View Full Version : emag capabilities

01-24-2003, 12:19 AM
hi i am looking into buying an emag and i am wondering if all the hype is true. I have a teammate that shoots a sandride tf5 autococker, and that thing really rips. Can an emag do that?? can a level 10 emag with a halo b shoot 17 bps on semi auto?

01-24-2003, 12:22 AM
Emags are one of the FASTEST guns on the market, thanx to the RT valve... Ive gotten mine up to 18 walking it, and 14 one finger. (tested over a chrono)

There REALLY small guns too, I love em

01-24-2003, 12:38 AM
well, the e-mag can olny actually do 16, sonce it has board limitations to 16, but agd did that for happy crappy insurance in the industry stufff, you know! lol

the x-mag can go 24 on the board,as well as the sfl e-mag

Get the e-mag, you wont regret it. snadridges are hard to come by now as well

also check this out. http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=64957

01-24-2003, 12:41 AM
so a stock emag board is restricted to 16bps?!?! thats no good, is an emagnum board restricted?

01-24-2003, 12:43 AM
no it isnt, it is adjustable to the stars. the e-magnum board is really a morlock variant. there is also the tunamagnum available from tunaman on these boards, he can fill you in on it more. his is also cheeper! also, dont worry about the board restriction, it doesnt make a difference, i serriously doubt you will get sustainable fire over 16....

01-24-2003, 12:48 AM
lol, i realize that i will probably not get over 16 bps but...you would think that a 900 dollar gun would be unrestricted ya know?

so tell me more about these emagnum boards...please

01-24-2003, 12:53 AM
hmm, most markers are restricted....... angels go to like 20 or so... also, they are restricted with how you feed them.... also most angel users end up setting their restriction at 14 from hopper restrictions.

For e-agnum details please pm Tunaman on these boards

01-24-2003, 01:18 AM
Yup, if you want unrestricted let me recommend the Spider Esprit....Great marker for the money :)

hehe, anyhow, the price tag and its speed restrictions have nothing to do with each other. The fact that AGD was more responsible when setting up their software is a testement to AGD (I still don't get why they arent capped at 13bps, if the mutual 13bps agreement was what originated the caps...but...never mind i said it ;)

If you didn't hear the crap out of some people's mouths about, "check out me shooting 20bps" or "i can hit my 18bps limit" etc, then 16bps that you can actually pull on an emag would have a lot more of a "wow" factor

01-24-2003, 02:25 AM
10 bps or 20 bps, it's all academic. If you want to win, get game. Rate-of-Fire can't cover your lack of skill...http://www.berettaforum.net/ubb/graemlins/banana.gif

01-24-2003, 08:22 AM
10 bps or 20 bps, it's all academic. If you want to win, get game. Rate-of-Fire can't cover your lack of skill...

But it can sure help! :D

Trust me emags are fast enough, at the Kick'n toutnament last weekend (see thread in classics) I was checked multiple times for F/A. That's not hybrid mode either.

01-24-2003, 08:36 AM
bah, mags are the slowest guns ever ;)