View Full Version : What's happening in AGD R&D???????????????? (long)

01-20-2003, 09:31 PM

It's been a while since I updated you so I thought this would be a good time. SO what the heck have we been doing? Here is a recap but before we go on I wanted to explain some of the terminology and how we (and you) should think about things.

First of all we have two categories for research projects, 1: long term and 2: short term. If it's a long term project that means its on a mental list but we are not working on it weekly. Short term of course means we are spending time on it regularly in hopes that it will happen in the foreseeable future. Some things never come off long term, others come to short until we get road blocked and they move back to long.

I am pleased to report that we are finally getting to the end of the Xmag project and the last major snafu was the ACE boards that all had to be sent back and rewired. At this point we are trying to look over every one that goes out extra carefully so we don't screw up. Nothing on the long or short term list for right now we just want to make the darn things.

LvL10 Efficiency:
Definitely on the short term list and we have spent a significant amount of time on the gun dyno looking at stuff. The problem is we can not find any more than a 5-10% drop in efficiency from L7 to L10. This is looking over several guns and comparing them back to back with the same paint etc. We are beginning to think that maybe its not the big issue we thought it was. If someone has a gun that is drastically worse L7 to L10 please call us. For right now this one is moving to long term until we get better info.

Slug Bodies:
It has gone from short to long term while we are waiting for someone to mill one of these things. After the initial excitement it seems that its way harder for people to get these milled than we originally thought. This is making us think that maybe it was an idea ahead of its time and we need to move in another direction. We remain hopefull that a bunch will show up soon and get the ball rolling again. We are making another small batch with the backs extended in hopes it takes off. We have had interest from a few dealers but we don't have the price locked yet so its slowing things down. Definitely not dead but holding.

ULE Bodies:
The ULE concept was a quickie thing from a year or two ago that stuck in everyone's minds so we are going with it. Plan B on the slug bodies is to just get on with it and make our traditional tube out of aluminum in lots of pretty colors. You have just voted on the teardrop design for this body and it is now going into production along with a screw in feed tube (angel). There will be two cosmetic styles of short feed tube which you have already seen. These should be out in weeks if things go right

ULE Warp Bodies:
Lots of people are asking about these but there is a problem. To make it come out the side it has to go THROUGH the rail. This requires machining and from the Slug experience this seems difficult for people to get done. We are still thinking about it so it stays short term.

Well I have complained about them long enough so now we had to step up and make them ourselves. We (hopefully) fixed all the stupid stuff and have a robust design. They are one piece and fit angel threads. Staying with our attempt to look cool we are making them with the little grab slots on the outer edge that you like so much. They have nylon balls and are at the machine shop now. Look for them in a few weeks. Sorry to the people that didn't get detents with their Xmags everyone was out of stock hence we have to make them.

Roller Trigger:
My super hype job got these guys rolling so we spent an afternoon on it two days ago and came up with a simple, elegant design that can bolt to your existing trigger. You have to drill and tap holes but we think that may be doable at your local store. We blasted prints to our suppliers and we are expecting a batch of protos back this week (cool huh?!). We will be selling these protos in the store asap with the idea that YOUR TESTING THESE OUT. Just like the first Superbolt, don't buy them unless your willing to deal with it. The design is slick and removable if you don't like it. They will be cheap too!

Elec. / Mech Trigger:
Simon is currently working on his own version of this. It's version of our switch that once you flip to mechanical mode blocks out E mode. It has been on our long term list but might move off if the tourny's get worse about it. I am waiting to see what Simon came up with.

Trap Door Feed:
Remember this one? No its not dead just on the long term list. With the ULE body not working with warps and the Xmag needing a good warp module this could be slated to get worked on soon.

Grips for Xmag:
We know you want them but the smartest thing for us to do is make our frame fit existing grips. To do that requires remachining the frame and a new pc board design. That is a lot to bite off right now and we have a lot of grip frames in stock. This one is staying on the long term list for a while more, sorry.

Y Grip:
Well the good news is that this one is right on the edge of getting on the short list! When we have a chance we are going to rework the print and see if it works out the way we want. If it does we will come to the forum and survey for preorders. If the demand is there we will pre-sell 100 of them and tell our machine shop to start cutting. If we don't pre-sell 100 it dies forever! They will be somewhere between 100-125 dollars so start saving.

Emag Battery:
We are spending a significant amount of time looking at the whole power system on our e-guns. As you can imagine the battery/recharger system is quite expensive and we would like to reduce that cost for all of us. The problem is that the Plutonium power source we are interested in is really hard to find :). No news here but we are noodeling it daily.

Apparel, Promo:
Yes we do this too! We have arranged to have CSG the people that made your AO jerseys do all our jerseys. We now have them in the store and you can order them custom online! We also have hats with the AO logo on order along with headbands, and a bunch of other stuff I cant remember. We have also just upgraded our plotter to a 42¨ 1200 dpi HP system that we can print glorious full color posters on. We are waiting for delivery of a laminator so you can order wall candy of your favorite AGD products / people and they will be water proof no less! For those of you running small tourneys, we have developed a generic 2' x3' full color scoreboard that we can print out with the name of your tourney right on it! If you're an AGD dealer you can order one for free!

So THAT¡¨S what we are doing here in R&D!!! (See, it's all just for you)


Will Wood
01-20-2003, 09:32 PM

\thanks for the update

01-20-2003, 09:38 PM
thanks fo the heads-up tom. now i know what to save for :D

01-20-2003, 09:38 PM
Wow, I don't want to here a single person say AGD needs no make more new stuff ever again. EVER!

Load SM5
01-20-2003, 09:45 PM
Man am I glad to hear you guys are making detents. I hate tracking down plane normal looking chrome detents. All the ones I find are shaped like bullets, naked chicks, etc.

Are they a soft or harder detent? Some of the detents I've found allow the HALO to push past them.

01-20-2003, 09:51 PM
w00t! Just what I have been looking forward to: a bunch of AGD posters up all over my room.. my walls are completely bare.. and they are begging for posters!

01-20-2003, 09:52 PM
So, what about ULE frames and ULE rails, do those come on Emags soon?

01-20-2003, 10:10 PM
Man, just when I thought my mag was nearing completion, there's more new stuff coming out. Looks like I may have to start saving for one of the new Y frames.:D As usual you guys never fail to impress me.

01-20-2003, 10:15 PM
Everything sounds great, I'm really interested in the apparel now so I'll have to check it out.

01-20-2003, 10:22 PM
Just what I wanted to hear.

01-20-2003, 10:25 PM

01-20-2003, 10:30 PM
Originally posted by AGD

Y Grip:
Well the good news is that this one is right on the edge of getting on the short list! When we have a chance we are going to rework the print and see if it works out the way we want. If it does we will come to the forum and survey for preorders. If the demand is there we will pre-sell 100 of them and tell our machine shop to start cutting. If we don't pre-sell 100 it dies forever! They will be somewhere between 100-125 dollars so start saving.


Thank the heavens!!!!!:D Will they work with the E-Mag? (holds breath)

01-20-2003, 11:08 PM
Tom- you are the man.

I've noticed over the past month or so, your projects have just started coming into the AO spotlight, and yet, your fans still demand more. Glad to hear you're working so hard! I can't wait to see more of these projects unfold.

01-20-2003, 11:34 PM
No mind activated triggers! I'm shocked!



Little Matt
01-21-2003, 12:10 AM
I've never heard anything about the y-grip. whats that?


01-21-2003, 12:28 AM
wow that's cool. it's good to know about all this. i'll make sure to put aside some money. :D

01-21-2003, 03:51 AM
That update was so throrough, I was so excited to see what the plans were behind the AGD Factory door. Very nice job Mr. Kaye.

However.. I did find one area I still have a question on.

I have an SFL Emag, but I'm sure all the Xmag Owners will want to know as well. What will be the deal with buying different Modules for our guns... I have a vert feed now... but what if I want to buy a Warp Left or Warp Right ?

Pricing? Color Choices? Timing...if thats even on the project table yet ?

I'm assuming for now that project is on hold till more Xmags are out?

~da "always has a question left" baller

01-21-2003, 07:57 AM
wow, now the question is what am i gonna buy:eek:

01-21-2003, 08:15 AM
Good job Tom.

I will however urge you to still look into the efficiency of your markers. This would not be a waste of time. Yes, one might say that a 5-10% loss of efficiency with the LX over a L7 may not seem bad, but I would suggest factoring in that L7 was not that good to begin with. ANY loss of efficiency is not good, and any improvement on that is a GOOD thing.

We really don’t need the “mags are gas hogs” reputation expanding any more than it already is. And any effort you can put into this would be appreciated by all mag users… many of us really do care about this.

01-21-2003, 08:24 AM
Im a fan :)

w00t! AGD!

I Agree Sam. The efficiency of markers has to take the top priority. You are all smart people at AGD and can surely figure something out to make it better. I still get 1000 shots on a 68/45 tank with my LX Emag, but it should be better than that....somewhere 12-1400 shots per tank is a good thing

01-21-2003, 08:31 AM
Originally posted by shartley
I will however urge you to still look into the efficiency of your markers. This would not be a waste of time. Yes, one might say that a 5-10% loss of efficiency with the LX over a L7 may not seem bad, but I would suggest factoring in that L7 was not that good to begin with. ANY loss of efficiency is not good, and any improvement on that is a GOOD thing.

I agree completely. I think the efficiency of my Level 10 X-mag is pretty much the same now as my RT was.

However better and better efficiency to me is very important. It's very noticeable when coming from a well tuned cocker or angel to a mag.

I think getting better efficiency that level 7 would be fantastic IF possible and a good goal to work towards.


p.s. To those asking about modules. As production of X-mags moves along I suspect the extra modules will be available for warp feed (both left and right) it's just hard keeping up with demand for modules to fit the current marker demand :)

01-21-2003, 08:39 AM
an LX RT/Retro/Emag valve would give you around 950 shots on LX set-up properly on a 68ci @ 4,000 psi. around 1050 on a L7 set-up.

Running at 4,500psi should give you at least 1,100-1,200 shots with LX

that's a revy and a little over 7 pods. that's pretty darn good for a 68/4500. Most mid/front players dont take more than 7 pods out on the field

back players do and back players dont use 68ci tanks. More like a 88ci or 114ci.

88ci leads to around 1550 shots
which is a revy and almost 9 pods.

114ci leads to around 2000 shots
which is a revy and almost 13 pods.

45ci leads to around 800 shots
which is a revy and a little over 4 pods.

01-21-2003, 08:43 AM
You could always set your tank to 600psi, I played all day last time I played a 600psi, with no noticable shoot down, or low shots. Chronoed 288,288,288. It was in E-Mode, but I don't care for the reactive trigger so it doesn't matter.

01-21-2003, 08:45 AM
Bah! Get a bigger tank! Naw just kidding... :)

I am so dissapointed I do not see the Beer can holder Warp Feed on any of them lists! What happened!!!! :(


01-21-2003, 08:46 AM
thanks pito...

BTW, those numbers are running @ 900psi @295fps using the cut spring

lower input pressure and lower velocities improve on the numbers for those who run 800psi or play on fields that have velocity limits of 250-280fps etc.

**added** with a decent to good paint/barrel

01-21-2003, 08:52 AM
Good Numbers Havoc,

With my gun at around 295 and an 88ci 4500psi tank I can just squeeze out approx 1600 shots so that ties in well with what you figured.

I'd be happiest using a 45/45 tank though if possible ;)

01-21-2003, 08:59 AM
Originally posted by manike

I'd be happiest using a 45/45 tank though if possible ;)

Can you imagine 1200 shoots off a 45/45 with air to spare. That would be the day. :eek:

Creative Mayhem
01-21-2003, 09:25 AM

Thanks for the info, I'll be looking forward to these products whenthe finally come out.

C Mayhem

01-21-2003, 09:29 AM
Can't wait for the ULE frames :D

01-21-2003, 10:50 AM
Originally posted by AGD
Sorry to the people that didn't get detents with their Xmags everyone was out of stock hence we have to make them.To be clear, if my X-Mag shows up without a detent, will an Angel detent work in its place?

01-21-2003, 11:16 AM
To be clear, if my X-Mag shows up without a detent, will an Angel detent work in its place? yeap.:)

01-21-2003, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by TNS2k2
So, what about ULE frames and ULE rails, do those come on Emags soon?

When will the emag come standard with ule frame and rails?
When will you have the ule frame available as after-market part. The ULE frame and the rail should come either in black as a bol-on upgrade and raw (as you currently sell the ule frame) for people who want to color them themselves.

Little Matt
01-21-2003, 03:59 PM
Someone please tell me what a y-grip is.


01-21-2003, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by Little Matt
Someone please tell me what a y-grip is.

Thanks, To my knowledge the Y-grip is just like the Z grip, only at less of a staggered angle. The Z is at a 45º angle, whereas the Y would probably be closer to 70º or so (closer to 90).

01-21-2003, 04:10 PM
I think it went like this: Take off your grip frame & put it on backwards and thats about the angle of the y grip.. I'm pretty sure thats how Tom deminstrated it..

01-21-2003, 04:57 PM
I don't know if I'm supposed to say anything but... ah well..

At the Kick'n 5 man this weekend I got to talk to Brian Terry, and hold his cnc (mmmmm xmag).

He said that they have an efficiency boosting prototype. I'll just say, it's better than anythign that's been mentioned so far.

Hopefully I don't get in trouble. ;)

01-21-2003, 05:51 PM
Now I just need an X-Mag!!!!!!!

01-21-2003, 07:13 PM
im really interested in that roller trigger thing. im hopping that goes good.

01-21-2003, 09:28 PM
Can't say I have any extraordinary ideas on most of that stuff,
but maybe you could consider integrating something like I did for the warp related things, since you won't have to make major redesigns (which are a pain).

Only a cut down elbow (cracked at that), it's strong enough that I sometimes use it as a carry handle.

Regular Clear hopper elbow: $0.00 (a cracked one I already had, from my blimp days)
Extruded acrylic tubing: ~$0.25
Unique Retromag marker: priceless.





01-21-2003, 10:22 PM
wow i really like that! too bad i dont have warp feed :(. dream on hatter...dream on :(. anyone want to give me a warp feed that has given up on their life and doesnt like paintball anymore? please? i think you should consider that tom, thats tight.

01-22-2003, 12:18 AM
it never fails.....I spend the money to buy a slug body before they sell out and are not available anymore only to find out that there are going to be slug bodies that extend out over the valve..... my timing sucks...lol

Little Matt
01-22-2003, 12:28 AM
when are the new slugs comin out. I was going to get one of the old one tommorrow, but like it was said they are sold out. but I would rather have one that extends over the valve. When can we expect to see them for sale. I'd buy one tommorrow afternoon if theres one out there.


01-22-2003, 01:37 AM
Wow, and all this time we thought you werent doing anything!;)
On a serious note, this is one of the reasons I will always remain a customer of yours. The personal touch. IMHO, that is a BIG seller.

Thanks Tom.

01-22-2003, 01:57 AM
doh... i forgot to put up the pic... I just deleted my previous post.

ooh ooh! we're making suggestions!?!
Well, here's my take on the roller y-grip... It probably won't work as a normal y-grip since I thought it up solely for roller trig use

Little Matt
01-22-2003, 05:37 PM
Is the y grip for regular mags or is it just for e-mags?


01-23-2003, 10:48 AM
Sounds like AGD is moving in the right direction, an idea to contribute to the pot. A basic electronic kit that retrofits into Automags, Minimags, Micromags, etc with the XValve and the INTELLIFRAME that works like the one in a Matrix where it's simply on/off with an LED light and that has a device SIMILAR to an eye but instead uses an eye set up to work with the sear so that it will only fire if the bolt is properly seated with the sear. Maybe an eye right below the rail. The specific functionality I do not know, thats up to AGD, but it would give the light trigger pull which any analog Mag user wants and would have a preventative device for sear and bolt damage. The Lvl 10 already prevents chopping enough so it's better to use the eye elsewhere (in the frame or rail) and it could fit in Intelliframes, keeping the cost down for current Intelliframe users and encouraging the sale of intelliframes instead of other aftermarket frames. The kit would almost be like the internals of a revi but a little higher powered and better built. The eye can illuminate green if firing right, yellow if on safety, red if not firing because of the eye saying it hasn't reset. Even if AGD does not persue this idea I am, but my technical knowledge is limited, ideas are always appreciated.

The idea again: basic tournament-legal electronic frame slightly similar to a Matrix with LED only for high-speed semiautomatic fire (no full auto) that will give all the benefits of an electronic frame to current Intelliframe users at a discount price due to the less expensive parts and no need of purchasing a new frame. An internal eye located below the rail to fire only when bolt is properly reset, preventing sear and bolt wear. Could even use a switch turned on with a rod similar to the sear rod but without the pressure resistance to activate the firing instead of a magnet to prevent faulty parts and keep the cost down while encouraging people to buy the XMag if they want a high-end electronic marker. LED can be housed in a new grip to install, parts internal to the frame, battery would be 9V internal to the frame. Best part: minimal R+D time and expenses as all components are available or modifiable from current AGD ideas, frame is already designed (I-frame) and out in the market, maximum reliability as it is a basic electronic frame installable and fixable by most, and the simplicity will keep the cost down.
One thing I'd be interested in knowing if anyone does that would play a role in the ROF of the frame: how fast can the bolt and sear reset? In other words, at what speed would the gun be firing too fast and firing again before proper reset?
Well Mr. Kaye or anyone else? Any input/ideas?

01-24-2003, 07:33 PM
What happened to the chrome z-grips you were thinking about :( lol

01-27-2003, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by FooTemps
doh... i forgot to put up the pic... I just deleted my previous post.

FooTemps What is the yellow part of the grip you showed? I know the one is a roller but what is it below the trigger guard?

AGD Clear warp tubing would be great, awesome, outstanding....! :D