View Full Version : EVERYONE READ!!! Welcome a new Pro player to AO

01-20-2003, 06:30 PM
In the recent events the original Lockout is playing X-ball and JT needed a team to sponsor for the super 7-series. Well I have been playing on Lockouts kind of farm team for awhile now and we got chose to be the new lockout.

This means that I(Lockout) have a full JT and Professional Paintball sponsorship. We will be shooting Team Lockout matrix's, same as Trauma's but with Lockouts name on it. Our first event is in Huntington Beach feb 5th or something.

Tom now how about that AGD sponsorship!!!

01-20-2003, 06:45 PM
wow, thats sweet. good luck

01-20-2003, 07:18 PM
congrates man!

01-20-2003, 07:20 PM
Holy wow!

01-20-2003, 07:22 PM

01-20-2003, 07:27 PM
Congrats man!

01-20-2003, 07:30 PM
I recently gotta pimpin sponsorship, not quite like yours, but its still good. Congratulations.

01-20-2003, 08:09 PM
pimpin is always great.........you have learned well!!!

01-20-2003, 08:17 PM
lol, we got 5 dye masks, 5 dye 2003 jerseys, 5 dye pants and we get 500 $$ a month ;) I still wish we got what you have.

01-20-2003, 08:23 PM
We sponsor Kevin on Lockout! Congrats!!


01-20-2003, 08:42 PM
You've been here forever so I wont Welcome you, instead I'll give you a CONGRATS MAN!:) :p :)

01-20-2003, 08:45 PM
Good Job. Work on getting a spot for me!:)

01-20-2003, 08:49 PM
Kevin is gone but either way i will enjoy my FF matrix

01-20-2003, 09:20 PM
Dude thats friggin awsome!!!!! That's gonna be so sweet!!!!


How about you get a black matrix, decide to switch colors an make them give you a new one, and then give the old one to me!


Creative Mayhem
01-20-2003, 09:36 PM

Conrgrats on the sponsorship...

C Mayhem

01-20-2003, 10:04 PM
Congrats, man!!!!

Little Matt
01-21-2003, 12:13 AM
awsome man good luck, I'll be sure to keep up with you guys. I pay attention to pro paintball like most people watch college footballs. so i'll be sure to root for ya.


01-21-2003, 12:55 AM
My team just got a sponsorship. But its not like yours AT ALL! I'm freakin jealous.

01-21-2003, 06:30 AM
Also congrats to the123 on his new pro team. I hope we all play very well this year.

01-21-2003, 08:43 AM
the123 left Swarm?

01-21-2003, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by Thordic
the123 left Swarm?

He went to that tryout at Country Club (just south of Chicago) for Wone One Concepts (http://www.woneconcepts.com) and made the team. Now as for leaving Swarm, I don't know if he did that too?

Perhaps he will enlighten us if he reads this?

01-21-2003, 10:57 AM
I thought Lockout shot Freeflow RaceCockers? A friend of mine, Blake Pruitt, plays for Lockout (or the old Lockout) and I thought that is what they were shooting as of Cup.

I guess these things change pretty quickly.


01-21-2003, 04:37 PM
feel the rt, congrats, i think....

Good luck i think...

THe problem is, you are a player, who made ti to those ranks, using the tricks in the grey area, and that bothers me. but what ever, have fun, sorry to rain on your party, but you know, i cant respect some one like that, especially some one who is representing my sport

01-21-2003, 05:27 PM
Originally posted by magman007
feel the rt, congrats, i think....

Good luck i think...

THe problem is, you are a player, who made ti to those ranks, using the tricks in the grey area, and that bothers me.

Whoa, where are you coming from Magman? What tricks?

i cant respect some one like that, especially some one who is representing my sport

Kinda harsh dont you think?

01-21-2003, 05:55 PM
Lockout shot the FF races last year but then they took a vote for this year and now have decided to shoot matrix's. We can still shoot the cockers if we want, but i like my trix's:D .

Magman- Believe whatever you want to. JT would not be fully sponsoring us if we werent good enough. Harsh is an understatement, be as jelous as you want but this is my sport also. I've worked prolly twice as hard and spent twice as much money as many of you to finish my dream and now i have so dont ever question my love for this sport. It's alright i'm not gonna let people like you try to put me down.

OO and dont worry magman I'll be sure to send you pics of every trophy, prize and all the magazines i will be in.

01-21-2003, 06:07 PM
congrats!! good luck this season!

01-21-2003, 08:54 PM
Congrats.....that is so awesome. Where is newfane?

01-21-2003, 09:14 PM
Newfane is north of Buffalo on Lake Ontario.

I guess that because someone has worked hard and got the chance to play pro means that they cheat. Instead of pulling things out of your behind, why not say "congrats" and "Help promote fair sportsmanship". Anyone that knows my brother knows that he doesn't wipe, and follows the rules. That's how he was on teams that finished 3rd at IAO and 6th at World Cup. While I don't play anymore, we have always promoted fair play, and tried to make a difference in the game. We also promoted Mags. We sported an all mag team at many tourneys and turned heads on what mags could do. So next time, before you stereotype others, why not think that some people are trying to make a difference.

01-21-2003, 10:13 PM
Originally posted by i-luv-my-rt on 6-19-02
I guess i'll by the loser here and say sometimes yes i do cheat. I play at Nppl or huge tourney level. Think about it this way.

You make a sick move to the 50, turn to your right, an opposing player doesnt see you, you lay a stream on him watch 2 break maybe more he ducks away, refs go in there and call him clean.

I play front, watching this back guy playing sloppy, rock his hopper about 3 times in hyperball, he rubs his hopper up against the bunker and when the refs goes in yells "no it was off the bunker it didnt hit me blah blah blah" Ref calls him clean.

I dont care what any of you say after watching all these pro events and practing with even Amatuer A teams people cheat. There is alot of skill in the upper divisions but cheating helps them out alot. It is an unfair advantage to all of us who never used to cheat. I'm just trying to even up the field and make it fair. I know it's not right but what am i supposed to do, not cheat get beat, or cheat here and there and even up the game and have our team beat them out by skill. Think about it, it just makes sense.

Somehow I don't think that Magman's comment was based so much on stereotype as on statements like this one...

His only mistake was assuming that the rest of us would remember as well. I-luv-my-rt has never been shy about admitting to playing in the gray areas, so it's a little disappointing to me to see everyone jump all over magman when he points that out. This is almost as bad as the people in the "friendly" corner throwing around accusations of racism when people branded some rediculous car upgrade (and I use that term in the loosest sense) as being "ghetto".

With that said, I am very glad for i-luv-my-rt, and I offer my congrats, and hope and expect that he will help promote fair sportsmanship. I will be rooting for you.

01-21-2003, 10:27 PM
Originally posted by i-luv-my-rt

OO and dont worry magman I'll be sure to send you pics of every trophy, prize and all the magazines i will be in.

I hate people that brag.......

01-21-2003, 11:16 PM
Way to go.

So you'll be shooting a black matrix, eh?

I'll have to hook up with you at world cup. I'll be the guy in the black ninja outfit. Maybe I can test fire you gun over at the chrono for an hour or two?:p

01-21-2003, 11:17 PM
Hunington Beach, California? Can you give me some more info I live really close. Might go out and see you play...

01-22-2003, 12:15 AM
Originally posted by Smegma
Hunington Beach, California? Can you give me some more info I live really close. Might go out and see you play...

check this link: http://www.nppl.tv/2/ all the info you need.

01-22-2003, 02:48 AM
Originally posted by alkafluence

He went to that tryout at Country Club (just south of Chicago) for Wone One Concepts (http://www.woneconcepts.com) and made the team. Now as for leaving Swarm, I don't know if he did that too?

Perhaps he will enlighten us if he reads this?

Yes, I did leave Swarm. When I joined Swarm, I joined a team that was planning on 10 man paintball for the rest of 2002 and continue that in 2003 and beyond(playing WHOLE series).. In 2002 we participated in the Chicago Open, Challenge Cup and World Cup events, skipping the Atlantic City event which turned out to be ok because we wouldn't have gained anything by attending the AC event. Also Sponsored by AGD, we always shot Automags. This year, team members are allowed to shoot whatever gun they want (some actually wanted to shoot something OTHER than a MAG!! can you believe it?). Also this year, we would be breaking up the 10 man for 5 man competition locally with the addition of the 10 man PSP's Chicago Open and World Cup. This really went against what I wanted to do, which was compete in an Major Tournament series with a team that would stay together through the year. Along comes Wone Concepts. A new company with some fresh new gear that will be hitting the streets in the next few months. As it turns out, Wone was started by 2 past members of Swarm. The tryouts were held Jan 7th and to my surprise, I earned a spot playing Back with Wone Factory Team. This team will be playing the NPPL Super 7 series as well as Chicago Open (our hometown) and World Cup. My choice wasn't easy, as now I will be using a WDP Sponsored Fly Angel. I am now playing at a level which people only dream about.
Although I still love my E-Mags and will always have one, I have to hang it up for now...
Another user here, duffman(say hi!), made the team.

His name is Jeff, congradulate him too.


01-22-2003, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by the123

This really went against what I wanted to do, which was compete in an Major Tournament series with a team that would stay together through the year. Along comes Wone Concepts.

[Excuse the sappiness] Yeah, you've got to follow your goals and "dreams."

My choice wasn't easy, as now I will be using a WDP Sponsored Fly Angel. I am now playing at a level which people only dream about.

Although I still love my E-Mags and will always have one, I have to hang it up for now...

From everything I've seen, you guys have some phat sponsorships besides WDP too. Nothing wrong with that as its in line with your long term goals!

Another user here, duffman(say hi!), made the team.

His name is Jeff, congradulate him too.


Yeah, duffman is the guy who put out the initial message announcing the tryouts.

In any case- way to go to both of you! Most importantly keep it real and have fun this season.

01-22-2003, 02:18 PM
Originally posted by i-luv-my-rt
Lockout shot the FF races last year but then they took a vote for this year and now have decided to shoot matrix's. We can still shoot the cockers if we want, but i like my trix's:D .

Magman- Believe whatever you want to. JT would not be fully sponsoring us if we werent good enough. Harsh is an understatement, be as jelous as you want but this is my sport also. I've worked prolly twice as hard and spent twice as much money as many of you to finish my dream and now i have so dont ever question my love for this sport. It's alright i'm not gonna let people like you try to put me down.

OO and dont worry magman I'll be sure to send you pics of every trophy, prize and all the magazines i will be in.

Hmmm... first off, dont make me go digging through your posts, to find the quotes, lets just remember where you said, that your parents buy you all of your markers....

also, remember the huge thread on cheeting? where you argued that it was ok to play in the grey area? How running with your hand infront of your mask and sliding off hits from the break was ok? and how you argued that wiping was a part of the sport and it will be forever? well..... there you go. sorry to rain on your party, oh, and if you want to see awards then just ask, il scan the medal i won last mellenium series, "animal player" (aka last man standing every game)

01-22-2003, 03:15 PM
hi the123.ao has even more pro players then before.
wone concepts pro team will have a couple of player using warp feed.

01-22-2003, 03:29 PM
I've seen less horn tooting driving through NYC during rush hour.

i-luv-my-rt, get over yourself :)

01-22-2003, 03:52 PM
Congratulations, I bet it wasn't easy. Don't let all of the haters get to you, it's only jealousy. Oh, and by the way, how is running with your hand in front of your face cheating or even considered as playing the grey area? That's just strategy, I'm gonna put my hands where ever the hell I want to to get more bounce.

01-22-2003, 04:55 PM
BUAHAHAHA great thor

Davey, you see, when people do that, if there is a hit, that does not bounce, and does break on your hand, they then slide it off.. there fore, i call it playing in the grey area

01-22-2003, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by daveymag
Congratulations, I bet it wasn't easy. Don't let all of the haters get to you, it's only jealousy. Oh, and by the way, how is running with your hand in front of your face cheating or even considered as playing the grey area? That's just strategy, I'm gonna put my hands where ever the hell I want to to get more bounce.

Dude, read what mag man was talking about, before you asume that you know what you mean. When you put your hand like that, and get hit, you move your hand off it and whipe it. So, its not cause it makes it bounce :rolleyes: I didnt know, that your hand will have balls bounce off , i think ill go shoot my hand point blank right now, and mayb it will bounce off my hand and hit me in the eye! :rolleyes:

01-22-2003, 05:05 PM
Right..... :rolleyes:

I understand that you can slide it off like that, but that wasn't the real purpose for doing it in the first place. The real reason that people started to do that was because you are more likely to get a bounce off of your hand than your goggles. And by the way, you most likely wouldn't be getting hit point blank since you do this on the break out.

01-22-2003, 06:12 PM
OK, if tourny players want bounces, why dont we all turn into sumo wrestlers? that would get us some bounces on the body shots for sure, hell, we wouldnt even need bunkers.

I mean come on, why play the bouncer game? if you got hit, and it vbounces, your lucky as any thing, also, most tourny paint, doesnt bounce any more. Look at some bunkers, paint would bounce off a ssup air bunker before it did your hand... and if you havnt noticed, sup air bunkers are increesingly becoming covered in paint

01-22-2003, 06:24 PM
kool congrats looks like now u gotta go change ur sig though.

01-22-2003, 06:50 PM
Originally posted by magman007

Hmmm... first off, dont make me go digging through your posts, to find the quotes, lets just remember where you said, that your parents buy you all of your markers....

also, remember the huge thread on cheeting? where you argued that it was ok to play in the grey area? How running with your hand infront of your mask and sliding off hits from the break was ok? and how you argued that wiping was a part of the sport and it will be forever? well..... there you go. sorry to rain on your party, oh, and if you want to see awards then just ask, il scan the medal i won last mellenium series, "animal player" (aka last man standing every game)

Is magman JEALOUS? I think so! Like you wouldnt take it if your parents bought all your markers anywho...get over it, admit that your jealous....

01-22-2003, 07:53 PM

First off, I wish you the best of luck in the 03 season. From rumors heard from some magazines and such dynasty, avalanche, and bad company will be the big timers of the super 7 series, so you guys will have some decent competition and I hope you guys do great.

Second, What trigger setup are you getting with your lockout matrix? When they come out I think I would like to try out that Magnetic trigger, just wondering what you will have/prefer.


01-22-2003, 10:15 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-

Is magman JEALOUS? I think so! Like you wouldnt take it if your parents bought all your markers anywho...get over it, admit that your jealous....

Id love it if my parents bought me everything, il admit that, id have alot more money laying around. But, id rather take the pride in earning my own marker, and working for it. Jellous, hardly. I will never say im a good player, because there will always be better players. If you notice, i dont toot my own horn too much. Lets put it this way.

ON sheer skepticisism and the perception i get from Iluvmyrt, I would never be jellous of a spoiled cheeter. You know what? Good for him to be happy, personally, i dont give a flying hoot if he is on lockout or not. All i know, is that if he continues to `play at his current standards, including playing in the grey area, and flat out cheeting, all he will do is ruin my sport further. Do you want that?

Let me ask you all this, which would you rather win at all costs? or win sportsmanship? Thnik about that for a while.

01-22-2003, 10:17 PM
Have you ever even done it dude? Didn't think so. I have had balls bounce off of my hand when doing this move, and if my hand hadn't been there, it would have broke on my goggles for sure.

01-22-2003, 10:22 PM
no, i havnt, because i dont play in the grey area, if some one can hit me in the gogles off the break, then good for them! it is rare i ever get hit off the break......

I will take my shots, if some one diserves to hit me, then they will hit me, and i will take the hit. that is that. Oh, and dont say, not playing this way will get you no where, because that isnt true. I am a proud member of smartparts sponsored team PTG in the south american millenium series.....

01-22-2003, 10:31 PM
Congratulations. I just see no need for you to post in i luv my rt's thread if all you are going to do is put him down. I mean serriously that was really immature and all you did was turn a good thread crappy. Every party has it's pooper though huh?

01-22-2003, 11:16 PM
Originally posted by duffman
hi the123.ao has even more pro players then before.
wone concepts pro team will have a couple of player using warp feed.

Thats right, i'll continue to use a warp feed as long as I can deal with the funky hose and 90* adapter. If I can get it to feed right, it'll be a winner. I heard the Halo B wont work on the IR3 due to the forcefeeding, will I experience this same condition with a Warp??

01-23-2003, 01:01 AM
Seriously i am not here to brag or shove this in anybody's faces. If you are going to hate on me then i will do it right back. The refs in the NPPL are way to damn good for me even to think about cheating. Also if i get caught wiping thats a 3for1 and in seven man that is the whole game,not even worth it. I guess at local events around here i would play or or sweet talk the refs but nothing more than alot of people here do. I dont do it anymore mostly b/c i cant, the refs a re to good.

Also about being spoiled, look at were i am now. I am not some spoiled rich kid that gets everything he wants and cant play or lets it sit there. I think i was a pretty good investment to my parents and they think the same thing.

There really is nothing anybody can say to get me down from my high now. Thank you to all of you who cheered me on and I will try to live up to the lockout name. To everyone else happy playing, lets all remember where we started at.:D

01-23-2003, 01:14 AM
Well..this is all I have to say about this whole controversy...

Cheaters are lame. If you get caught cheating you should have to run the gauntlet till you look like Weltman..other than that..play on.

01-23-2003, 08:05 AM
See the thing is.....I dont cheat anymore. I have never got caught cheating b/c it really isnt cheating. Yes i did play in the grey area of the rule books but like i said the refs are to good. Plus now that I am a better player I dont get hit as much eliminating the need to cheat.

Look magman you are wrong here. It is very stupid of you to judge me when you dont even know me. I have worked very hard and just b/c my parents helped me to get me where i am you are going to make fun of me for it?? All i see coming out of you is jelousy turned into hate. Lockout has always had a good sportsmanship and being friendly record, I dont think they would want me there if i would threaten that.

Also I will be using a FF matrix with just a regular stock trigger. I dont really like the magnetic triggers, remind me to much of a mag.

01-23-2003, 02:58 PM
"See the thing is.....I dont cheat anymore."

Once a cheater, always a cheater. This is exactly why pro paintball is in the toilet, and only manages to work its way further down into the sewer.

01-23-2003, 08:50 PM
No actually Pro paintball is only getting better because of the very good refs in the league but good try.

01-23-2003, 09:31 PM
LOL! so thats why a team that had a guy shooting people out of the woods has had no sanctions placed on it (besides the less than wrist slap it got by being kicked out of the tourny it happened in.) LOL! Thanks for the laugh.

01-23-2003, 09:56 PM
Actually him being banned from the league for this whole season and taking Avalanche out of a tourney they were doing very well at did have alot of effect. This incident ripped the whole team apart. If you knew what you were talking about you would know almost everybody left b/c of the decision by the team to repremand Jeremy.

Plus this has nothing to do with the refs. Bill Cookston made the punishment and it had alot of effect. Think in reality here....Do you think that when people were getting shot out in wierd spots that the first thing a ref is gonna think of is.....Is jeremy salm in the woods dressed in black shooting people??:D

01-24-2003, 01:23 AM
the hell with em! congrats on what you have laid out in front of you. Make the most of it.
running off the break with your hands in front of your face, big deal!!
suprised noone has mentioned the necisity(SP) of pads on forearms of players. what, are they trying to protect the roundhouse kicks to their heads when they get bunkered??? nope, just another means of getting paint to bounce. HMMMMMM look at some pics and you will see how many players resort to this method but yet so little *****ing goes on about it.

01-24-2003, 07:02 AM
Thanks WIMAG!!! Actually I wear my pads with the rare chance i will hit something sliding, but yes i do get alot of bounces off of them. It's not the reason but more of a coincidental thing.(so i keep wearing them:D )

01-24-2003, 09:51 AM
Congrats on the sponsorship, but just a word...you have to keep to your, "I don't cheat" thing...if not, then it'll be bad, it's not worth cheating or playing in the grey area...that's not enjoying what pb is all about...

have fun, enjoy it, and behave!

01-24-2003, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by i-luv-my-rt
See the thing is.....I dont cheat anymore.
So you used to cheat but now you don't.

I have never got caught cheating b/c it really isnt cheating.
If you don't get caught it's not cheating?!? Because you admit you used to cheat.

Yes i did play in the grey area of the rule books but like i said the refs are to good. Plus now that I am a better player I dont get hit as much eliminating the need to cheat.
So it's up to the ref's to catch you, or it's okay. But now that your good your cutting back on your cheating?!?

Well congrats. Sounds like your going to make a great pro player. :rolleyes:

And you post this after asking AGD for a sponsorship.

I don't know how you expect us to respect you with comments like the above.


01-24-2003, 12:50 PM
Rt, why would i be jellous? Ive got a great marker, Great friends, a great team, and a great family. WHat is there possibly to be jellous of?

That you may be in a magazine? big whoop. the ony people who may notice its you, will be the people that notice your ball rag in your picture. yes, we all remember the ball rag discussion.

Dude, your a cheater, give it up, you cheated your way till you got to lock out, that means nothing to me, it means, you never proved your skills or refined them. now that your not cheating
your going to get a huge wake up call. Well what ever, have fun. lets let bygones be bygones.... when we meet on the field, well we will see from there, but i think i already know the outcome

01-24-2003, 05:14 PM
Magman you have no clue who I am or what my situation is. Internet talk is lot different from real playing. Wiping and playing in the grey area are to totally different things. Everyone here would know the outcome if we play against each other, I just hope your mask has some windshield wipers on it b/c gogs suck to clean off. I'm not going to give it up b/c i dont cheat and i didnt cheat to get on lockout, you think they would jerperdize there reputation over me...........no. Stop posting in my thread I dont want to here it. You dont know me and I dont know you so i'm done.