View Full Version : I dont understand airsoft

01-23-2003, 03:36 PM
I dont understand how you get out! In paintball of course, it leaves a mark, but in airsoft doesnt the thing just bounce off of you?

01-23-2003, 03:42 PM
you have to play by the honor system. Which is one of the main reasons it will not go anywhere. I had an argument with an airsoft player over the reasons why paintball could actually make it further and that airsoft just can't compete at the same level as paintball... I mean there are plenty of reasons why it sucks. You have replicas of real weapons and are sometimes hard to tell that they are not real guns. The image just seems worst oh well

01-23-2003, 03:59 PM
Wow, I was expecting something neat :)

01-23-2003, 04:05 PM
Well you have the honor system and you can hear people yell out in pain when they get hit, since they shoot really fast and really high fps, those things really hurt. Airsoft is for the scenario and military enthusiasts, but I dont think it well ever be as big as the PB scenarios. just my opinion.

01-23-2003, 04:17 PM
The majority of the airsoft dudes that play, the ones ive tlked to are former pballers themselve. One guy was telling me in the long run Airsoft is more cost effective once you get past the appx $400 startup cost. And than there is the "BS that pballers and pballing brings". Yeah theyre mostly realistic military enthuseasist i gess. But for sure airsoft is less marketable than Pball.

01-23-2003, 05:03 PM
Although I've never played Airsoft, I've heard that it DOESN'T hurt as much as paintball. But again, I've never played airsoft.


01-23-2003, 05:20 PM
** looks at the few scars on his body **

it hurts more?..lol

I personally dont dig it, I like the way paintball plays ... I love the variations of the guns, the different setups that can make/break ya .. the little things.

Airsoft is cool that its a very "sim" oriented environment ... but I'll leave that to the people who like actual real "war game" type things ... I'm gonna stick to my paintball fun!

Dave K

01-23-2003, 07:00 PM
there are a few guys at my school trying to get an airsoft league going, or at least just a bunch of guys together to play it. my friend that was talking to me about it, claimed they don't hurt all that bad [of course he was just probably trying to look in front of me] so i can see the big problem with the honors system. he showed me their list of rules he wrote up, and from what i remember there really wasn't any other way to tell you were out.

01-23-2003, 07:01 PM
It's mostly an honor system. Up here though airsofters are pretty honest and will call themselves out when they get hit.

01-23-2003, 07:09 PM
they should use paintball airsoft :)

01-23-2003, 07:12 PM
i had a spring powered baretta but it broke.

i used to shoot myself in the arm at point blank and it didnt hurt half as bad as a pb gun. it was going damn fast too. those little balls just dont hurt as bad as the .68 caliber monsters heading your way at 280 feet per second. go paintball.

01-23-2003, 07:42 PM
honestly, airsoft is only good for places that you cant play paintball. ive been thinking of getting a crap load of mini electrics with my friends to play at places at nite. that way we can play, and noone gets arrested fro vandalism or any of that crap. but over all, unless ur playing with friends, airsoft is just craptacular

01-23-2003, 10:34 PM
I play both, and I have to make a few points.

1st of all, like paintball there is low end airsoft and high end airsoft. Low end airsoft is pretty much disposible guns that don't hurt too much at all. They are mostly spring and the BBs used are .12g. High end airsoft is MUCH MORE PAINFUL. Guns chrony around 400+ and the BBs are not .12g, they are .2g. Also there are paintballs for airsoft guns but they can be chopped in the gun which causes a bigger problem then the average chop in paintball. My friends and I play a lot, and if airsoft didn't have to depend on the honor system then I'd probably pick airsoft over modern day paintball(not old paintball though). Airsoft I believe is a lot more thrilling than paintball. There are many many styles of playing airsoft that actually make a BIG difference. Airsoft opens up a lot more motion then modern paintball. Today, paintball is all super fast guns that lay down paint until a shot eventually hits someone. When I play airsoft, I can actually break a sweat from moving. Guns are actually specialized to your style of gameplay. The a sniper rifle is actually very accurate up to a certain range unlike the paintball gun that never hits the retacticle on your scope. If you like to get close and personnal you can get an fully auto, but beware, your clip can run out very quickly when using full auto. There are also semi's and cocking guns. All vary in wieght and firepower to match perfectly your style of play. Airsoft I believe is most fun when played the way my friends and I play. We wear little clothing or sometimes shirtless, that wat BBs leave a mark on your skin. Also we are only allowed to have one clipand gun with us on the field(this includes the one in your gun), so don't go wasting ammo! Ammo can be held back at the starting points. This adds strategy to the game. If your opponent seems to be laying down too much ammo then send just cut them off from their base. If they are staying near the ammo then know that they will not move much so you can get a crossfire going.

Overall I think midend airsoft is better then modern day paintball, but then again the honor system is a problem and we do not always feel like getting hurt from BBs.