View Full Version : 2003 shocker q&a

01-21-2003, 11:41 PM
ok we all know why no one shoots a shocker so why shoot a 2003 shocker?

we have all seen the pics but in not convinced. feed me some hype. how fast are they? do they have an eye? are they efficent? do they have a pressure bleed like the lvl 10? I mean why why shoot them? the excalibur isnt a good seller and with all the e-cockers out there these days if you really want a electro closed bolt gun why shoot a 2003 shocker? Just wondering

01-21-2003, 11:56 PM
This is an excerpt from the post I just made for another AO member asking about Shockers. I drove to Smart Parts a couple of weeks ago and was honored to meet with Adam and Billy Gardner and Graham Easton, who allowed me to play around with the new Shocker. This is what I learned, that I'm allowed to talk about. Keep an eye on PB2X next month for a two-page exclusive on the new Shocker and Nerve.

The new Shocker will, according to Adam, Billy and Graham, be much faster, much more air efficient, possess a Vision Eye, operate on CO2 or compressed air, and come stock with a low rise vert feed, magnetic blade double trigger and a Smart Parts All American barrel. In addition, the 2003 Shocker will, according to Adam and Billy, operate at approximately 150psi. With perspective rates of fire of between twelve and sixteen balls per second, super low pressure, closed bolt operation, an anti-chop eye, a single solenoid and the marketing genious of Smart Parts, if they can get it out within three months, as they said they planned to do, it'll be a winner.
Hope this helps!

01-22-2003, 12:18 AM
which pb2x the new one that says the six million dollar man?

01-22-2003, 12:22 AM
Keep an eye out...when I say next month I mean next month...it'll probably appear in either March or April issue.

01-22-2003, 12:35 PM
what a rip off! I love pb2x but I have to miss the next 2 issues as I leave for boot camp in 13 days. o well i'll see it at some point in life. thanks for the info!

01-22-2003, 02:09 PM
Hey congrats on the Army ... but not to bust your chops ... its Basic Training ... :)

You want to attend Boot Camp you will have to join us fellow Marines :)


Originally posted by triggerman
as I leave for boot camp in 13 days.