View Full Version : Big Ball Paint in Under 40degrees=sux!

01-21-2003, 09:17 AM
This past weekend I couldn't afford anything other than a couple of cases of big ball. Please don't flame-I now know the errors of my ways and will never do this mistake again!

We werer playing indoor on an ult-air 5man field when the heat gave out and it quickly dropped to like 35-38 degrees. Big ball was already to big for me dye ultralight and very brittle. So needless to say, it was a mess until it warmed up a bit. I should have bought one case of blaze or something than two cases of crap!

01-21-2003, 11:03 AM
Big ball is pretty decent paint, so no flame. It does not (like most paint) handle cold very well. On cold days, you should place the bags of paing on your dashboard in the sun to warm (do not leave them there if it gets warm outside). This usually solve most of any problems.

01-21-2003, 04:12 PM
Just an observation, no flame, but if the paint was obviously too large for your barrel, then simply picking up an additional barrel should resolve most of your problems.

01-21-2003, 04:48 PM
i've used big ball on dyas when its been below 30 and had no problems, but as i'm sure u know, paint is made in batches and it differs every batch so it may have just been the batch.


01-21-2003, 04:55 PM
you all are very very picky about paint.. i pick up whatever is cheapest at the local store...

01-21-2003, 05:43 PM
i've used big balls and they've always worked for me.
my friend's used big balls in his dye while we SHOT AT THE SNOW, and still didn't have any problems...like dropkick said, maybe you had a weird batch.

*edit* woo-hoo, a whopping ONE HUNDRED posts!! :D lol

01-21-2003, 06:12 PM
lol, I thought I was the only one. Last saturday all my field had left was bigball (40 bucks a case why not?). My gun wouldn't chop the paint but I sure as hell couldn't get that paint out the end of my barrel. Me along with everyone else was breaking paint in the barrel left and right. It was in the 30's too.

I've had the most consistent good luck with that Anarachy paint, I really like using that stuff if I can afford but usually some of the cheaper RPS stuff shoots good, just not in the cold I guess. (I live in GA, it rarely gets below 60,lol)

01-21-2003, 06:42 PM
Man i play with Acemanpb and i agree completly with him

01-21-2003, 07:34 PM
i love bigball and i just gotta stick up for it. i used it for like 2 years before my old field went FPO. i NEVER had aball break in all the cases i shot with my .689 CP barrel.