View Full Version : Just got a micromag...I know nothing.. :(

01-24-2003, 10:14 PM
Ok, I just got this Micromag in the mail:


Now, I put a 20 oz CO2 tank on it and it started leaking from the back valve it seemed and the expansion chamer froze up like mad. It would shoot but I was getting a lot of CO2 flakes coming out of the barrel.

The gun was very cold since it was in a truck and I live in New York where it hasn't been above freezing for a few days now. I aired it up and the gun was very cold does this matter? Do I hold down on the trigger when I air it up? Also there is a KAPP drop forward, how do I work that. Sorry for all the stupid questions, I'm so dumbfounded by this gun.

I've been playing for about 5 or 6 years now, but I have never shot a mag and don't know squat about em.

Thanks guys and gals. :confused: :confused:

01-24-2003, 10:33 PM
im a new yorker as well and yes its cold. turn the velocity down and that should stop the venting. gassing it up right when it came from the cold truck didnt help it. CO2 + cold = sometimes nogoodness. holding the trigger down when gassing up is easier on the seals. as for how to work a drop forward, im not sure what you mean. good luck with your first mag. BTW its a looker for your first.

01-24-2003, 11:00 PM
Thanks for responding, yeah it looks very nice. The drop forward turns in and out and I think I know how to use it now. I turn it in to let the CO2 or HPA in and out to turn off.

I put the velocity screw in very far and held down on the trigger and it aired up pretty good. Now, it just leaks from where the microline or is it macroline(?) hits the expansion chamber. That little black piece is messed up and I think I need to replace that.

Any more suggestions? Thanks...this mag looks like it's gonna be fun. :p

01-24-2003, 11:33 PM
looks like microline. is it leaking from where the hose connect to the adapter or where the adapter connects to the hose? if its leaking from the hose/adapter connection wiggle it around. sometimes that works, or replace the hose piece. if its leaking from the adapter/x-chamber, some people use teflon tape and some dont like using it in paintball markers. i've never had a problem with it.
ps. im going by my experiences with macro line. may be different for you. the easiest way to learn is mess with it but make sure everything is put together the right way.
mags are fun. good luck.

01-25-2003, 10:15 AM
Thanks. It isn't leaking from there anymore, although now it's leaking from the rear where you change the velocity.

So far, this mag has just been all trouble, today I'm going to bring it to the local proshop here(Cousins) after work and see what they say. :(

There is also a lot of junk in the gun, it doesn't look like paintball oil. It looks very thick, kind of like grease... It looks like the previous owner didn't clean it out after what seems like 30 ball breaks....

I unscrewed the two screws on the trigger frame and that removed just that the trigger frame. How do I get all the internals out?-all I see is the sear....

01-25-2003, 06:03 PM
leaking out of the back just means you need to turn the velocity down. as for getting the valve out,i never handled a micromag.

01-25-2003, 06:29 PM
Yeah, I just got back from Cousins they are looking at it although the previous owner e-mailed me back and it appears that it was probably the cold weather and the CO2. From now it's HPA!! :cool:

Thanks. I can't wait to go to the field and use this gun!!!

01-25-2003, 06:53 PM
HPA is the way to go, congrats on the micro purchase. I would suggest removing the expansion chamber when you go HPA.

01-25-2003, 07:02 PM
I allready have a HPA tank, although that was empty so I used the old reliable CO2. I'm guessing to put a gas through grip there then? since the mag allready has a regulator....It doesn't need another right?

01-25-2003, 09:14 PM

01-25-2003, 11:08 PM
Right, and you don't necessarily need the gas thru, you can just run a direct line from your drop to your valve. But a gas thru may be your preference, they make great foregrips.