View Full Version : Prayer for the Allen family please.

01-21-2003, 06:53 PM
AO please , if you could pray for the Allen family. My girl friends mom had an Anurism (sp?) last night. She was taken to Moore county Regoinal Hospital 1-20-03. And rushed to a specialty hospital in Chapil Hill NC. And she has surgery 1-22-03. I will post more info when I get it. Thank you so much guys! :( :(

01-21-2003, 07:07 PM
Just got an email from my girl friend...
" Yesterday when my Dad came home around 10:00pm we all had a late dinner. Afterwards I went to bed my Dad went downstairs and my Mom went into my parents room to read a book. Around 12:00ish my Dad came back upstairs and he saw that the light was still on in the room . When he got there my Mom said that she had an extreme headache and she was throwing up. So my Dad asked her if they needed to go to the hospital and my Mom being like she is said no. Then around 12:30ish my Dad asked again and finilly she said take me to the hospital. So my Dad woke my up around 12:45ish and said I'm taking your Mom to the hospital and I said ok. So then around 3:00ish my Dad wakes me up again and says get dressed we have to go to the hospital because Mom is beiong transford to the Chapel- Hill hospital. So we got to the hospital here and my Mom got to ride in the helecopter while me my Dad and T- Ray went to Chapel-hill by driving." :( :(

01-21-2003, 08:17 PM
Sounds to me like she may be OK.

If the pain came on slowly, it may be just swelling, and surgery will take care of that.

I will pray for her recovery. Dave

01-21-2003, 08:18 PM
Thank you very much Army! I love you guys!

01-21-2003, 08:23 PM
yeah she should be alright and i hope for a quick recovery

01-21-2003, 08:28 PM
I'm not sure what a anusershim (sp) is but i hope she gets well bro, and the best place in NC is Chapel Hill. Ill think bout u bro.

01-21-2003, 08:36 PM
It's a shame how these things can happen... well, I can't do much, but I hope she gets better soon. Best of luck.

01-21-2003, 09:17 PM
yes my best wishes go with her.spongebob is right chapel hill would be the best place for her in North Carolina.with luck,boss.

01-21-2003, 09:52 PM
UNC's hospital is one of the top hospitals in the state...

She will be well there and the doctors will go good work.

Andy, my prayers are with you and your loved ones

01-21-2003, 10:44 PM
Originally posted by SpongeBobSquarePants
I'm not sure what a anusershim (sp) is but i hope she gets well bro, and the best place in NC is Chapel Hill. Ill think bout u bro.

Its when a vein or capillary bursts inside your brain, causing massive swelling and blood to leak into the brain. My best friends dad passed away from an anurism, he died instantly though :(

01-21-2003, 11:21 PM
Good Luck and God Bless

01-22-2003, 03:01 PM
My thoughts and prayers are with you and the family man.

01-22-2003, 03:15 PM
An aneurysm is a weak spot spot on a blood vessel. Imagine you are squeezing a balloon, and you notice one part starts to stretch more than it should and you can tell its going to pop there if you squeeze harder because you weakened the rubber, thats an aneurysm. The danger of an aneurysm is that they could easily rupture, but the rupturing itself isn't called an aneurysm.

They are usually treated with surgery, which is fairly risky but very effective if successful. Inoperable aneuryms are treated with high blood pressure medication to lower strain on the weak point.

Untreated, they are absolutely deadly. My grandfather had one, but he refused surgery, and died a few months later from a rupture. His was an aortic aneurysm. A cerebral aneurysm is just as bad, but it seems like they caught it before anything ruptured. It was probably swelling and pressing against her brain, causing the headaches and nausea.

Good luck to your girlfriends mom and family, hopefully everything turns out for the best.

The Frymarker
01-22-2003, 03:23 PM
best wishes for a speedy recovery

01-22-2003, 03:47 PM
Good luck, and best wishes for a speedy and normal recovery!
Take care.

01-22-2003, 04:04 PM
She is out of sergery and doing better than expected. She just has to stay in the hopsital for a couple days. Thank you all for your prayers.:)