View Full Version : Dear AO Army--

01-20-2003, 03:34 PM
I've just finished a massive update to the Warp Feed section of our store at http://store.airgun.com. John Fritzel set up the pages, then I had to go in and redo all the options, which were fubar'd...

Anyway, if you see anything goofy or erroneous in the Warp Feed section (not Warpfeed Parts, I had nothing to do with that), I'd appreciate your shooting me an email ([email protected]) to let me know there's something I need to fix. I'm cross-eyed right now after staring at the screen for too long!


01-20-2003, 07:55 PM
wow, i like it a lot better the way you did, good job. i was always confused if it was the shell or a complete unit that was selling on a page. but all better now
but i think the link to the
Solid Color-Complete Warpfeeds should lead to
instead of the other one where you gotta click again to get to the page

also with the
Solid Color- Shells
should lead to

01-21-2003, 10:14 AM
I agree with you! But I tried and tried and the darn store software won't let me "move" the page up a level. I'd have to recreate the whole thing and just don't have the time now. Was really steamed about this, in fact! :mad:


01-21-2003, 03:18 PM
hmm. you can't just open it up in notepad and change the links?