View Full Version : LX Valve Drain ??

01-20-2003, 07:32 PM
I put level X in a while back, but hadn't played with it since then. When I recently went to play, after leaving the gun for maybe an hour (in a cool room, out of the sun, etc) with the tank attached, it wouldn't shoot after the first 4 or 5 trigger pulls. Sometimes, I'd even have to detach the tank.

Has anyone else had this problem, and is there anyway to remedy it? I don't want to go play a scenario, and have to unscrew my tank during a night portion because my gun won't fire...


01-21-2003, 09:35 AM
Maybe you have a leak. i assume you have screw in bottle, these can be affected by unscrewing with preassure in the system as it damage's the oring, get a dump valve after the donkey. You will also find that the gun will simply stop firing when bottle preassure reaches operating preassure of marker(450psi ish) it wont shoot down, it just stops, when you have LX, so as I say, get a dump valve.