View Full Version : Look at what I found...

El Gallo Negro
01-21-2003, 04:08 PM
I found this at a pawn shop for a mere 10 dollars and I just couldn't let it sit there, the sad poor thing... It's a Taso Pump Gun.... Doesn't have much info on it but on the grip it says Model 1500...

I know the picture quality sucks but when I get a better cam I'll post a new pic... If any one knows any info on this pump let me know...

01-21-2003, 04:11 PM
great find... taso's are some what a colectors item.:D

i believe its was called "target Master"

El Gallo Negro
01-21-2003, 04:31 PM
The best thing about it is that it works... sure it's missing a screw that goes on the sight rail but that's about it... it is in good condition... and for 10 bucks I was like holy mierda... I could care less if it's broken, I'll fix her up...

She's loud though...

01-21-2003, 05:34 PM
Try pumpplayers.com for info on the Taso. Those guys know everything there is when it comes to pumps.
