View Full Version : preset tanks...

01-21-2003, 02:48 AM
ok now i know there is a way to adjust preset tanks...
but i just wanted to see if anyone else has before i bother taking my reg apart...

...i just wondered how involved it is...

I have taken down my tank reg before to replace parts...
but it's an incredible pain, mainly because of the locktite...so before i do it, i'd like to know whats involved... and even if i can do the job

anyways i have a freeflow tank from pro paintball(made for pro by nitroduck)...
it's preset at 650(because it's made to use with freeflow 'cockers)
i'd like to turn it up to 800 to use with my retromag
it does work as is, but i don't get much reactivity...

do you think it'd just be easier to order a shorter on/off pin for my retro...as suggested in other posts ive searched?

01-21-2003, 07:36 PM
I wouldent recomend trying to adjust your preset, if done wrong you may end up with the full 3000-4500psi tankpressure out of the reg. You could call the regulator maker and ask about a new reg spring for your desired output range. Best idea would be to sell your tank and get a new/used adjustable tank so you can fine tune your retro valve.

01-22-2003, 01:07 AM
definitely are all good points...
and avenues im exploring...
just figured if it was something simple...
id save some cash
the tank is brand new and i know ill be eating it if i try to trade...or sell and buy a new one...