View Full Version : Project MMRT begins.

Temo Vryce
01-24-2003, 01:55 PM
When all this hype about the roller trigger got started I said that I thought that it would work on a manual mag. Now don't get me wrong I do realise that it won't work as well on a manual mag as it does on the elecros, I'm not that dumb. So in my quest to see what it can do I have created my own roller trigger. Unfortunately my skills with a camera really suck. So all my photos are fuzzy and the images are huge. Right now there are only about 8 pr 9 images starting with the parts to be used and ending with the trigger completed. It's not real pretty but the wheels spin. I hope to test it out tomorrow and I will post my findings then.

If anyone with some 1337 PhotoShop skills wants to take a stab at cleaning up my images just pm me with an E-mail address where I can send them and I'll get them off as soon as I can.

01-25-2003, 07:06 PM
what happened to this?

Temo Vryce
01-25-2003, 07:52 PM
Well that's easy to answer. I just sgot home not more than 5 minutes ago. I put my gear away so as not to get killed by my better half.

Wow you can teach an old dog new tricks.

Anyways. I borrowed a friends classic mag and Strider's E-Mag. I needed an air source and Strider's Flatline is atached to his mag is the mag came with it. After a quick run into the Pro Shop's work area I had the old trigger out and the 2 finger roller trigger in the classic mag. It was to the field for some test firing I went, with 2 mag's in hand. (I don't recommend playing this way as you have to rely on someone else to hold the other marker.)


1. The trigger pull on the classic mag was a little stiff but not too bad.
2. The roller trigger did work and better than I expected. I wasn't able to shoot very fast, but see observation #3.
3. The "rubbing the nub" style of shooting is very different and takes some getting used to.
4. More testing is required.


This was only one test and unfortunately I didn't have a whole lot of time available to me to conduct the experiment. The Roller Trigger is a great trigger mod and I highly recomend it to anyone with E-mag or other Electro. As for the manual markers, well lets just say that it doesn't work as well on a manual as it does on an electro.

Future of the MMRT project:

I would like to continue testing this on other Manual mags and I do have access to a few others but it might be some time before I can get the testing done. The one that I would really test on is a Retro/RT/X valve. But that is for the future.

Once I learn how to take better pictures with my Digital camera I'll try and get pics of the trigger up. For those of you attending Skyball I'll try and have it there with me.

Special thanks to,
Andre, Strider, and Josh.

Andre allowed me to swap his old trigger for a new and allowed me to use his classic mag as a test frame.

Strider allowed me to borrow his E-Mag to use the Flatline tank on to run the Classic mag.

Josh, well josh was nice enough to just stand there hold Mr. E-Mag while I tested the tirgger.

Thanks guys I couldn't have done it with out you.

01-27-2003, 11:04 AM
You let Josh touch my emag! Ewww :D

Hey Rob, I managed to get Mike's XValve running SWEET yesterday (Finaly) with Andres triggerframe. I'd say it's a good candidate for one of the next set of tests. :)

Oh, and bring the trigger over sometime, I'll zap it with my digital camera, since I have a macro mode. :p