View Full Version : getting back into the game

01-23-2003, 04:26 AM
Hey Guys, I used to go here alot before Automags Online was sold to AGD. I got my old name back too!
Well I just started playing again and I want to get my Mag ready. Its a Classic p/f, Benchy 2x, Flatline 3k, J&J 14 inch barrel, Kapp Dropzone 2(it fits, really)... anyway, what should I do with it. Its still Level 7. There are lots of new things for the Mag now and mine seems out of date. Props to AGD, you guys are GREAT! What can I do to bring my Mag up to date?
I hope I don't annoy anyone with these newbie questions but I hope Ive done my homework. Ive been looking on the site for stuff. The upgrades so far in mind are the parabolic p/f plug, LX bolt, plastic nubbin. What else is there. X valve.. maybe. Since I have the Benchmark 2x trigger, it messed up my sear and bolt and plus a really sloppy trigger pull. So Im looking into getting the Intelliframe. Are there any electronic grip frames on the market still? Can I make my mag electronic? I think AGD stopped doing that cus its too expensive. I like my barrel but I think Tom said that 10 or 11 inches is long enough. Should I get a new barrel and what kind? I have a stock Minimag barrel, should I use that?
So hows this sound? Please reply with suggestions for my mag.

01-23-2003, 06:09 AM
Let me know if you want to upgrade this Mag. The new stuff out will make it rip like mad. I am here....and I have everything you will need.;)

01-23-2003, 06:54 AM
Yeah, I want to upgrade. You have everything I need? I thought AGD had everything I need.:D

01-23-2003, 04:01 PM
i think benchmark still makes an elctronic frame, but i dont think it is really worth it unless you really want an electronic trigger. the pull on an inteliframe is rather nice, i know a guy who has one and loves it to death. there is of course the LX option, which is rather exopensive in the grand scheme of things. i would invest in an x-valve before an electronic frame, and for slightly more you are getting a far better performance upgrade than an electronic frame. but that is only my opinion. oh, your 14 inch j&j is one of the best barrels out there, so i would keep it unless you are simply dieing to get a new one.

01-23-2003, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by jctam
Kapp Dropzone 2(it fits, really)

why wouldnt it?! i own one also.

01-23-2003, 08:28 PM
I had one of the first 100 tanks that were made of steel, not carbon fiber. I sent it in to get the reg updated and I asked if they could put a carbon fiber bottle in for 100 bucks! Oh, and the steel tank didn't fit the Kapp DZII.

01-23-2003, 08:34 PM
What comes free still? Does the parts kit come with plastic nubbins? Do I still have to buy a new power feed plug? And if I AGD drills out my star can I get a LX upgrade for free? What about stickers? Should I order online or call?

01-24-2003, 03:54 AM
So was the parabolic power feed plug ever free? And does the parts kit come with plastic nubbins?

01-24-2003, 04:14 AM
Yeah im pretty sure they will guve u a free plaug and i think that Plactic nubbins come in aprts kits now.

01-24-2003, 11:06 PM

01-25-2003, 01:16 PM
The only two upgrades I would recomend for your mag are an X-valve($225 w/ trade-in of old valve) and an Intelliframe($125). Both would do wonders for your mag. You could get a Level 10, but if you are considering a reactive trigger anyway it's cheaper to just buy an X-valve and get it all at once.

01-25-2003, 02:53 PM
one question you can put an x-valve in a regular automag? because if im not mistaken i thought you could only put an x-valve into an e-mag. plz set me straight :)

01-25-2003, 06:05 PM
X valve's work on any mag , expect the Classic RT's