View Full Version : Has anyone read the book "The Complete Guide To Paintball?"

01-26-2003, 01:40 AM
I just picked this book up at my local Borders book and I really like it (other than the fact it's like 20 bucks..but oh well). It's mostly newbie flavored but it's got lots of nice action shots and the history of paintball is what I liked the most. I know that I've pretty much outgrown much of the knowledge contained in it anyways but I purchased the book as sort of a coffee table book and to also show off to noobs to let them see what paintball is all about. The rest of you may want to check it out, at least for the reason I mentioned and to also support the authors of this book.

You can find it on Amazon.com (but I can't seem to get the link to work)

01-26-2003, 02:30 AM
Yup.. Ive got it sitting on the coffee table right now. I picked it up a couple of years ago. At that time, all the information was super-duper recent. The stuff in it is generally pretty good, although somewhat dated. Just a couple weeks ago I showed it to a newb friend of mine and he really enjoyed it. Now he's pretty much hooked.


01-26-2003, 02:37 AM
Rogue..do you have the 2nd edition with all the added up to date stuff...it was an impulse buy while I was at borders picking up my monthly stack of magazines and I was checking the computer database for something my mom wanted..I said to myself...hhmmm..i wonder if they have any paintball books in here...

01-26-2003, 03:05 AM
My friend has a copy and i found it a very interesting read when i was first getting into the sport. Many of the information may not seem relevant now but it sure helped me understand everything a tad bit better.

01-26-2003, 08:30 AM
I got it a few years back. Has a lot of good info, but many of the pics would be considered dated (as you look at what all the players in the pics have compared to today). Information isn't dated, but some of the gun content is. For instance, I think there's what two electros mentioned and talked about, where as there's a plethora of them today. But minus all that, it's a great book, has some of everything on paintball.

01-26-2003, 12:24 PM
you can order them online here: my bookstore (http://www.vstore.com/cgi-bin/pagegen/vstorelibrary/excelentbooks/page.html?mode=itempage&file=/page/itempagev4/itempage.spl&prodID=1744097&catID=15137)

i'm gonna order it in a minute.

01-26-2003, 12:32 PM
I agree with most of you. I got mine a few years ago and it was somewhat dated material then. I have no idea what the 2nd edition has in it that is updated from the 1st. It does a good job at teaching the basics as far as playing skills and basic teamwork goes. That stuff will pretty much never change. I enjoyed it and look at it now and again. Worth while for most painballers in my opinion.

01-26-2003, 12:33 PM
i got mine a while ago an it was very interesting. Very goof for newbies to read. Gives some great tips and hints.