View Full Version : Center feed barrel

01-23-2003, 04:12 PM
I just built mag from some friends spares and odds and ends. It working great but I am having problems finding anyone who sells a center feed barrel. I am cheating right now by using an o-ring to wedge a right feed barrel in place. But this occasionally slips and the paint begins to spray.

Also I have installed a level 10 upgrade which is working great. What other upgrages are worth the money and time?

01-23-2003, 04:41 PM
Your best bet for a vert. barrel is to ask for one on our classified forum.

The only other performance enhancing upgrades you can get for the Mag are the Retro(used) or X-Valve(new), intelliframe, and Warp feed (concevably you could also get one of the various new bodies whenever they become redaly available).

Also one of the better hoppers couldn't hurt. The X-board revy, re-loader revy, evolution 2, and halo B are all good choises.

Load SM5
01-23-2003, 04:43 PM
Well a few companies make centerfeed mag barrels. Smart Parts, J&J, and Custom Products. There's also a guy (damageinc54) on these forums, who can mill your existing mag barrels to work for centerfeed. http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=17459

As far as upgrades go, what do you have on your mag already? The retro-valve, intelliframe, a good nitro system etc. are all good upgrades. It depends on what you want out of it and how much you want to spend on it.

Welcome to AO.

01-23-2003, 06:27 PM
The gun as assembled
Clasic valve
Level 10
benchmark double gripframe
Lapco drop
Nitroduck 90/45k set to 800psi
Dye SS barrel (borrowed)
Halo A or X board rev

I have been wondering about a RT but would need to buy one used to meet my budget right now. But I have not a clue as to a price range or how to know if I get one that is working properly or what parts besides the valve I would need to upgrade. I was wondering to about valve upgrades like the reactor valve and then the actual valve upgrades that are supposed to allow the valve to recharge faster and to help eliminate the shootdown the stock valve has.

Load SM5
01-23-2003, 07:05 PM
The reactor valve and other non AGD valve upgrades do nothing but take money out of your pocket. You should'nt experience any shootdown with the classic valve until 12-15 balls a second. I don't know anyone who can shoot that fast on a mechanic mag. The shootdown they are supposed to help is a marketing ploy to sell their useless crap.

The retro-valve is an easy upgrade. You take the old valve out and put the new one in. That simple. I would save up for one, or look at the new X-valve for a little more. It's all aluminum and comes with level 10 installed. The retro-valves are as easy to tech as your regular mag valve, they just use a different o-ring repair kit.(also a good thing to have handy) Until then, your classic valve should be fine.

Benchmark frames are pretty good frames but the trigger pull tends to be longer and a little sloppier than the Intelliframe or Dye frames. It's all preference.

01-31-2003, 10:38 PM
TheTramp is right,
buy a X-Valve, Intell-Frame, and Warp Feed. The new motorized hoppers are a must.

I shoot a:
Warpfed Minimag with a Level 10 Retro Valve and Intelliframe.