View Full Version : Video of Angel pulling 20bps FA

01-22-2003, 02:31 PM
quick video..
2k1 dark angel, Race board conversion, ACE (been turned off for the video), HaloB, foamie bolt, ERA mod with mini Rock, Palmers Stabilizer inline reg.

the race board has been set to 20bps Full Auto.


sorry cant see the paint very well.. but trust me.. its flying.. ;)


01-22-2003, 02:35 PM
hehe. emag doing 25!


01-22-2003, 02:52 PM
Nice stuff Nicad :)

Is that the gun we were talking about before? ;)

Any more pics or info available?

01-22-2003, 03:31 PM
25bps.. nice!
but iv never seen an angel do 20 before...

simon- this is one of them.. this one still shoots like an angel. just has the race board in it.. thats all.
its not the OTHER race-controlled angel.. its been giving me some problems above 10-12bps. :(
go figure. havent had time to mess with it much.
been working on my latest EPmag gripframe. :)


01-22-2003, 03:46 PM
nice work!
does the era mod work good for you?

is there a chance you could do a video showing the paint stream?

01-22-2003, 03:55 PM
the ERA works wonders for me..
it enlarges the front air chamber for the main valve. I can run about 300psi into the gun @ 290fps.
not only will it keep up at that 20bps, but shot -to- shot over the chrono results in around +/- 1 or 0.

yes a ball stream wouldbe nice, no? the bright sky made the camera go pretty dark. its not my camera so ill see if can do it again sometime and get more of the paint..


01-22-2003, 09:01 PM
that was freakin cool

01-22-2003, 09:24 PM
Despite these videos proving that the e-mag pwns j00! there is still the majority of paintballers who aren't even affected by this. Even havoc's video of the e-kitty fails to impress my friends... what's up with that? The majority of paintballers hate mags and they don't even do their homework. Things like this make me want to have a slug body milled into a mallet so I could use my e-mag to club people who are attracted to shiny "popular" things :mad:

great videos btw.

01-22-2003, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by darklord
Despite these videos proving that the e-mag pwns j00! there is still the majority of paintballers who aren't even affected by this. Even havoc's video of the e-kitty fails to impress my friends... what's up with that? The majority of paintballers hate mags and they don't even do their homework. Things like this make me want to have a slug body milled into a mallet so I could use my e-mag to club people who are attracted to shiny "popular" things :mad:

great videos btw.

LOL yup, reason why I got my angel. Sure, the emag might be "better" but when I got to school, and tell the nubs I got a Angel, they think ima god or somtin. If I went to and said I have an emag, they wouldnt have no idea what it is, and think im another anverage paintballer with a gun like a M98.

01-22-2003, 10:02 PM
Nice! First time I have seen an Angel go that fast. Why was it hesitating on a few occasions if the eye was off?


01-22-2003, 10:18 PM
What was done to the emag to make it go so fast?

01-22-2003, 10:19 PM
My best guess on the hesitation is the valve waiting to recharge.;)

Mr. T!
01-22-2003, 10:29 PM
Hesitation because he proably moved his finger alil and the gun slowed. Check the wdp site for an IR3 doing 20 and 24 bps with the cops 2.

Nice, i saw a race angel at cup, very very nice nicad!
When will the be availibe for converstion for a LCD or IR3?

01-22-2003, 11:10 PM
You havent seen NOTHIN till you seen one of our fields black draguns lol. We were board, and I just boughta halo so we put a black dragun on 20 bps just for fun (btw I use a timmy, not a dragun :cool: ) and no chops...lol

01-22-2003, 11:30 PM
sry about this really stupid questions, but race board? smae from race cockers? and is that upgrade available to the public yet?

p.s. i thought angels could always do 20bps np?

01-23-2003, 12:28 AM
darklord- you sure that was for this thread? :confused: :p

AGD- not quite sure why the "misses".. possibly a ball not fully chambered and that shot was skipped (pinch/recock)? seems like that would chop it but it didnt chop any in that set..

Tunaman- i doubt the valve is suddently lacking in air after 30 or 40 shots.. the air system setup on it seems to deliver very well. :)

Mr. T!- I dont have a variable trigger. :) like i said before, think its just a misfire for some reason.??
the WDP video of the IR3/COPS2 is of a gun which might be set at 24 but it is only firing around 17bps (simple waveform analysis). mine is currently set 25bps with the eye enabled.. but it will only spit out around 17 like that.
Yeah I actually walked up to the race booth with this thing and J.J. there at the the booth was in the process of mounting an entire race frame on his angel!! coincidence?? Hhmmmmm...

urbanquest100- yep i upgraded my old dome race board to a leaf board in my cocker.. so i had a dome board lying around.. somehow it ended up in the angel. :)
angel LCD boards can do 20bps in semi.. but usualy capped to around 13bps in full auto.


01-23-2003, 12:35 AM
Originally posted by nicad

this one still shoots like an angel.

Excuse my ignorance, but I don't understand this statement. Why would the board change how it shoots? I don't know anything about Angels, so it might be crystal clear to people who do.

01-23-2003, 01:51 AM
lets just say iv built one that no longer shoots like an angel. :cool: i was talkin to manike... he understands what i mean. (i think!)

01-23-2003, 08:15 AM
I've shot an Ir3 Full auto for 20bps; with a Evo-2; with COPS(eye) on;

the Evo-2 wasn't exactly keeping up with the 20, the eye kept kicking in, but with out paint and the eye off; it just flew; its pretty darn cool


01-23-2003, 08:19 AM
Honestly seeing an E-Mag do 25 BPS vs. an Angel do 20 isn't a major selling point. Let's remember they are in full auto, so that really do anything for me..

Both are fast guns, but FA is nothing but a peeing contest IMO.

01-23-2003, 09:13 AM
Originally posted by irbodden
Honestly seeing an E-Mag do 25 BPS vs. an Angel do 20 isn't a major selling point. Let's remember they are in full auto, so that really do anything for me..

Both are fast guns, but FA is nothing but a peeing contest IMO.

Lol, well I just found out last weekend that my local field allows full auto as long as you know when to let up on the trigger. Too bad my SFL doesn't have full auto; if it did, I would've been able to show up that Spyder E-99 in F/A haha.


01-23-2003, 09:14 AM
nicad, what kind of tank is that?


01-23-2003, 10:53 AM
well i am pro angel. The angel looked really good at 20 pbs with the race and no ACE. As for the emag video i no it was a crappy vid. but towards the end it looked to have a little shootdown.

01-23-2003, 02:12 PM
LawFox32- its not shooting 20bps if the COPS is slowing it down now is it..??

irbodden- keep in mind one is just a Halo and the other is a modified Warp. if I had a warp that would spit out 25bps, id show you and angel that would shoot 25bps. ;)
FulL Auto is way more than just a peeing contest. It can show an awful lot in a marker.. what its capable of cycling at and firing at. what does this mean when I set it back to Semi? well, with a higher MROF set, I know it has a lower chance of ignoring a trigger pull I gave it. MROF's (with the same feeding device) tells me how well the marker attribuites time to the different functions of the cycle, etc..

rdb123- its a 68/45 AA Armageddon. nice tank but a little heavy. I now run a 45/45 hyperflow.
