View Full Version : Another ActionVillage grip....

01-23-2003, 01:11 PM
Well, it appears that if you order maybe 5 items from paintballgear.com and one of them is backordered, of course they will not ship out your package. However, they forget to tell you that at the same time, they give the in-stock items to another customer so essentially, they will only ship out your stuff when it is all in stock at the same time. Horrible customer service... They hold shipment on a package because 2 out of the 5 things (an aluminum vert. feed neck and gloves) were out of stock.

My letter I sent them:

Hmmm I don't get it. Your backorder policy says that if an item is backordered, your shipment will be placed on hold until the backordered item comes back in stock.

Now, the funny part is that the Redz Belt in my order was IN STOCK a week or two ago; it even said it on my order status. Now it says that it is backordered. What gives? I see how this will dissuade customers from placing a large order since apparently your backorder policy should read "all of your items must be in stock at the same time."

Lousy service. You basically moved my order back one pace by that move.

Cancel the Dye gloves in my order as I'm sure those will never be back in stock. Use that money to ship me my Redz belt as soon as you get it back in stock.

Gee, thanks a lot ActionVillage.

and their response (no apology or explanation at all)...

Hello Ron,
The gloves are off the order, your order will ship will as soon as we recieve stock.

Well, I can say that after I get this shipment from them, I will never order from them again; I'm sick of this. What about the rest of you?


01-23-2003, 01:25 PM
All these complaints, I've never had a problem with them. Of course I order and pick it up and usually ask the person two or three times if everything im ordering is in stock and there for me to come get in a few hours. I ordered one thing once from them and actually had them ship it, i got it within a week.

It seems to be just their shipping, perhaps I can start a side business by going in there, purchasing whatever people need and mailing it to them lol

01-23-2003, 01:33 PM
When the Proteus mask first came out I ordered one, along with a barrel bag, from them over the phone, the rep said they were in stock and should ship the next day. 2 WEEKS later I got a 12vt revvy, an aftermarket bolt for an autococker(?) and an issue of facefull. I called them back, and gave them my order number and the said that it never shipped because the bag was out of stock, but now they couldn't ship because they didn't have anymore black proteus masks and wouldn't get anymore (because they started only making clear/smoke ones)

01-23-2003, 01:50 PM
Im one of the few who have never had an issue with them. Never had anything miss-shipped or left off. Never had anything vanish from an order, etc ...

The one time I ordered an out-of-stock item, they called me to let me know that it was out-of-stock and to verify that I would wait till it was in stock.

And the best part, being in Saint Louis I use there cheapest shipping (UPS Ground) and as long as I order before noon I will have it next day by 1700 ...

By far they are the best online paintball store I have dealt with.


01-23-2003, 01:57 PM
I have never had a problem with them. I have used them countless times, and have always recieved what I ordered, and when I expected it to arrive, sometimes earlier than I expected.:) Great place, will continue to use it, as long as they continue to be the cheapest.

01-23-2003, 02:08 PM
Also if you notice the notes on their checkout screens you will see the section that tells you how back-ordered items are handled.
And I believe at one time there was an option button that you could click to tell them to ship anything that wasnt backordered.


Originally posted by rdb123
Well, it appears that if you order maybe 5 items from paintballgear.com and one of them is backordered, of course they will not ship out your package.

01-23-2003, 02:27 PM
i've NEVER had a problem with them and i've order numerous stuff off of them. they're delivery has been excellent thus far for me. and i do plan on ordering from them again

my mother however, orderd stuff from them for xmas. they sent everytthing but the pants she orderd because they discontinued them. and she was mad about that. they sent everythign else but not the pants and they didn't even tell her so.
the only problem I have with them, is their page needs to be updated more
but 888paintball.com
now thats a different story. orderd a smoke graphite ize flex7. sent me black one with mirror tinted lens. wasn't suppose to come with those lens. ok. so i ship the mask back, call them up and tell them about it. NO ProBLEM!
they sent the EXACT mask i sent them back to me. finally i printed pictures out of recieved: orderd:
i took the mirror lens out, sent it back. finally they sent the RIGHT one. but i noticed the sticker they put on it with the barcode was the wrong one, it said black flex7. but getting the right mask this time, i didn't care.
the end

01-23-2003, 02:58 PM
I've been waiting 3 weeks for a tank and I have to wait an additional 2 weeks before they ship it again

I wish another place on the internet had such good prices and selection

01-23-2003, 03:03 PM
I don't think a lot of you have heard of this invention called the telephone. You can pick it up and call pballgear to place your order and to verify that what you want is in stock at that same time. It is just incredible!

I have never had a problem with them, I get my stuff in a day and thats the main reason I stick with pballgear when I do order something.

01-23-2003, 03:06 PM

You get what you pay for. Theres a reason they are able to sell these items so cheap...they have no customer service. If you went to a local store, they would give you MUCH better treatment...Ive always been a local store man myself, but, well, its up to you

01-23-2003, 03:23 PM
Always worked for me. The only problem Ive ever had was that I got shipped the wrong kind of blue dye jersey(I got the black blue not the blue blue)

01-23-2003, 03:25 PM
Pbgear sux never use them.

01-23-2003, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by PaInTbAlLeR476
Pbgear sux never use them.

WOW, that just made me change my whole perspective on pbgear.:rolleyes:

01-23-2003, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by LaW
I don't think a lot of you have heard of this invention called the telephone. You can pick it up and call pballgear to place your order and to verify that what you want is in stock at that same time. It is just incredible!

I have never had a problem with them, I get my stuff in a day and thats the main reason I stick with pballgear when I do order something.

Well, it's called "I placed my order via phone and they repeatedly tell me something is in stock." Then 2 or 3 days letter I get an email telling me something is backordered.


01-23-2003, 03:49 PM
Originally posted by rdb123

Well, it's called "I placed my order via phone and they repeatedly tell me something is in stock." Then 2 or 3 days letter I get an email telling me something is backordered.


yuo = exception

01-23-2003, 03:49 PM
I guess so.

01-23-2003, 03:52 PM

01-23-2003, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by Kevmaster
If you went to a local store, they would give you MUCH better treatment...

Just to add a little humour to this thread. What if pbgear.com is your local store? Just a short stint down Elmhurst Road and cha-ching, a local store.

Hehe... ;)

01-23-2003, 04:11 PM
I've always had deals through Paintballgear turn out great. Ordered numerous times, mostly through the phone, and they've been great and I've always recieved my stuff really quick via UPS Ground. Even when they had stuff out of stock, they emailed me (before their online store showed instock-out of stock) to call them about my order having an outstock item. Called them, and were able to switch to another brand.

01-23-2003, 04:12 PM
I've never had any problems with PBgear. But I probably won't be ordering from them again because they can't seem to keep anything I want in stock :) The things I've ordered from them are always here within 2-3 days.

01-23-2003, 04:16 PM
this is how I handle the "out of stock" policy at pbgear.com. If I am going to make a large order, I put everything I want in the cart. Everything that is not in stock right then, gets put into a seperate cart for later. I order everything that is in stock on one order and then make a second order of everything that is back ordered. that way I get at least what they have at the moment. It seems to work for me.

01-23-2003, 04:17 PM
I had good customer service with PBgear.com I ordered a crossfire tank and a nipple cap and they didnt have the nipple cap color that I wanted so they called me up and asked if I wanted a different one and everything was fine.

01-23-2003, 04:22 PM
I've had mostly good luck with them. However, I ordered, we'll say, $102 of stuff from them. They said the address was wrong, so I called them up and said here is the correct address. Also, please add this barrel to my order to make my order total $140.

I used my paypal card. Somehow the original $102 was locked up for about two weeks in my paypal account just "pending". I asked pbgear.com to fax paypal a letter saying that they have no intent of charging me, and the service agent was VERY RUDE! He acted like he was "tuff" and said, "Well, we don't do that. We don't place your funds on hold. I won't fax anything, we don't do that." And because the $102 was pending, I didn't even have enough for the $140 order in my paypal account.

Couple of points....

1. If they had the wrong address, how did the order "partially go through" anyhow?

2. Why is their email service VERY SLOW and NOT LINKED to their phone service. I sent many emails, and when I finally called, they had no idea that I sent the emails.

3. I finally got my money unlocked in my paypal account, by waiting around two weeks for it. But why wouldn't they just fax paypal a letter? A different lady that I called there said it won't be a problem. But that jerkface guy said "NO!" And when I called back I conveniently got him again.... he wouldn't even let me speak to anyone else, no manager, and not even another sales rep!

I will still order things from them when there is a huge difference in price. But say, my next intelliframe, I'm not saving the $10, I'll just order it from AGD.

And I order items one at a time now as long as their over $100, and I make sure that they're ALL in stock, otherwise I call in and arrange something.

Just my two cents.


01-23-2003, 04:45 PM
My mom ordered me a shirt from them for xmas around the end of Nov. and i still have not recieved. And of course my mom did not know to write the order number down, so i have no idea when i will get it

01-23-2003, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by LaW
I don't think a lot of you have heard of this invention called the telephone. You can pick it up and call pballgear to place your order and to verify that what you want is in stock at that same time. It is just incredible!

Funny you mentioned that,
one time I ordered from them off the phone, to use a gift cert I had recived. They said everything was in stock (not a large order anyway) and would be out and on the way soon. I tracked the package and saw that it was delivered, but not to my house!

I had ordered before from PBgear, both at my old house and my new current house, always before off the internet. PBgear had shipped my package to the address where I placed my very first order but not my current address.

So I had to go convince the guy living at college housing that the box of shiny marker parts was mine and not his.

I belive that was the last time I every ordered from PBgear.

01-23-2003, 05:02 PM
I think the majority of people have never had a problem with PBgear.com. In my opinion, they run a good business, and I have never had one problem with them. I think that it's just that most people who do get on the internet and whine and moan about it, and then everyone joins in. Most who get good service aren't going to go so far out of their way as to hunt down everyone who's had a bad experience with them to tell them to give them another chance. I'll keep ordering until then, I guess.


01-23-2003, 05:05 PM
thaks man....yeh...if PBGear is your local store...well...youre screwed

01-23-2003, 05:29 PM
Action Village... I won't order from them again.

01-23-2003, 06:08 PM
Originally posted by bofh
Action Village... I won't order from them again.

Well, unless you want a ton of connector pieces again any time soon ;)

01-23-2003, 06:42 PM
I dont see the problem here. Are some of you retarded? No customer service ? Use the PHONE people! I have NEVER had a slight problem with them! One time I ordered a full freak, everything came but the back. I called them the same day they guarunteed me they would ship it the same day, and would be here 1-2 days. It was here in 2 days. Another time I ordered 5 dye masks, they guarunteed me they ship same day. Got them in 2 days. They are great people with great prices, whats the malfunction here?

01-23-2003, 06:44 PM
Did you read the whole thread?

01-23-2003, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by rdb123
Did you read the whole thread?

umm...no, I just posted a random response to some information Ive never heard of :rolleyes:

Seems to me like you people just dont know how to handle this stuff...

01-23-2003, 07:52 PM
Ummmm, well, I called ActionVillage on ummmmm the day I play my order, and ummmmm they said all of it was in stock. A few days later, they email me the generic message telling me an item or two is out of stock. So I go to check the ummmmmmm page and it shows that my redz belt is in stock along with my barrel case. Ummmmmmm, the only things backordered were the aluminummmmmmmm feed neck and the gloves.

I went to check if either of those two items were back in stock, and ummmmm it showed that all my items were out of stock. Yeah, ummmmm, even the ones that they said were in stock. So basically they gave my sold my stuff away to someone else because they didn't want to ship two packages out to me at separate times...

Ummm, do you understand what that's like? It's like you go to McDonald's and you walk up to the counter and order 10 cheeseburgers. They then place 5 on your tray and tell you to wait for the rest to be made. Now, someone comes in the drivethru and orders 5 cheeseburgers. The workers at McDonald's then go take the cheeseburgers off your tray and then give them to the guy in the drivethru forcing you to wait for them to cook an extra 5 cheeseburgers in addition to the first 5 they already have cooking.

Ummmm now do you understand my frustration?

01-23-2003, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by rdb123
Ummmm, well, I called ActionVillage on ummmmm the day I play my order, and ummmmm they said all of it was in stock. A few days later, they email me the generic message telling me an item or two is out of stock. So I go to check the ummmmmmm page and it shows that my redz belt is in stock along with my barrel case. Ummmmmmm, the only things backordered were the aluminummmmmmmm feed neck and the gloves.

I went to check if either of those two items were back in stock, and ummmmm it showed that all my items were out of stock. Yeah, ummmmm, even the ones that they said were in stock. So basically they gave my sold my stuff away to someone else because they didn't want to ship two packages out to me at separate times...

Ummm, do you understand what that's like? It's like you go to McDonald's and you walk up to the counter and order 10 cheeseburgers. They then place 5 on your tray and tell you to wait for the rest to be made. Now, someone comes in the drivethru and orders 5 cheeseburgers. The workers at McDonald's then go take the cheeseburgers off your tray and then give them to the guy in the drivethru forcing you to wait for them to cook an extra 5 cheeseburgers in addition to the first 5 they already have cooking.

Ummmm now do you understand my frustration?

ummm....that was mature, I astill think if you werent retarded you could have handled it. Obviously the way you handled me, a person you obviously find as an annoyance, just shows how you likely handled them. ***.

01-23-2003, 09:41 PM
Squid....LAST WARNING. I am not going to tolerate your cursing any further.

01-23-2003, 09:41 PM
Right. I'm sure you know how many orders I've put through with them hoping that, for once, they won't mess it up; this is probably the 7th time now. But of course you would know that oh omnipotent -=Squid=-.

All I really wanted was an explanation from them as to why they decided to give my in-stock Redz Belt to someone else. I called them today as well and received a snooty reply that that was store policy.

"[R]etarded".... down to name calling now? You're the individual who came here with all the flaming. Yes, I know it's called a "telephone" as do most people here. No reason to cop an attitude. I simply asked you if you read through the whole thread because it appeared you didn't and you try to give me the snidish "ummmm" crap.

Please leave the thread.


EDIT: No, I don't find 15-year olds annoying.