View Full Version : Reverse X-valve ETA?

01-26-2003, 01:55 PM
Just curious, I have two left-feed minimags and want to upgrade one or both to the x-valve, but it says that I need a "reverse" x-valve for them. When will this be available, does anyone know? Is there a way to use a normal x-valve with a left-feed minimag?



01-26-2003, 03:50 PM
Just turn the Vert ASA around and use a regular one...:D

01-26-2003, 04:13 PM
well when they 1st came out(when i got mine) i called about it, because i too have a minimag, they said about 6 weeks or so, that places it couple more weeks by now, cause they've been out for about a month, about 4 weeks in a month....do the math. but really, it isn't a problem just turning your vert adaptor around, i did, you just can't hold the gun in you hand, push the valve in by the the 90* air fitting w/ you thumb anymore, i have to set the gun down to slide the valve back in now, that's the only issue i have

01-27-2003, 02:31 PM
Drug my marker out otday, first time in a year, so I could start getting her tuned up, and realised both my minis are /right-feed/! Woohoo! And the x-valve JUST went back in stock!

Order in!
