View Full Version : What do you want in a ref?

01-22-2003, 06:35 PM
after my previous thread, what do u want in af ield, im creating a new one to make a better ref. so go ahead, what do u like refs to do, and what do u hate refs to do?

01-22-2003, 06:51 PM
nice, fair, well spoken, nice, energetic, nice, not lazy,nice..i think you get the picture...

01-22-2003, 07:15 PM
A large bullseye on their chest and back! ;) Seriously, I think a ref should be vigilant, fair and honest.

01-22-2003, 08:12 PM
Dont make really questionable petty calls during the semis or finals.

01-22-2003, 08:21 PM
Experience.... ...

I think people should REF atleast 20 times for they ref a tourny... and I don't think teams that have any connections with teams playing should ref.....

but that's just me...

gotta ... go.. I'll finish later

ok back...
in total, my count is 22 days... about 15 games a day... so... =]

but you can get what I'm getting to...

honesty, I think it a good ref is honest.... if he doesn't think it's splatter, PULL HIM... if he think it's splatter .. clean him... =]

vocal... refs have to be!
and ... controlling... that's the reff's job... there are some goobers out there that don't like to leave the field after they have been hit.. I know, I deal with them atleast once a month...

quick... refs need to be quick to make calls, quick to pull, quick to paint check.....

and can SEE!

I've been to place where the ref couldn't see the other end of the ruler! his mask is crap, and he wears glasses, but can't fit them under the mask... etc....

but that's about all I can think of... =]

01-22-2003, 08:35 PM
id say ive reffed close to 200 games :)