View Full Version : polishing mainbody???

01-21-2003, 09:50 PM
quick question, I'm wanting to polish my gray mainbody, can someone explain to me how to do it, as detailed as possible. or simply tell me of somewhere I can have it done professionally. the thing is I have a standard feed body(gray) and would like it polished to a mirror finish. thanks AZZKIKR

01-21-2003, 09:52 PM
If you do a search on that topic, you can find more than enough info on polishing mainbodies.

01-21-2003, 10:00 PM
ok heres a good description:

ok, first get all your materials, you will need a lower grit sandpaper(i started on 150) and gradually go up to a finer grit( i ended at 1500) you will also need a bucket or bowl of water and a lot of free time.

start with the lowest grit and tear then on a table edge grit down into manageable pieces. then wet one of those pieces and begin sanding in one direction untill you think that piece is spent, dont forget to keep the sandpaper wet. then switch pieces and keep going till you get most of the gray off then go perpindicular to that (if you go horizontal first go vertical after that and vice-versa) dont forget to keep the paper wet.

switch grit to the next size up and keep going, keep the paper wet dont forget, and keep going on that grit till the old grit lines are gone and replaced with new ones, then switch again.

once you get through all your grits, get a good polish or buff if you can and use a buffing wheel if you can and buff it up till it sheens. thats about it, dont forget to keep the sandpaper wet, this will keep down the metal dust which is super bad for your lungs.

01-21-2003, 10:01 PM
thanks, I really wanted to know too :) My body is sort of half polished, looks like brushed steel