View Full Version : Warp On/Off install instructions *need em*

01-22-2003, 02:14 PM
I was hoping someone would have a link or some info on installing an ON/OFF into my warp with the LED indicator.....

Also how about instructions on how to wire your warp into your EMAG battery? (dunno if i wanna do that, but want to see the steps)

I did some searching and came up bunk! ... so any assistance would be appreciated.

Dave K

01-22-2003, 02:23 PM
http://www.robagd.com/ - Should have everything you need.

Also, please try to search next time. These were VERY easy to find. :)

Later ~ Jonesie

01-22-2003, 02:26 PM
lol I have been doing searches .. many searches ..lol.. I've been here long enough to know the power of the search.

I'm probably just retarded today due to 2hrs of sleep and being at work since 7am .. keywords + not being awake + it being after lunch to make me even MORE sleep = no searching skills

But it still doesn't have one for installing the on/off switch and LED light .. .so nyah!

Thanks though :)

Dave K

01-22-2003, 02:36 PM
This set of instructions worked VERY well for me. The only thing I would change is possibly the location of the on/off switch. You can simply try it out a few different places and see what is best for you.

Here's the link:


01-22-2003, 02:38 PM
Thanks VERY much guys ...


Dave K

01-22-2003, 02:44 PM
Duhhh, dumb question though .... I'm just making sure that I'm not misreading something (which is possible right now..lol)

It still will only use the one battery connector? The 2nd one is for the revvy he was wiring into it further down the page? So technically I could just put elec tape over the 2nd connector to maek sure it doesn't touch metal anywhere and it should be fine?


01-22-2003, 02:50 PM
No, you have a total of three battery connectors. Two are for the 2 9Vs and the third simply conects to the one already in the Warp. A Revy doesn't come into it at all.

The second picture should show you the completed set-up including the batteries

01-22-2003, 02:57 PM
I was actually talking about the image on Rob AGD's site ... but nevermind I have it all figured out now ... my brain suddently came out of sleep mode

The pics all just suddenly made sense (by the way code red wakes you up ..lol). The 2 connectors on the 12v regulator on it go from the battery connector on the emag setup to the 12 to the warp connector inside.... allllll makes sense!


Thanks guys... again :)

Dave K