View Full Version : Know the players behind the mask! The AGD Pride roster for Skyball 2003!

01-23-2003, 11:48 AM
That's right ladies and gentlemen, get to know the faces of all five of the AGD Pride players who will be attending Skyball 2003!

And whats this? A <b>mystery guest player </b> on AGD Pride? :eek: Who could that be? Hmm....

Maybe it's Mr. Tom Kaye himself?....nah. How about Amy from the Femme Fatales?....nope. Ooh, I know. Maybe it's Manny from Team Aftershock?...Sorry, not him either.

So who do we all know and love, is more famous than Tom, more beautiful than Amy, and plays better than Manny? :confused:

Scroll down to find out who that mystery player is and prepare to be amazed!

So all you AO'ers, come on out and meet, greet, and cheer your favorite team on! We'll be up in the Toronto area starting on Wednesday, Feb 26th and we're staying at the hotel in the Skydome itself. The team will be staging out of the AGD booth and we'd love the chance to get to meet everyone from AO who'll be there.

Thanks for all your support, wish us luck, and lets make Skyball 2003 a tourny to remember!

01-23-2003, 11:50 AM
Allen "Chupas" Beckner

The always forgetful front player. :D

01-23-2003, 11:51 AM
John "Butch" Borsic

The fastest trigger in North America!

01-23-2003, 11:53 AM
Timmy Laatch

The creator of the TL63 trigger!

01-23-2003, 11:54 AM
Jeff "Emo" Willems

Getting too old for this sport! :p

01-23-2003, 11:55 AM
Scott "Scooter" Renshaw

Hey, thats me!

01-23-2003, 11:58 AM
And now, the moment you've all been waiting for! The identity of the Mystery Guest Player on AGD Pride!

And the answer to who's more famous than Tom, more beautiful than Amy, and plays better than Manny is...

<b>Capo! </b>

01-23-2003, 11:59 AM
Good deal ... Glad Capo found a team and you guys got a great addition!

If I could go I'd be yellin for ya ... but instead ya know I'm supporting you guys!

Dave K

01-23-2003, 12:00 PM
And, just a little appetizer to wet your appetite. Here's a few more pics of the lovely Clare!

Will Wood
01-23-2003, 12:00 PM

Go kick some butt Lions!

01-23-2003, 12:00 PM
great team! good luck at skyball!!

01-23-2003, 12:02 PM
And then little Johnny said, "Only one more pic of Capo?"

Well, little Johnny, you'll just have to come up to Skyball and see Capo in person! :D

01-23-2003, 12:03 PM
Um, dude... It's AGD Pride. ;)

ANYWAY- What division are you guys playing?

Originally posted by Will Wood

Go kick some butt Lions!

01-23-2003, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by Dayspring

ANYWAY- What division are you guys playing?

We're going to play in the Amatuer division. Wish us luck!

01-23-2003, 12:09 PM
Good luck y'all!

Better treat our resident Texan Kitty well!

01-23-2003, 12:15 PM
I sure wouldn't want to mess with that bunch of maingy ANIMALS! ;)

Seriously, I think you picked up a good 5th 'man' in Clare, I'm sure she'll teach you boys a thing or two about this game... :)

Good Luck Guys, Kick Some Tail ~ Jonesie

01-23-2003, 12:46 PM
Luck??? Who needs luck when Pride has Skill LOL :)

See ya guys at Skyball :)

Will Wood
01-23-2003, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by Dayspring
Um, dude... It's AGD Pride. ;)

ANYWAY- What division are you guys playing?

Ahh.. Whatever.. lol. It's all the same. :)

01-23-2003, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by Will Wood

Ahh.. Whatever.. lol. It's all the same. :)

Sure it is, except for an average age difference of about 50+ years. :D

01-23-2003, 12:58 PM
See you guys at Sky Ball. DeadCell we'll be there. We'll have to drink some beers together, and point at the silly Canucks.

01-23-2003, 01:07 PM
Go do some "Curling" while you're there. :D

Originally posted by JEDI
See you guys at Sky Ball. DeadCell will be there. We'll have to drink some beers together, and point at the silly Canucks.

01-23-2003, 01:19 PM
Originally posted by JEDI
See you guys at Sky Ball. DeadCell we'll be there. We'll have to drink some beers together, and point at the silly Canucks.

Hey, I resemble that remark! :D Eh, its alright, we get a kick out of you stateside bunch too. ;)

Good luck boys (AND Girl!), hope to meet up with you guys at some point.

01-23-2003, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by Strider

Hey, I resemble that remark!

resemble? are you calling yourself a silly Canuck?:p

Creative Mayhem
01-23-2003, 02:52 PM
ALL Canucks are silly. That's why all the best comedians come from Canada... besides, it's the beer. Does that to ya when you grow up with the stuff...:D

Good luck to ya AGD Pride adn Capo. See ya in the dome!!!!

C Mayhem

Wc Keep
01-23-2003, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by JEDI
See you guys at Sky Ball. DeadCell we'll be there. We'll have to drink some beers together, and point at the silly Canucks.

keep this man away from capo!!!!!!!! hes capo's number 1 stalker!!!!!..........just kidding with you jedi

good luck to all teams representing agd at skyball!!!

01-23-2003, 03:12 PM
I think that it is great, that capo is gonna be playing with pride.

01-23-2003, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by Wc Keep

keep this man away from capo!!!!!!!! hes capo's number 1 stalker!!!!!

Will do. ;)

Originally posted by Wc Keep

good luck to all teams representing agd at skyball!!!

As of right now, Pride is the only factory team going to Skyball. The Kids are heading down to Mardi Gras and the Lions are not going to either.

01-23-2003, 03:15 PM
I still say I should play LOL

Alas, Jon does have responsibilities LOL

Wc Keep
01-23-2003, 03:18 PM
jon if you want ill drop everything im doin and go make a team with you.

01-23-2003, 04:13 PM
Glad to see capo on Pride. Now she can show everyone what she is made of.

01-23-2003, 05:21 PM
My comments:

I've never seen more goatees in my life. Hopefully capo won't follow this trend ;)

Are Scooter and Timmy the same person?

You guys need to ROCK THE HOUSE!

01-23-2003, 06:13 PM
Good luck guys! Have fun dumping 12,000 cases, Timmy. The Crimson Men wish you all good luck!!

01-23-2003, 06:34 PM
Great post! I'm excited that I'm getting the opportunity to play with AGD Pride! :D I played with Allen (Chupas) at the IAO and it was great. Can't wait for skyball!

And the answer to who's more famous than Tom, more beautiful than Amy, and plays better than Manny is...
Scooter, you sure were being overly generous there! lol :p

Thanks again guys!!

01-23-2003, 07:04 PM
Wow, finally get to meet some AO faces. Good luck and I'll see you guys there!

01-23-2003, 07:43 PM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
Great post! I'm excited that I'm getting the opportunity to play with AGD Pride! :D I played with Allen (Chupas) at the IAO and it was great. Can't wait for skyball!

Scooter, you sure were being overly generous there! lol :p

Thanks again guys!!

Okay, as famous as Tom. :D

01-23-2003, 08:02 PM
To set the record straight Scooter and I are not the same person!

Can't wait to meet all of you in the dome, see ya soon.

the JoKeR
01-23-2003, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by Scooter/Cootie

Sure it is, except for an average age difference of about 50+ years. :D

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Better watch it, Steve's gonna hit you with his walker!

Why aren't Lions playing? Work release problems? :D Yeah, I'm a marked man next time I hit Sam's.....

01-23-2003, 10:36 PM
yeah we are heading down to mardi Gras, but if we do good down there we are heading up to Skyball that next weekend to play.
So wish us luck at mardi gras and hope fully we can be up there to play against you guys (maybe you can get your rematch;))

01-24-2003, 12:07 AM
Even though I can't make it Skyball, here is a pic of me from last weekend. No goatee!!

01-24-2003, 02:20 AM
I will be going to Sky Ball and playing with PBX Fatal 5. See you all there!

01-24-2003, 04:43 PM
I think Oddball has the best picture!!!:D

01-24-2003, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by Scooter/Cootie
Jeff "Emo"

I'll get your last name one of these days!
Coote, Emo's last name is "Willems"

Good Luck in Toronto:cool: :cool: :D :p

01-24-2003, 09:42 PM
hey agd pride hope you guys tear it up at skyball. I remeber playing againsts you guys at bfg 3 man, i got shot in the hand and was bleeding! ha well anyways good luck

02-22-2003, 08:28 AM
You all look scary, even Capo *shivers* ;)

I was half expecting to see lines of numbers under each mugshot ;) :D

02-22-2003, 04:08 PM
You all look scary, even Capo *shivers*

I was half expecting to see lines of numbers under each mugshot

I get that a lot.


02-22-2003, 05:06 PM
The picture of Chupas looks awesome...Like i guess the lighting or something...Very intimidating heh

02-22-2003, 08:21 PM
Cootie, Chupas, Butch,Timmy,Emo, and Capo!
Sound's like a kick a** Team to me.
I believe I met Capo at IAO. And my only
question is Capo Where Is Your TL63 on the

02-22-2003, 11:57 PM
Scooter... You almost have my gun!! heheh mines soon gonna look like that, just gotta get the xvalve & warped black body on it :) hehe, we got diff tanks..but its all good :P

02-23-2003, 04:08 AM
Closer and Closer We get to Skyball
Y'All better Represent!
And dont forget,
On 3


02-23-2003, 06:03 AM
that x-mag in the pic is that a flat black?

02-24-2003, 11:57 PM
Go PRIDE!... The Montana AOers are Rooting for you too.
ROCK THAT DOME!!.. eh...
PAINT THAT DOME!!..um... well
Paint the ... other players but, don't get painted yourself...

... Go Pride!

Good luck (or should it be, break a leg... like in theater?), one word... Ownage, and most of all... Have Fun

02-25-2003, 12:58 AM
Here's another shout out form MT

02-27-2003, 12:09 AM
lol thats a good pic of capo (roster pic)

02-27-2003, 02:21 AM
Rock on team AGD!!! wish i was going...