View Full Version : Any of you into MOD making?

01-21-2003, 02:02 PM
I'm sure we're all familiar with "digital paintball" for the HL engine.

Anyone know anything about the UNREAL WARFARE engine and mod'ing for UT2K3? ... Cause I would LOVE to see a PB mod for that game. I mean the graphics would be about 200 times better, the gameplay could be made MUCH more realistic (diving, etc)... basically the whole game could be redone to be visually insane!

Just an idea.... I could see it "Automags.org present: PB2K3"


Dave K

01-21-2003, 02:28 PM
i was helping out a team that was working on a paintball game using the Torque (Tribes 2) engine. my minimal part was just doing some mapping, and the group kinda fell apart after the core developers lost interest. so now I just have some 3DSMax bunker type objects sitting around collection dust ;)

damn shame actually, i wanted to play some speedball in this:

<img src="http://synreal.net/contest/img/fly_over_mov.jpg">

01-21-2003, 02:38 PM
I have a couple of friends who are very good with the Torque engine, but their web business (realityslip.com) is going nuts so they barely have time to sleep ..lol

I would love to see some type of "updated engine" paintball mod!

Dave K

01-21-2003, 02:43 PM
I need to get off my keester & get back into gaming stuff...


Check us out, under construction at the moment, but we know damn near everything there is to know about everything, so there! <---sarcastic mofo

Personally, I can't wait until Doom3 comes out.. I know all the LD is done in the game, and I *think* I remember reading that everything can be done in game, as far as mod making is concerned. Gonne be sweet :D