View Full Version : Paintball + A Girlfriend = Pure Broke :(

01-23-2003, 09:36 PM
Ahhh it sucks, I dont know if I can afford paintball any more. Since I dont work any more , in winter, I dont have much money. Well since valintines day is coming up, I bought my g/f a $200 necklace, now, I cant afford paintball for a long time. Whats more important, paintball or girls? :( :)

Will Wood
01-23-2003, 09:39 PM
What the hell do you think? Girls all the way. If I was playing in tourney or whatever, I would easily cancel it for a date or whatever. I love paintball and all... but girls are def. more fun :D

01-23-2003, 09:39 PM
it depends. what kind of gun you got, and how hot is the girl?

01-23-2003, 09:41 PM
Paintball, there will always be women :)

01-23-2003, 09:43 PM
Paintball wins. You gun won't cry on Valentines day when/if you sleep till 11 and don't talk to it all week. Dude, trust me.

01-23-2003, 09:54 PM
How old are you?

thats the quetsion, if youre under 21, then go paintball 100%...if your over 21...then...well...girls begin to matter as you have to do the human race a favor :D (and boy, doing that favor is no skin off my back ;) )

01-23-2003, 09:58 PM
Will Wood - LOL ya I guess your right. I think girls would be more fun ;) :)

Python- LOL.....

Kevmaster - Im 15

01-23-2003, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by Grayso
it depends. what kind of gun you got, and how hot is the girl?

I got a dark angel, and this girl is really hot in my book :) Well...I do love her so...

01-23-2003, 10:10 PM
you're fifteen and you are buying a girl a $200 dollar necklace?!?!?!?!?!?!

sorry dude but wtf r u thinking?!:eek: :eek: :eek:

what happens if she says "oh, i think we should just be friends"........is that a $200 dollar friendship necklace?!?!

*this may not be the case and you guys may have been together and plan on staying together, but i've seen this scenario played out sooo many times (young boy meets young girl, boy loves girl, girl says she loves boy, boy buys girl expensive stuff, girl dumps boy and keeps stuff!)

01-23-2003, 10:13 PM
Your girl might go runaway on you, and you'll be sad.

Your gun might go runaway on you, and you'll have a large grin on your face.

01-23-2003, 10:17 PM
Go here for reasons why Girls are better than paintball.

Also, there's the fact that you are fifteen. If she were over 18, i would've suggested that you posted a picture of her here ( Preferably a nude one) and we can judge whether she is worth keeping over paintball. :) kidding.
But seriously, You can just wrap your gear in bubble wrap and store it in a safe place until comes a time where you can once again afford the luxury of paintball.

01-23-2003, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by cris8762
you're fifteen and you are buying a girl a $200 dollar necklace?!?!?!?!?!?!

sorry dude but wtf r u thinking?!:eek: :eek: :eek:

what happens if she says "oh, i think we should just be friends"........is that a $200 dollar friendship necklace?!?!

*this may not be the case and you guys may have been together and plan on staying together, but i've seen this scenario played out sooo many times (young boy meets young girl, boy loves girl, girl says she loves boy, boy buys girl expensive stuff, girl dumps boy and keeps stuff!)

LOL....you can slap me later, but money is money.

I dont think it will be the case, we really love each other. We have only been going out for a month but will keep on going out forever. I know what you mean though, but she isnt like that. If she does, ill get it back ;)

01-23-2003, 10:21 PM
Originally posted by spacedtedybear
Go here for reasons why Girls are better than paintball.

Also, there's the fact that you are fifteen. If she were over 18, i would've suggested that you posted a picture of her here ( Preferably a nude one) and we can judge whether she is worth keeping over paintball. :) kidding.
But seriously, You can just wrap your gear in bubble wrap and store it in a safe place until comes a time where you can once again afford the luxury of paintball.

LOL haha. thx for the link ;)

Well....I could post pics of me and her at a dance ;)

01-23-2003, 10:24 PM
I don't want to sound like a total scrooge but this is my opinion!

I'd say, considering your age, you should stick with paintball. Girlfriends will come and go, especially at that age and you will only regret it when you're older. You have a lifetime to have girlfriends and whatnot so why not savor your younger years to do everything that you want. I'm not saying to break it off with her but to not let it keep you from doing what you want to do. If you want to keep on playing paintball, then do it! You can always make her something, I'd definitely prefer a homemade gift to some expensive gift.

01-23-2003, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
I don't want to sound like a total scrooge but this is my opinion!

I'd say, considering your age, you should stick with paintball. Girlfriends will come and go, especially at that age and you will only regret it when you're older. You have a lifetime to have girlfriends and whatnot so why not savor your younger years to do everything that you want. I'm not saying to break it off with her but to not let it keep you from doing what you want to do. If you want to keep on playing paintball, then do it! You can always make her something, I'd definitely prefer a homemade gift to some expensive gift.

Hmm aww man people, your suppose to tell me girls :(

I guess your right about I got my whole life about girls, but come on, im sure you had a high school "sweetie" some oldies might say ;)

Yeah, and the fact that she didnt want anything, I mean, sure girls say that when they DO want something, but she seriously didnt want anything. But I will put it this way, since this gift cost me so much, I will be like covered for the rest of the year for presents. Sure, I'll get her something small for her bday and stuff, but nothing more than $30 ;)

01-23-2003, 10:35 PM
I guess your right about I got my whole life about girls, but come on, im sure you had a high school "sweetie" some oldies might say

I sure did and now all i can do is regret it. I thought the same thing as you (that we'd be together forever) but in the end it just kept me from doing what I wanted...and for what? nothing at all.

01-23-2003, 10:40 PM
I am 15 and I put all hot chicks over paintball. But I only have a crappy 98 Custom. I don't know which i would like more, a hot girlfriend, or a dark angel...

01-23-2003, 10:41 PM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa

I sure did and now all i can do is regret it. I thought the same thing as you (that we'd be together forever) but in the end it just kept me from doing what I wanted...and for what? nothing at all.

Hmmmmmmm...your not helping me here clare ;)

*Sigh*....oh well...only a couple of weeks, ill be back into paintball, but not as much now :(

01-23-2003, 10:44 PM
I still can't believe that you bought her a $200 dollar necklace, and you have been going out for about a month now, she must really have you wipped or something.

01-23-2003, 10:44 PM
Yeah man, save most of your money for paintball. Girlfriends are great, but at 15 you shouldn't need (or be expected to) spend $200 on one gift. I'm only a couple of years older than you (17) and I've had a couple of girls that I thought I was pretty serious about. Buying stuff for them was fun, I liked to do it. But they liked when I made stuff or wrote things for them to. Well needless to say, the experiences were great, but they are both over (both cases we thought were were in 'love' as well). Ok, now that I realize I'm not really making a point, I'll make one. High School relationships end (usually), even if they seem like they'll last forever. You've got to live your life. Have as much fun as you can, but you don't need to give up other things to do so. Hope this made sense, I tend to ramble :D.


01-23-2003, 10:47 PM
Hmmmmmmm...your not helping me here clare

:D Sorry! Just offering you some valuable advice! Don't ever stop doing what you like/love for another person especially at your age. Once you break up, you'll be kicking yourself over it..

01-23-2003, 10:49 PM
Scratches his head on this one. Alright I am only slightly older than u. (at 17 soon to be 18) I can understand where u coming from. I read most of the post and u say u have been with her for a month and will love her forever. That is a promise that it definitely difficult to keep. I do remember (oh so long ago) when I was 15 and I had a sweetie that lasted 11 months. I can say that I honestly had feelings for her but she moved on and Paintball didnt. Paintball is like the women that always gets away and then always comes back for more! My real point here is u dont have to ditch the girl u have to ask urself would she love me any less if I didnt buy this for her? If the answer is yes then I am not so sure what she wants. Now granted it's nice to spend money on her but Dont go out spending to much without a job.

01-23-2003, 10:51 PM
Originally posted by IWannaRiot979
Yeah man, save most of your money for paintball. Girlfriends are great, but at 15 you shouldn't need (or be expected to) spend $200 on one gift. I'm only a couple of years older than you (17) and I've had a couple of girls that I thought I was pretty serious about. Buying stuff for them was fun, I liked to do it. But they liked when I made stuff or wrote things for them to. Well needless to say, the experiences were great, but they are both over (both cases we thought were were in 'love' as well). Ok, now that I realize I'm not really making a point, I'll make one. High School relationships end (usually), even if they seem like they'll last forever. You've got to live your life. Have as much fun as you can, but you don't need to give up other things to do so. Hope this made sense, I tend to ramble :D.


I know I shouldnt of, but oh well :( LIke I said now, she wont be expecting anything forawhile now ;)

I am not TOTALLY givin up paintball now, but can only afford like one tournament a month now :(

01-23-2003, 10:53 PM
Clare, I couldnt agree more. at 15, your "love" is very well..short term. Paintball is something, that odds are 5 years from now youll still enjoy. I know of 2 people at my high school who are in a serious relationship that will carry on pas high school. high school love is like that. fun? yes. its a great time to haev a GF to love and care for. but...really...your GF will come and go...i dont know of many relationships that have lasted 6 months...

01-23-2003, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by Wild_Osiris
Scratches his head on this one. Alright I am only slightly older than u. (at 17 soon to be 18) I can understand where u coming from. I read most of the post and u say u have been with her for a month and will love her forever. That is a promise that it definitely difficult to keep. I do remember (oh so long ago) when I was 15 and I had a sweetie that lasted 11 months. I can say that I honestly had feelings for her but she moved on and Paintball didnt. Paintball is like the women that always gets away and then always comes back for more! My real point here is u dont have to ditch the girl u have to ask urself would she love me any less if I didnt buy this for her? If the answer is yes then I am not so sure what she wants. Now granted it's nice to spend money on her but Dont go out spending to much without a job.

Hmmm good post. I prolly should of waited untill I do have a job again lol...

I dont get some of it tho, did you ditch paintball for her?

01-23-2003, 10:55 PM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa

:D Sorry! Just offering you some valuable advice! Don't ever stop doing what you like/love for another person especially at your age. Once you break up, you'll be kicking yourself over it..

ITs all good though, your just telling me your opinion :)

01-23-2003, 11:02 PM
Might have lost mine. Girlfriend that is. If you really care do whatever it takes to keep them. Trust me.:(

01-23-2003, 11:10 PM
Originally posted by Blazingace
Might have lost mine. Girlfriend that is. If you really care do whatever it takes to keep them. Trust me.:(

That sucks man :( What happened?

01-23-2003, 11:34 PM
Ok, well I will offer up my .02 also!

CRog075, I agree with everyone about the not giving up paintball, but dont worry too much about people saying not to take it serious when your young. Heck, you never know what might happen; though dont get TOO carried away, hehe. When I was in highshool I met a girl at age 17, and now we're living together and in our second year of college. Trust me, it wont be the girl costing you in the future. You'll be worrying about bills!

01-23-2003, 11:53 PM
Blazingace, that's a bad idea. If it looks like it's over, move on. Don't get depressed or obsessed over it. I speak from experience. I lost a girlfriend, and practically sold my soul to get her back, and about 2 months later, she absolutly blew my heart to pieces. I should have just left things as they were, we ended on good terms the first time, the second time, HUGE explosion that even still lingers on today...and that was 2 years ago. Trust me, if it looks like it's over, let it go.

01-23-2003, 11:56 PM
Not a chance that at 15 does a girl come before paintball. That is unless she's givin you lots and lots of lovin. I had a highschool girlfriend and thought that it was all serious and stuff. Then I got to college, got really drunk, fell down, got up, slept with a random girl, woke up and drank some more. Then I fell down again. Where was I going with this? Oh yeah. Relationships = bad
Alcohol+random horny girls = good. Oh, and paintball is cool too. Stay away from drugs kids... drugs are bad.

01-24-2003, 08:34 AM
girls > pb, but in my huble opinion, 200 seems like to much to spend on a girl at your age.

01-24-2003, 09:30 AM
theres a point where girls do come before paintball....if the two of you have been dating for 10-12 months, are both 16+ and then, well....you might think of her as more than the typical girl friend. but ill tell you, in my high school...i know of 2 couples that fit the 12 months+ catagory....out of prolly hundreds of relationships ive seen(and a couple ive been in)

01-24-2003, 09:34 AM
I think the best thing you could do is try and get her into paintball...That way you can enjoy the best of both worlds...and while $200 bucks is a good bit of $$ to spend at your age, you just need to wager what you value more...$$ or giving a gift to someone that they'll always remember. And if you both work out "forever" that's great, when she's 90 and sitting with your great-great-great- grandchildren, and showing them the necklace, it'll be all good.

...but if you both are not meant to be, for whatever reason, if you get her into paintball, and then you both have a common love for paintball, or different activities that you can do together, then even if you don't stay "together forever" then you'll have a 100% better friend than you have now...

I know everyone's whipping you for this, cause the stats are slim...but if you'd like a bit of encouragement, boomer and myself have been together since I was about 15, but he was 18 then...sure we've had our moments, and big ones at that, but after 3+ years, we're still going strong! And get this, I have a $3000.00 engagement ring from him that he gave to me alittle over a year ago, and we're not engaged anymore, and I don't wear the ring, but it will always be something very dear to my heart...it'll be what I'm showing to my grandchildren years from now.

and...everyone that is under 20 and doesn't have their parents loaded with $$ has $$ problems...but you'll get through it and be able to continue with what you love soon enough!

Painball and all of your other hobbies will always be there because they're not human and full of problems...but great friends are what keeps you going!

01-24-2003, 10:27 AM
Girls IMHO are way more important then paintball. I'm not saying playin paintball aint important, cuzhaving fun IS important. you will always be able to go and play paintball, but if your girl goes away cuz you play to much...well then...most likely she wont come back. just my $.02

01-24-2003, 11:16 AM
Originally posted by daveymag

Alcohol+random horny girls = good. Oh, and paintball is cool too. Stay away from drugs kids... drugs are bad.

Isnt Alcohol a drug tho?


ps-CRog075: Paintball or Girls? It depends what defines you at that moment. Is paintball just a recreational activity that you play every now and then...or do you wake up every morning and declare yourself a "straight balla, yo!". :P
Is this girl someone you love? someone who supports you? Does this girl improve you in any way? Couldnt you spend $100 on her and $100 on paintball? Does she expect you to buy her expensive gifts?
These are things you need to ask yourself...
But damn....$200!?!? for Valentines?!?! Cant you wait for a Bday or Christmas or something? :p

01-24-2003, 12:05 PM
Originally posted by CRog075

LOL....you can slap me later, but money is money.

I dont think it will be the case, we really love each other. We have only been going out for a month but will keep on going out forever. I know what you mean though, but she isnt like that. If she does, ill get it back ;)

Ok, did anybody else cringe when they read this? Listen to me bro and take it from somebody whose been there, sometimes things work out and sometimes they dont. With you being 15, the odds are really against you guys "going out forever". I'm not saying you won't, and honestly if you love her I hope you will, but I'm just saying don't bank on it. People have a hard time understanding what "real adult love" is until they are much older (at least into their twenties...sometimes later IMO) so don't give up doing something you love for this girl. Try to find ways they both can coexist, just don't do anything you'll regret later. When I was where you are now I looked at comments like "don't do anything you'll regret later" and totally blew them off, but it happens sometimes. Be smart, and enjoy both being with her and playing paintball. You should definitely be very careful about giving her $200 gifts when both of you are pretty young and new to relationships though. Especially since you guys have only been going out for a month. Anyway, just thought I'd lend some friendly advice...good luck with both bro.

01-24-2003, 01:09 PM
OK, I'm not about to turn this into a relationship advice forum but trust me, you got to find a good balance between them.
Being 15, going out with a girl for a month, and buying her a $200 gift means one of three things: 1.) Your Dad is Bill Gates or another guy with a ton of cash to give you, 2.) You're a successful drug cartel kingpin, or the one I think applies in this case 3.) You're making some bad decisions with your life.
Relationships will come and go at your age, been there myself plenty of times where I thought it would last forever (I'm 23 now) but they're going to play out regardless of what gifts you give and such. Even at 23 I know I still have mistakes to make that I will learn from and trust me, you got TONS of those coming.
Enjoy the time you spend with her, but if you feel the need to buy such gifts to hold the relationship together or because she demands them then you are only fooling and hurting yourself. It would be time to move on in these cases. And if such a short and expensive relationship is causing you to give up an activity you truly love such as paintball then right now is not the time for you to have such a relationship.
So cut back on the really expensive crap as you are so young and it's so early on this relationship and budget your time and money between paintball and her. If she can't take that, she has issues. If you let either one win completely, you're making a mistake. You don't need $2500 in gear and have to play twice a week to be into paintball. Scale back on gear and times played and you'll find you have plenty of time and money to keep both going well. But sacrificing one entirely is a bad move. Best of luck.

01-24-2003, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by Jack_Dubious

Isnt Alcohol a drug tho?



01-24-2003, 02:21 PM
Go buy her w/e you want that is reasonable(under $20-$30 ).... But NEVER, NEVER, NEVER EVER a Cell phone under your name!!!!

Thats one bill you DON'T want... Lets just say whe wont be spending all the minutes talking to you.

01-24-2003, 02:53 PM
Girls are no where near as important as paintball at this stage in our lives. I prob sound really stupid but at my age(17) theres only one thing i want from girls i dont want to be in a relationship that not going to go anywhere. I dont want to spend money on them after ive grown up some then i will look for a serious relationship. Ive watched WAY too many of my friends spend way too much money on their girls that only stay around a few months and then get there hearts broken.

Theres my 2 cents now u all can flame me for being a hormone driven teenager.

01-24-2003, 03:15 PM
Originally posted by CRog075
Ahhh it sucks, I dont know if I can afford paintball any more. Since I dont work any more , in winter, I dont have much money. Well since valintines day is coming up, I bought my g/f a $200 necklace, now, I cant afford paintball for a long time. Whats more important, paintball or girls? :( :)

Think of it this way, how much is she spending on you for Valentine's? What like $10 in candy? I'd personally take the necklace back and just make her something and give her a card and some roses. Just cause your the guy in the relationship, doesn't mean you have to spend all the money. Your 15, not 20. If you have to spend $200 to justify your relationship, it's not worth it. It says either your afraid of losing this girl or your whipped. Don't be either of those. Your young, there are many girls that will come your way. I'm going to assume this may be your first serious gf, and if that's the case, don't do this. If you think that you must spend $200 to please this girl, then she isn't the girl for you. Wait till a little longer than a month to start buying her stuff, I wouldn't buy a girl a present over $30 if we were going out for a month. Let the relationship grow before spending so much. It's just a month, don't spend $200 on a girl that you've only been with for that long.

01-24-2003, 03:23 PM
This advice is for anyone who will be willing to listen. Ok first off I'm 23 and I have been dating the girlfriend that I have currently for 18 mo. And I previously dated a girl for 21 mo. I have 2 peices of advice.

1. Do not let a significant other keep you from doing anything that you really want to do. Yes giving some things up for her does show her that you care for her, but there is a line. If you don't find it, you will become miserable in the relationship. Because you will begin missing some of the things you gave up. Or if you don't pay attention to them enough....

2. Also early in a relationsip how you treat your significant other will set their expectations of you in the long run. Example (Yes CRog075 this is for you) If you buy a girl expensive gifts often, then she will begin to expect them. Then if you start not doing that for some reason or even no reason at all, then he/she will thing something is wrong. Like you don't love them like you used to, or name some other issue their mind will bring up. Of course that also doesn't only apply to gift giving it can apply to the amount to time spent with him/her just about anything.

All of this I know from personal experience. When I broke up with the girl that I had been with for 21 months, yes there was a lot of pain. I wanted to get her back for a while, but once I started to think about things I knew that it was better just to let her go. After a while I came to the realization that I really want very happy in the relationship for at least the last 6 months, but it is really hard to see that when you are in the relationship.

When (not if) you get your heart broken, just try to do one thing. Learn something from it.

01-24-2003, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by TigerMan

It's just a month, don't spend $200 on a girl that you've only been with for that long.

I know a lot of girl that an expensive gift eary in the relationhip would scare the hell out of them.

01-24-2003, 04:33 PM
I hate this thread now cause it seems like alot of people think im in whip and im to young and stuff :(

Oh yeah, this is what I got her:

Its a little different, as mine looks better, but its still $200:



IM not sure the specs of mine, but its whitegold and i forget what kind of diamonds :-/

01-24-2003, 04:37 PM
Originally posted by CRog075
I hate this thread now cause it seems like alot of people think im in whip and im to young and stuff :(

Oh yeah, this is what I got her:

Its a little different, as mine looks better, but its still $200:



Man if you can't take it, don't bring it up. Honestly When i was 15 I fell in love. I was with this girl for 2 1/2 years. I never bought her 200 dollars gifts.... most I spent was 30... That just ended in heartbreak and now I am 20. Take it from me.... your just wasting your time spending money on a girl when your 15.... There is so much ahead of you, don't worry abou ta girl now.

Creative Mayhem
01-24-2003, 04:41 PM
Drop the girlfriend... you dont need her. If you want to shell out your money to someone other than your self for ... <B>*POOF*</B>

C Mayhem

<B>Knock off the sexual stuff... went too far. <B> -Miscue

01-24-2003, 04:57 PM
Originally posted by Creative Mayhem


01-24-2003, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by LaW

Man if you can't take it, don't bring it up. Honestly When i was 15 I fell in love. I was with this girl for 2 1/2 years. I never bought her 200 dollars gifts.... most I spent was 30... That just ended in heartbreak and now I am 20. Take it from me.... your just wasting your time spending money on a girl when your 15.... There is so much ahead of you, don't worry abou ta girl now.

Its not that I cant take it, as I can, but people are talking about the $200 thing, but money isnt the problem. I was simply asking what would they choose, paintball or girls. I got alot of answers im looking for, but some are mentioning the $200 thing, which money isnt a problem :mad:

01-24-2003, 05:12 PM
Originally posted by CRog075

Its not that I cant take it, as I can, but people are talking about the $200 thing, but money isnt the problem. I was simply asking what would they choose, paintball or girls. I got alot of answers im looking for, but some are mentioning the $200 thing, which money isnt a problem :mad:

You need to change the title then because your saying your broke. Because spending $200 on a one month gf then saying your broke is going to cause people to say what they have. Still, you need to take that back! Do your parents know you spent that much on a necklace on a gf that you've only had a month?

01-24-2003, 05:38 PM
Originally posted by CRog075
Well since valintines day is coming up, I bought my g/f a $200 necklace

Don't get all worked up guys, I'd be willing to bet he is full of it. (Just read his other posts)

This is the same punk who threatened to burn my house and watch laughing as my family burned to death. :rolleyes:

01-24-2003, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by irbodden

This is the same punk who threatened to burn my house and watch laughing as my family burned to death. :rolleyes:

Ah, now that's maturity :p

01-24-2003, 05:50 PM
damn, i dont spend $200 bucks on valentines for my WIFE. if dinner and a movie is not good enough for this chick then you need a new chick. i know at the one month stage it feels like it can never end and blah blah blah but at some point reality will punch you in the gut and you will ask yourself what the hell you are doing. if you are just possessed with getting her a necklace i would swap the one you bought out for some $20-30 job and put the rest in the bank or something. girls are as expensive as you let them be. remember, its your cash, there is no law that says you have to go nuts buying crap to keep a girlfriend. thats why i say if just being with you (ie dinner and a movie) is not good enough then she can hit the road. just for the record i have been dating/married to my wife for over 10 years and its not slowing down anytime soon.

Go here for reasons why Girls are better than paintball.
http://www.paintballtimes.com/girls.htm is loaded with bs. :)

01-24-2003, 06:19 PM
Originally posted by TigerMan

You need to change the title then because your saying your broke. Because spending $200 on a one month gf then saying your broke is going to cause people to say what they have. Still, you need to take that back! Do your parents know you spent that much on a necklace on a gf that you've only had a month?

Yeah I mean im broke, but I will get more money soon ;) I wont play PB as much though. And no, my parents dont know lol

01-24-2003, 06:21 PM
at least you HAVE a girlfriend :). (i think my obsession with paintball is a major reason i DON'T) lol

01-24-2003, 06:23 PM
Originally posted by logamus
damn, i dont spend $200 bucks on valentines for my WIFE. if dinner and a movie is not good enough for this chick then you need a new chick. i know at the one month stage it feels like it can never end and blah blah blah but at some point reality will punch you in the gut and you will ask yourself what the hell you are doing. if you are just possessed with getting her a necklace i would swap the one you bought out for some $20-30 job and put the rest in the bank or something. girls are as expensive as you let them be. remember, its your cash, there is no law that says you have to go nuts buying crap to keep a girlfriend. thats why i say if just being with you (ie dinner and a movie) is not good enough then she can hit the road. just for the record i have been dating/married to my wife for over 10 years and its not slowing down anytime soon.

ps is loaded with bs. :)

That would of still done (dinner and movie) though, but I thought she would really like the necklace, and got it. I know I will feel stupid soon, but oh well, you only live once. Do stupid stuff is part of it ;)

Oh yeah irbodden is on my ignore list, so if your reading this, no point really of trying to talk stuff again and ruin all my threads, so ill be the one who will ignore your load of BS. Belive it or not, i am actually gonna be the man and just ignore you :rolleyes:

01-24-2003, 06:25 PM
Originally posted by BobTheCow63
at least you HAVE a girlfriend :). (i think my obsession with paintball is a major reason i DON'T) lol

LOL your like me. I serously, didnt talk to girls any more, cause I didnt have the time, cause of course, paintball. I just went bolwing with friends, next thing I knew, im going out with her. Life is weird like that, eh?

And oh yeah people, she really loves paintball. She will be the team pod "hoe" of course, the name has to change since shes my gf ;)

01-24-2003, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by CRog075
Oh yeah irbodden is on my ignore list, so if your reading this, no point really of trying to talk stuff again and ruin all my threads, so ill be the one who will ignore your load of BS. Belive it or not, i am actually gonna be the man and just ignore you :rolleyes:

My BS?

I'll be happy to forward the PM where you threatened to burn my house and murder my family to anyone who wants it.

And I'll continue to point out any BS where and when I see it, as I did here.

01-24-2003, 08:44 PM
paintball, many fish in the sea. You definately want a girl that plays pball. Send it to JEdi's mom :p

01-24-2003, 09:30 PM
Don't get caught up in this whole "love" thing. You will soon learn that the path of the playa is the one you want to walk through your younger years. $200 for a necklace? Visit this (http://www.romp.com) site. You could learn alot there. I certainly did!

01-24-2003, 09:45 PM
Egh, High School "Love" is a pretty trivial thing in the long run, and it'd be rare if anything lasted a considerable amount of time. Spending $200 on a necklace is going a tad overboard, get something nice & tasteful, save some cash... and... of course... go play paintball!

01-24-2003, 09:55 PM
My advice would be put the girl in check, pull it out dry it off, and go play some paintball. You'll thank me when you're 30

01-24-2003, 10:31 PM
There has to be a healthy balance of women and paintball... right?

In your case I think she will just have to learn that you love her differently then you love paintball :D

01-24-2003, 10:47 PM
I say go with the one which you get more play from :D


01-25-2003, 12:30 PM
I didn't read all posts so if I missed this..oh well.

It seems quite obvious to me.

#1 Return the necklace.

#2 Get her a PAINTGUN!

Have cake and eat it too.

Kill 2 birds with one stone.

A bird in the bush with a paintball gun is better than 2 in the hand.(I might have to rethink that one)

You get the point.


01-25-2003, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by RRfireblade
I didn't read all posts so if I missed this..oh well.

It seems quite obvious to me.

#1 Return the necklace.

#2 Get her a PAINTGUN!

Have cake and eat it too.

Kill 2 birds with one stone.

A bird in the bush with a paintball gun is better than 2 in the hand.(I might have to rethink that one)

You get the point.


You forgot beer silly! :D :)

01-25-2003, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by 845
paintball, many fish in the sea. You definately want a girl that plays pball. Send it to JEdi's mom :p

Hmm....mayb I should have get her to play paintball :D

Ill force her to go, after all, she HAS to do everything I say cause of the necklace ;)

01-25-2003, 02:51 PM
Originally posted by RRfireblade
I didn't read all posts so if I missed this..oh well.

It seems quite obvious to me.

#1 Return the necklace.

#2 Get her a PAINTGUN!

Have cake and eat it too.

Kill 2 birds with one stone.

A bird in the bush with a paintball gun is better than 2 in the hand.(I might have to rethink that one)

You get the point.


LOL i like ;)

But the thing is...I cant return the necklace :(

I put it on layaway for a couple days, as I only had $120 on me, so than I bought it yesterday (paid it off) and it wont let me return it since I had it on layaway :(

The most I can do it get instore credit, and I dont think they sell paintball markers there :(

01-25-2003, 03:02 PM
Maybe you can talk another dummy into trading his paintball gun for the necklace.Tell him girls are more important than paintball.:p


I don't mean to imply YOU were a dummy.:D

01-25-2003, 03:09 PM
damn man ur only 15 u should Prolly tone it down a notch w/ the 200$ necklace I would have foune somethin alot cheaper like licorice panties/for her. :D
but with paintball if u are broke that sucks. but im certain you can have both pball and your biatches. you just got to regulate your spendin on the small sh*t like the late night runs to taco bell after the keg-er.(like me last night...got to have that t-bell)
bottom line save your money when you aren't spendin it on ur grl or paintball. thats what i do, cept my grl is my car im savin up for(tryin to save for down payment $500 so far)

01-25-2003, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by RRfireblade
Maybe you can talk another dummy into trading his paintball gun for the necklace.Tell him girls are more important than paintball.:p


I don't mean to imply YOU were a dummy.:D

LOL...hm....but dummies like me hare hard to find :( ;)

Hey, you interested in a necklace ;)

01-25-2003, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by G F K
damn man ur only 15 u should Prolly tone it down a notch w/ the 200$ necklace I would have foune somethin alot cheaper like licorice panties/for her. :D
but with paintball if u are broke that sucks. but im certain you can have both pball and your biatches. you just got to regulate your spendin on the small sh*t like the late night runs to taco bell after the keg-er.(like me last night...got to have that t-bell)
bottom line save your money when you aren't spendin it on ur grl or paintball. thats what i do, cept my grl is my car im savin up for(tryin to save for down payment $500 so far)

LOL yeah, I should of gone to walmart or mejier and buy a $50 necklace lol and than go to Victoria Secret and buy something for me...i mean her :)

But I do save my money, as all I use to spend money on was Paintball, and so me more for a car, and thats all. So I was loaded.

07-03-2003, 07:05 PM
Think of it like this.....

Balls or Pussy

07-03-2003, 07:47 PM
i would take paintball, i meen girls are fun and all, but its so easy, paintballs more of a challenge :cool:

07-03-2003, 08:53 PM
think of it like this, LOOK AT HOW OLD THIS THREAD IS!

07-03-2003, 09:23 PM
Since this was brought back from the dead ... How are CRog075 and the lady friend doing?

this will be a interesting update ...

07-03-2003, 09:31 PM
I'll bet my mag (even though if I'm wrong you'll still have to pry it from my cold dead hands) that she has broken up with him and that he walked away from a relationship that he had thought would last forever with a broken heart and $200 less :( ...but I also hope that they are still going strong and that $200 has not yet been wasted :D

07-04-2003, 02:24 AM
OK im not going to read all of these posts...im way too lazy. I say paintball over girls, always...untill your out of school. Girls will come and go...dude $200 is way too much for one month of being together and...most likely you wont be together forever...just sayin the harsh reality. You must be REALLY wupped..i will always put my paintball before my girl..and if they can't understand that, then they arent the right girl for you. Your girl should respect your passion...or hobby, whatever. An older friend of mine (mid 20s) once gave me some great advice one time ..."All you need to worry about is school and paintball at your age...you'll always have time for women.."...And guess what...this might supprise you...IM 15 TOO...i have a lot of experience with girls (A LOT of BAD experiences too)trust me...i know how you feel about your lady...just think about it..$200 = approx. 4 cases of paint..and have you ever heard the saying "Bros before hoes"...think about it...ok im starting to ramble on and on now...well thats my two cents...

-Ryan F.

07-04-2003, 07:58 AM
i feel ya man, being into paintball and auto tuning isn't a good combo lol. I literally dont have money for gas right now. I've got a little less than 1/4th a tank left, been driving under 1.5K RPM recently hehe.

07-04-2003, 10:32 AM
let me give you some great advice. IF the girl feels the need that you must spend money on her, drop her quick. A relationship is supposed to compliement your life not complicate. Also know that love is a choice, not some happy feelling you get in your pants.

Besides, girls are really a waste of time until college. That is where the fun begins:D , and you dont have to spend the big bucks to date:eek:

07-04-2003, 10:55 PM
i dunno about the rest of you guys...but i sure would like to see the girl thats worth a $200 necklace on V-Day for a 15 year old:rolleyes:

07-05-2003, 12:00 AM

07-05-2003, 12:50 AM
Moving this to FC...