View Full Version : Paintball Gets a Bad Rap on the local news

01-22-2003, 11:53 AM
A local TV news station- Fox 8, had a report from their "remote location station" called Studio B, From Summit Mall.

The report was unfortunealtly about paintball.Canal Fulton Ohio, The incident has been taking place repeatedly from the last 10 days. Every day, 2 "suspects" would get in a van, drive around town and shoot at people with their Spyder Agressor. Their targets included Buildings, Cars, Pedestrians, and the stupidest of all. THE POLICE STATION. which brings their crime to a federal level. (some people:()

The only part that actually portrayed paintball in a good fashion, was after they layed it all out. they had the news anchor set up with a Yellow/black Invison, a silver Ir3 C+C, with matching freak, angel air and Eggo II. he was shooting at a snow shovel with the handle dug into a snow plow pile.

They had him outfitted, and they showed the right way to play, but the actual report was sad.

01-22-2003, 12:01 PM
Seems to be a lot of that going around... it's these immature idiots (yes, not just little kids) who buy paintball guns just to pull stupid pranks like these. I don't know if anything can be done about vandalism like this that wouldn't hurt the sport. If these kinds of people make using a paintball marker outside of a designated field illegal, say goodbye to recreational woods games.

01-22-2003, 12:22 PM
I know 5 guys (ages 19-23) that recently got caught here in San Angelo, Tx going around shooting at elementary school kids as they were leaving school. But get this, not only was it in broad daylight, it was 4:00 pm (right when school releases for the day) just outside the school (in a school zone). I don't know about elsewhere, but here the schoolzones are always patrolled by cops, so they were just asking to get caught.
Anyways they all got arrested, slapped with fat fines, and were permanently relieved of their paintball equipment.
I don't know if the story made it to the news or not, but still...

01-22-2003, 12:37 PM
Were they caught? If not, I'm glad the witnesses were alert enough to know it was a Spyder Agressor, but they didn't get the license plate of the van. :mad:

01-22-2003, 12:47 PM
i think they arrested one of them and the other one was going to court or somthing. i emailed fox 8 about the report saying they did a good job with the reporter when he was shooting and i told them they need to go to a local field to show the public what paintball really is.

01-22-2003, 05:20 PM
like jah said... they were caught, but i said suspects because "innocent untill proven guilty" schpeil...but they have two teens under arrest. and they found the van with the spyder in it. btw, jah. drop me a line at [email protected] , and the aim name is the same.

01-22-2003, 05:47 PM
i work with a dumb ( wish there wasnt a filter ) that thinks shooting Deer and house's is fun, and i he alwasy tries to get me to sell him paint( of course i dont ) .

but last time he did it he got scared and dropped his spyder inside the car and it blasted his rear veir mirror and shattered it....karma.

01-23-2003, 01:45 PM
it should have hit him in the eye...

Is it bad to wish that on someone?

01-23-2003, 02:54 PM
A paintball would do that?