how "ghetto" blacks supposdly are. If a white person was doing this, you wouldnt call that ghetto at all. Man, some people have a hatred for blacks here. halB for one, than tunaman.

01-19-2003, 12:26 PM
Originally posted by CRog075
I want to see you go say that to a black man right now though tunaman, how "ghetto" blacks supposdly are. If a white person was doing this, you wouldnt call that ghetto at all. Man, some people have a hatred for blacks here. halB for one, than tunaman.
Actually Tunaman did not mention race at all… let alone skin color. What was shown in that video WAS “ghetto”, no matter if they were white, black, or green. The problem with some folks is that they WANT to turn things into a “race” issue when what was originally said was NOT.

How many times have we seen someone call someone’s marker “ghetto”? Oh, but we are being racial right? And do you know that there are “ghettos” for almost every nationality and race?

It sickens me that folks can comment on WHITES with no one saying they are racial. But if a black person (or other than white) is commented about by a white person, they are racial and “hate” the other people. This is just hogwash and I for one am insulted that you even said it. Tunaman only pointed out what he saw…. He was not the one talking in ebonics or greatly improper English, HE was not the one who drove his car like that, and I personally don’t see anything wrong with his commentary on what he saw… NOR do it think it was “racial”.

And we say “ricer” all the time here which includes ALL races. We say “ghetto” here, which includes ALL races. They are descriptive of an action or object, NOT of a race.

Again, I am personally insulted that you assigned hate and racism to someone who clearly did not deserve it, or post anything that would indicate that as being fact.

01-19-2003, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by rhetor22
yes its true, you're my illigitimate fourth bastard child. You're half asian, half black, and three quarters Dji'Boutian.

your father has grown ill and you're the only bastard child who stands left to inheret his 14 quadrabillion dollars.... of debt.

:confused: thats makes no sense? so your saying 50% asian, 50% black, and 75% Dji'Boutian? That makes 175%....hehe :D

01-19-2003, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by shartley

Actually Tunaman did not mention race at all… let alone skin color. What was shown in that video WAS “ghetto”, no matter if they were white, black, or green. The problem with some folks is that they WANT to turn things into a “race” issue when what was originally said was NOT.

How many times have we seen someone call someone’s marker “ghetto”? Oh, but we are being racial right? And do you know that there are “ghettos” for almost every nationality and race?

It sickens me that folks can comment on WHITES with no one saying they are racial. But if a black person (or other than white) is commented about by a white person, they are racial and “hate” the other people. This is just hogwash and I for one am insulted that you even said it. Tunaman only pointed out what he saw…. He was not the one talking in ebonics or greatly improper English, HE was not the one who drove his car like that, and I personally don’t see anything wrong with his commentary on what he saw… NOR do it think it was “racial”.

And we say “ricer” all the time here which includes ALL races. We say “ghetto” here, which includes ALL races. They are descriptive of an action or object, NOT of a race.

Again, I am personally insulted that you assigned hate and racism to someone who clearly did not deserve it, or post anything that would indicate that as being fact.

Amen! I hate it when black comedians talk trash about white people, but a white comedian cant talk trash about black people without getting the NAACP on there ***.

01-19-2003, 01:38 PM
Hey lets make and experiment. See if we can get a WET to fly? White entertainment channel...

01-19-2003, 01:42 PM
Originally posted by shartley

Again, I am personally insulted


01-19-2003, 01:56 PM
When you guys tell your friend, "man i hate that teacher, she has a big butt too!" would you walk up to the teacher and say that?

I don't understand why people say, "hey you wouldn't say that to an 8ft blackman with an alluminum baseball bat wearing a t-shirt that says "guns don't kill people, i beat people to death with my alluminum baseball bat""

:rolleyes: :D

01-19-2003, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by CRog075

Originally posted by shartley

Again, I am personally insulted


My feedback thread, so far I got 8 good references.


If you dont like what I say, deal with it as I say whats on my mind.

Originally posted by Eminem
Never been afraid to say whats on my mind at any time of day. Never been afraid to talk about anything.

Chris Rogers #75
Front Player
Dark Angel LED

Man you are cruising for a bruising

01-19-2003, 03:40 PM
btw, can anyone figure out how to save that video? I wanna keep this one for years of laughs :D

01-19-2003, 05:14 PM
Sometimes I envy the animal kingdom and curse man’s intellect. Often times I feel that this intellect will be our downfall as a species.

In the animal kingdom they have things like survival of the fittest, natural selection, and other such things that are not hampered by an overactive intellect. There is no “right” or “wrong”, or moral dilemmas to contemplate over when it comes to defective animals. In the animal kingdom when an animal displays dangerously reckless behavior, or gross stupidity, they tend to not last long, due to many factors (of which I really don’t want to get into). But this protects the balance of things, and assists in maintaining a healthy gene pool and social structure.

Humans on the other hand….. ah, well, what can I say?

01-19-2003, 07:26 PM
If I heard that going by my street all the time, I think I'd have to experiment with homemade spike strips.

01-19-2003, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by rhetor22
When you guys tell your friend, "man i hate that teacher, she has a big butt too!" would you walk up to the teacher and say that?

I don't understand why people say, "hey you wouldn't say that to an 8ft blackman with an alluminum baseball bat wearing a t-shirt that says "guns don't kill people, i beat people to death with my alluminum baseball bat""

:rolleyes: :D

LOL Im not one of those people that says summin behind a persons back. If I have summin to say about some one I say it to their face this is probably why a lot of poeople I know dont like me and why I get in a lot of fights but I really dont care. I strongly believe if your going to say summin about some one say it to their face I have more respect for peopel who do that then those who talk behind ther backs.;) :D :D

01-19-2003, 07:45 PM
"it's that WOOO WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!, know what i'm sayin?!?!"

BUAHAHAHHAHAH!!!! i laughed soooo hard watching bubb rubb and his sister.....lol.....omg.....

and DONT forget to trick out the flowmasters!!

01-19-2003, 09:02 PM
Originally posted by Heat
btw, can anyone figure out how to save that video? I wanna keep this one for years of laughs :D

To save the video right click on the link to it and select save target as, and it should download the video. Your welcome.

On the other note here, I agree with everybody on shartleys side, because, hes shartley, the man, and you dont mess with the man! Seriously, if your not on sharts side here, piss off. Oh ya, Im racist because somebody on AO says so, so I will say it for you...

P.S. Im not really racist by the way....

01-19-2003, 09:08 PM
Originally posted by cris8762
"it's that WOOO WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!, know what i'm sayin?!?!"

BUAHAHAHHAHAH!!!! i laughed soooo hard watching bubb rubb and his sister.....lol.....omg.....

and DONT forget to trick out the flowmasters!!


01-19-2003, 10:12 PM
Dont you people understand??? Its just a decoration! Thats it and thats all...they do it for decorations, know what im saying?

Whooo WHOOOO!!!!!


ps- IN the morning, youre supposed to be up cooking breakfast for someone...so its like a alarm clock...Whoo WOOOOO!

01-19-2003, 10:29 PM
hahaha....whoever calls ANYONE a racist,is actually THE racist...

and dont try and get any sympathy from me because you have a different skin color.

I am not racist,i just hate ignorant people.

01-20-2003, 01:19 AM
Originally posted by shartley

How anyone can say a tailpipe insert that makes the car audible for a mile is “legal” is beyond me. Folks need to get a clue.

well the law says xDB is legal and if it under that it is LEGAL

01-20-2003, 05:47 AM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-

To save the video right click on the link to it and select save target as, and it should download the video. Your welcome.

On the other note here, I agree with everybody on shartleys side, because, hes shartley, the man, and you dont mess with the man! Seriously, if your not on sharts side here, piss off. Oh ya, Im racist because somebody on AO says so, so I will say it for you...

P.S. Im not really racist by the way....

I tried that, don't work

01-20-2003, 05:49 AM
All your wooooot wooooot are belong to us.

01-20-2003, 11:08 AM

Bubb Dubb says "Whoo hoo I got an emag!"

It's juz fo dekoration!

01-20-2003, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by warpfeedmod

Bubb Dubb says "Whoo hoo I got an emag!"

It's juz fo dekoration!

Damn you warpfeedmod....i was working on doing the same picture! :D


01-20-2003, 05:06 PM
Theres nothing I hate more than whiney people who think everything in the world should comply to what they want. My high school marching band was ticketed a few months back for being to "noisy" because while some women put her kids to bed, it was "audible but not loud" which annoyed her.

The woman complaining in that article is a Edited Curse Filter challenge - cphilip, her daddy treated her like a princess and now everything should be the way she wants it. If I had time and money I'd take my Mustang(MUCH louder than those stupid tips) and just sit in front of her house and rev it for a few hours.

Rant over.

Have we not had this talk before about this curse filter thing? And have you not gotten the message that I will enforce that? Warning! Not going to give you anymore - cphilip

01-20-2003, 05:47 PM
Originally posted by PolishSausage
Theres nothing I hate more than whiney people who think everything in the world should comply to what they want. My high school marching band was ticketed a few months back for being to "noisy" because while some women put her kids to bed, it was "audible but not loud" which annoyed her.

The woman complaining in that article is a *****, her daddy treated her like a princess and now everything should be the way she wants it. If I had time and money I'd take my Mustang(MUCH louder than those stupid tips) and just sit in front of her house and rev it for a few hours.

Rant over.
Now THAT was mature…. ;)

A loud muffler or normal car sound is NOT the same as a high pitched whistle. Motorcycles have also been cracked down on lately, and I am all for it. There is NO need for excessive loudness. And even less for a whistle in a tailpipe that can be heard up to a mile away…. Can you say that about your Mustang revving? I don’t think so.

As for a high school band getting a ticket… if it was past local noise law hours, they deserve it…. sorry. Respect for others in your community is important. People should remember that what they do affects others, and that includes the noise they make.

Heck, I have had to call the police because some kid was playing their car stereo too loud, and more so the bass. Even when right next to the car, they didn’t realize their bass was causing a problem. You see, it is the TYPE of noise that it is, not just that it is noise. Bass and high pitched noises travel a long ways. Bass for one can echo through a neighborhood and almost seem amplified when laying in your bed.

(Note: For those who would say “Why not just ask them to turn it down?”, I used to do that. But you see sometimes those same idiots who can’t respect others in their neighborhoods, or the neighborhood they are visiting, don’t like to listen. And because of this, I was personally asked by the Police Department to not “interact” with the kids any more, but to just call them.)

Oh, but my daddy treated me like a prince and now I should get everything I want, right? ;) Not by a long shot. It is called respecting others around you. I have never seen a noise pollution statute that was out of line, very hard to follow, or was so strict that you could not have a good time.

There is however those on BOTH sides that take things too far…. As we have seen in this thread. ;)

01-20-2003, 06:18 PM
personally instead of doing all this crap to their car i think they should buy some tooth paste or get some form of dental care maybe its just my computer but they have some nasty friggen teeth

01-20-2003, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by FutureMagOwner
personally instead of doing all this crap to their car i think they should buy some tooth paste or get some form of dental care maybe its just my computer but they have some nasty friggen teeth


01-20-2003, 07:12 PM
maybe there teeth are just other "decorations"


01-21-2003, 09:20 AM
Does anyone have this video downloaded? They don't have it up on their site anymore for whatever reason.

I wanted to show it to some friends but can't find it there.. or am I missing the link?

01-21-2003, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by warpfeedmod
Does anyone have this video downloaded? They don't have it up on their site anymore for whatever reason.

I wanted to show it to some friends but can't find it there.. or am I missing the link?

they put the video up for download....juz foe dekoration! Know what im saying?

WHooooooo WOOOOOOO!!! (http://kron.static.worldnow.com/images/incoming/headlines/0113_carwhistle.wmv)


01-21-2003, 03:02 PM

01-21-2003, 03:49 PM
Unhealthy thread... closed.