View Full Version : Ft Myers Thunder Island Scenario report

01-20-2003, 09:24 PM
well i went to this. it was by far the best scenario game i've gone to so far. i've had a lot of clean kills, with honest players. GREAT reffing. they worked their butts off.
beginning of the scenario, i was leaking down the barrel. changed the PT oring. didn't work. couldn't get a smaller pt spacer. so i switched it with a different one which was same size. didn't work. said hell with it, only slight slgiht leak anyways. little later, i lost my 60 dollar walkie talkie i jsut got for christmas ;\
then my warp kept dieing on me. had to change batterys every hour. so. i'm taking the led out of it. other than that. all good. except for the very end. had to take a castle, made some big big pushes. well i guess i rolled in a pit of fire ants. but i got into something which i had a alergic reaction to and broke out in hives from HEAD TO TOE. got mom to tell the people up front, they called out on the mic for a medic, checked me out, was worrying if i was having trouble breathing, which i had just walked off the field. from running for 2 days. with 4 hours of sleep. its hard to tell if it was the hives or just plain tired. but went to ER anyways. never even got checked by the doctor (waited TWO damn hours) and it cleared up. and left.

other than that. great scenario. loved it. lot of players t hat didn't really know the rules too well. i got lit up calling for a medic, and he was argueing with me that you can still shoot someone calling for a medic. but you can, ref h elped me on that one. got shot by a law rocket from 4 feet away. which is a BIG no no. BIG safety hazard.

i'm not sure on who one because i left do to the medical reasons, didn't really care anyways. was just for fun.

had a daring 'self-mission' i wanted to do. was gonna walk beside a 'helicopter' but i wasn't ON it. just made it look like i was (was at night anyways) and we could fly right in front of their base, and i was gonna jump in their base. and it would of gottene everyone killed so. but thats when i got hit with the lawrocket.. made it about 20 feet in front of their base before i had the chance to do anything.

eitherway tho. for the people who wasn't sure if they should of gone. you should of. i'll definitally be going back there. had a wonderful time.

also talked to a guy that was getting a xmag in a few days. has it waiting at PEV's he said right now so. didn't get his nick name on here so. anywaysss.

good good fun.