View Full Version : Damage Inc Chicago looking for a few more players

01-21-2003, 02:46 AM
As the title says. I am looking for a few more players to complete the roster for my second team. One of my guys joined the army and 2 others are no longer playing paintball so I have a few open spots. We compete in the CPSA series and the 2003 schedule has just been posted. Practices are starting soon!!! We will be practicing at either Fox Paintball or Badlandz since our old home field Friendly Fire has closed down due to the states unwillingness to re-lease the owner the land that the field sits on :(. If you are intereseted in coming out for the team drop me an email, catch me on AIM (darthdamage), or reply here. Damage Inc had a very strong finish in the 2002 season and I want to start the 2003 season right where we left off. Come on out and be a part of it!!!

01-23-2003, 03:14 PM
Too bad pal. If you would have just caught me with some money before I dropped out of chicago, you just might have had yourself a one man team.


01-26-2003, 04:13 AM
This is probably not very helpful but I would be more than happy to try out or help out later in the season..like say after may 12th since thats when I get out for summer.. ahh well at the very least Im sending the thread back to the top :)

02-05-2003, 03:58 PM
I live just outside of chicago, and i play at badlands all the time. I consider my self pretty good ;)

Email me at [email protected], if your at all interested. (I play with nero/pi, if you wanna know how i play)

02-07-2003, 06:12 PM
I am interested in your team, I sent you an email but am not sure if you got it or not. I live in Chicago Heights right near Badlandz and we practice there all the time also...Please get ahold of me, I would like to talk to you about this...thanks
[email protected]


02-11-2003, 03:23 AM

02-11-2003, 02:24 PM
Am interested, please send me an email, on what your plans, goals, and positions are.
[email protected]

02-26-2003, 02:14 AM
Damage Inc is practicing this Sunday March 2nd at Fox Paintball. Anybody looking to get in some good practice is welcome to attend.