View Full Version : My doorstep was nice!

01-21-2003, 11:35 PM
Lookie what my doorstep left me...hehehehe


01-21-2003, 11:38 PM
Have it installed but it wont become reactive (reason for thread) Lost. New to the valve. New to the Reactive part of it at least! Thanks in advance!


01-22-2003, 12:15 AM
I'm jealous. I really wish they'd come back in stock so I can snag one... whaddaya mean it won't be reactive? Try shooting a string real fast and you'll notice a difference. Use the sear that came with the valve!

01-22-2003, 07:42 AM
Originally posted by -sCaN-
Have it installed but it wont become reactive (reason for thread) Lost. New to the valve. New to the Reactive part of it at least! Thanks in advance!


What tank are you using on it? If it's preset, it may not output a high enough pressure (~850psi) to get the reactivity to kick in.

If it's adjustable, work up the out pressure until you achive the reactivity you desire.

Later ~ Jonesie

01-22-2003, 02:37 PM
Yes, i am using the sear that was included.
I also have a conquest and was pumping out about 1000 psi. that should do it you would think. thanks guys. Any more?


01-22-2003, 02:47 PM
Reactive, meaning it's not forcing the trigger back?

Or, reactive as in it won't sweet-spot?

01-22-2003, 04:52 PM
Not forcing the trigger back. I dont know what to do. Maybe the input needs to be adjusted in the back. Like i said before im new to the reactive trigger. Thank you.


01-22-2003, 06:13 PM
Do you have a preset tank? If its adjustable Up the input pressure...

01-22-2003, 07:51 PM
One thing to remember is that there is a break-in period on these valves. If you're still having problems after 5000 or so shots, then read on.

This is a problem I've found on nearly all Level 10 equiped retro or x valves. This symptom of level ten really makes sense if you think about it. You feel the reactivity of the retro valve because the pull is lighter than the kickback. With any mag, the pull becomes lighter as you decrease the velocity and stiffer as you raise the velocity. Thus, the more you raise the velocity on the retro or x valve, the less reactive it feels. It still kicks back just as hard, but the pull is harder to begin with so the difference between pull and kickback is lessened. With a level ten, the longer the spring you put in, the more you must turn up the velocity. Thus, if you run the short or medium spring you should be able to get a marker that feels more reactive.

Another method of correcting the "problem" would be for AGD to put an on/off pin into the X-valves that is about .01 inches shorter than the ones that currently come in these valves.
If you decide to put in a shorter pin yourself though, be warned: it's cool at first, but your gun will not function as well and will just generally feel "wierd" if you put in too short a pin. The trigger will feel sloppy and uncontrolled. (This is why I have taken out the very short pin I had in my retro valve and replaced it with a longer one. Now the trigger feels much "cleaner.") Not only that, but you may be removed from the field if your trigger is too reactive.

Something else to check if your trigger seems to hesitate after firing before returning is that you are using the loosest carrier that does not leak. Also make certain that the gun is well oiled. If neither of these solves the problem, an option is to polish the bolt piston. If you need to do this it's somewhere on the site or I can tell you how to do it.

01-22-2003, 08:01 PM
Originally posted by xmetal2001
Do you have a preset tank? If its adjustable Up the input pressure...
No, i amswered this in one of my last few posts. I stated i was at about 1000 PSI. That definately shouldnt be the problem. Thank you tho.

Smoken, thank you for that informative report. I read through it and nothing seemed to help. If i sent it in to AGD, you think they would be able to explain to me once they recieve it why im not able to do anything right?!? I hope so because thats where im headed. Anyways, thank you for the help.
