View Full Version : gframe input

01-19-2003, 02:18 AM
i posted this in the general paintball forum on here, and i realized that this forum is MENT for stuff like this. here's the link. tell me what you think about it, and what suggestions you have.

read the last few posts because those are the ones that have most of the bugs of the frame worked out.


01-19-2003, 09:24 AM
for the horizontal trigger to trip the sear, you'd have to essentially have a pull that would be the same direction as using the regular trigger. I don't see it working.

the horizontal trigger would be easier to pull if it were not at a 90* angle but a greater angle however that would leave you with a portion of the trigger that would be harder to pull and would mess up your rythem. hrmm... of course that's a 1min assessment.

01-19-2003, 10:15 AM
as i told you, the pivot point would not let you use 1 of the triggers correctly. change the pivot point to use one part right, the other part of the trigger wont work. not to mention it looks horrible and i dont see the confusion of firing with both hands would increase your rate of fire

01-19-2003, 11:44 AM
no no, its for switching off. if you want. it allows you to shoot vert or horiz.

it still wont work with the sliding idea thing :confused: :confused: