View Full Version : Profession Paintball's Field Review

01-22-2003, 03:56 PM
Well the maker of the Free Flow, Professional Paintball recently opened up a new store and created a field behind it. We considered it a vast improvement over the field we use to play (Compete).

Indoor and climate controled
Sand floor to prevent slipping
Bunkers setup to prevent a one sided field
Not over crowded on field
Operators of the field knew about paintball
Good prices
10 for all day air and field fee
this much better than any price in the Rochester Area.

As great as the dirt was, some friends had jams due to the dirt
Very small field about 40yrds long, bias to migits
NO BATHROOMS! none located on field, only in shop
Bunkers were pretty small

In all it was pretty cool, better price was and fieldsetup wise compaired do any other field that I have been to in the Rochester area. There website is www.4freeflow.com

-Doron Israel

01-22-2003, 04:18 PM
or www.professionalpaintball.com or www.teamlockout.com
the new shop is sweet. a lot bigger.