View Full Version : neck protection.. getting shot in the neck

01-21-2003, 11:22 PM
ok .. what if u got shot directly in the adams apple.. with neck protection... wouldnt u be seriously injured? cut off ur breathing? please send me a response? maybe someone thats gotten shot there?

01-21-2003, 11:25 PM
With neck protection? Wouldn't know.

Without - just another hit. In fact, it was the very first place I was ever shot, and I remember putting on a melodramatic display, but other than that, it just felt like a normal paintball shot. Knocked the wind out of me for a second, but other than that, I was fine. However, I don't advocate going out and shooting your friends in the Adam's Apple because I said it didn't do much - be safe, and all that jazz...


Mr. T!
01-21-2003, 11:48 PM
I got shot in the adams apple awhile ago, knocked out wind for like 3-6 secs, nothing bad, kinda painful.

01-22-2003, 12:03 AM
I dont have an adams apple and never have been shot directly from the front either. The only neck shots I've taken are on the sides or in the back. I still don't like to use neck protection though, it's too constricting. :D

(that's blood not paint on my most recent one...neck shots are soooo fun..not really :p )

01-22-2003, 12:05 AM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
I dont have an adams apple and never have been shot directly from the front either. The only neck shots I've taken are on the sides or in the back. I still don't like to use neck protection though, it's too constricting. :D

(that's blood not paint)

hehe, that looks like a wicked hickie :)

01-22-2003, 12:09 AM
In ten years of paintball, I've only been shot in the adam's apple once...and it was by our fearless leader Tom Kaye of all people. I'm in therapy for that one. I've never worn neck protection and still don't. It stung, I'll be honest. I staggered for a second, and after a couple of hours the minor swelling went away and everything was fine. According to my doctor, who has played paintball, being shot there at extreme close range could cause real trouble breathing but I've never seen it happen. Bottom line? If it worries you that much, buy a neoprene neck protector manufactured by 32 Degrees or Redz Comfort, then go out and play fearless paintball!
Josh :D

01-22-2003, 12:30 AM
i was shot right in the windpipe, and blacked out for a few seconds, but i still dont wear neck protection. i have also been shot in other parts of the throat.

01-22-2003, 12:39 AM
My roomate was playing around with his FLY IR3 Angel yesturday. He didnt have a hopper on the gun, and both of us were still wearing our goggles.. however he put his hand over the end of the barrel, and just fired a couple o times in a row... however.

The first shot blasted his hand... for there was still one more paintball in the breech neck of the gun..

Dumbarse shot himself at the base of his middle finger on the inner side of his hand.... Perfect bloody circle of pus filled swollenness when he wook up this morning... heheehe...

he is such a newb... Newbs with Angels... arrrggg....

~da "has a not so bright roomate" baller

01-22-2003, 12:43 AM
i hate getting shot in the hand. i was getting out sunday, and raised my hand to let people know, and WHAM right in the palm of my hand. it was all swollen and black and blue.

sparklie Chick
01-22-2003, 03:17 AM
About 3 years ago I was marshalling or reffing as you call it on my site out in the woods in our fort and one of the dear customers managed to get a blinding shot through a 6" slit. It hit me right on the radio mike I was wearing........... not so bad you think. I had just run in there to help some one out with gun problems and was trying to make my escape. The radio mike had a metal clip and it peirced the skin on my neck and I had to pull it out! I hasten to add this was intnded by the manufactures to clip to clothing but had moved due to the running. I ended up hugging a tree and nearly passing out! It has left a really pretty mole like scar right in that nice soft bit of shin just above my collar bone.

I have only worn a neck protector once and that was reffing world cup, a huge big industrial hockey one DJ made me wear ( he did before he denies it, honest!) That was about the onley bit of me that didn't take a hit! I dout I will ever wear one and I have been shot in the neck playing but only once or twise, lots of arnica cream and its gone in a few days :D

If I was a bloke I might think diffrently I understand there can be complications if you guys get shot in the addames apple. A baller was telling me a story about emergency surgery and and ad-hoc biro breathng tube........... but that's some one else'e atle to tell.

Mr Pink
01-22-2003, 05:03 AM
I've got a couple of welts much like Cap's in the back of my neck at the moment:( My Back player decided that he was going to be Rich Telford, starts firing to keep my mirror in - Then he looks out the other side of his bunker to keep his lane open! Result: The Ref who was checking me gets 4 shots up his back and I get the next two :rolleyes:

I'm not sure what was worse tho - getting hit, losing the game or him denying it!

Oh Well, it's all good really:p

01-22-2003, 10:14 AM
Neck shots sting like the Dickens! I play without a neck protector most of times. They can be somewhat restrictive. After I have played a couple weeks in a row without getting hit in the neck, I go sans the neck protector. Then like clockwork, bam in the neck. Then I'm back to the neck protector and the cycle starts all over again. It's not because of the pain necessary I wear it, but because I'm a little to old to walk around my office with what appears to be hickies.;)

01-22-2003, 10:24 AM
I have taken quite a few throat shots.

I actually took one directly to the adams apple from about 2 feet away a few years ago at the Michigan Monster Game. We staged an ill fated rush accross the trail to clear out some bushes that were holding about 30 of us at bay. I charged accross on the front line and was hit pretty quick in the charge. I called OUT and spun to avoid getting shot anymore. And to my suprise what do I see? The business end of a F-2 Illustrator ( I could probably read the serial number it was so close! ) I caught 2 shots right in the throat and dropped like a sack of potatoes. Ended up with 2 bleeding welts, and no voice for about 2 hours.

I still rarely use throat protection in woods ball, but have been wearing a neoprene neck protector in airball/speedball fields.


Archangel Damien
01-22-2003, 10:35 AM
i can think of more sensative parts of my body to worry about then my neck:(

01-22-2003, 10:40 AM

01-22-2003, 10:43 AM
Don't know - gotta have a neck to get shot in teh neck - sometimes it's good to be fat:

01-22-2003, 12:19 PM
Since I can no longer get lenses for my Vents Predators (best goggles ever), I bought some Proteus goggles and gook the neoprene neck protector from the Vents and transferred to the Proteus. Works great and has stopped a couple of would-be Adam's apple shots.

Looks cool, too.

01-22-2003, 12:35 PM
One time I got two bounces two games in a row off the SAME spot on my neck. Stung like a mother...

I'm still alive though :)

Tom Sparkman
01-22-2003, 03:41 PM
The first time I played 10 years ago I got shot twice in the neck - one on each side. Everyone started calling me Frankenstein, because they really stuck out.

It seems like every time I don't wear a neck protector, I get shot in the neck. With the protector, it bounces and doesn't leave a mark. Nothing worse than going into see a new client with a large 'hickey' on my neck. :)


01-22-2003, 03:52 PM
Back about 10yrs ago when I first played at "shooters world" my first time going I got shot in the groin' and in the adams apple .... ouch.

Recently my worst was a shot directly between my fingers that split my hand open, I have a paintball shaped scar between my fingers. Here's the pic link...

<a href="http://www.plur2k.com/beta/pb3.jpg" target="_new">Click me for Picture</a>

Dave K

01-22-2003, 05:32 PM
I bunkered a guy last year that was obviously out, but decided to get that one last shot off before he left the field. I had already turned to eliminate his bro when I took a shot from 10ft behind the jaw and under the ear. Quite a nasty bit of bleeding, but nothing too bad.

01-22-2003, 08:12 PM
I wear a neoprene neck protector and it helps quite a bit with prevention of wealts