View Full Version : First Three Pianball Guns?

01-27-2003, 03:15 AM
Hey yall like to know what your first 3 paintball guns were. Ill start.

1)Diamond GT - Ouch! desperate and rooked out.

2) F4 Illustrator - a lot better than the last p.o.s

3) LX Mag - Woot!

01-27-2003, 03:17 AM
Been done before.....

Anyhow...I'll join in anyways :)

1st 3 i ever owned......

Tippy 98
2k Cocker
Spyder Shutter

I sorta just bought the cocker cuz it was a good deal, so i traded it for the shutter and a bunch of cash.

My next gun after that was RT#69....so i guess that's my 3rd since i didnt own the cocker for more than a week and never used it

01-27-2003, 03:23 AM
here is my first 7 ( in 3 years)

1. f4 .... not bad for what i paid

2. AUTOMAG! ( never let me down )

3. 2k cocker ( it was nice ... when it wasnt leaking

4. Automag! ( i liked my first to much)

5. Spyder2000! ( because its fun to have one)

6. compact 2000 spyder( because i didnt pay for it )

7. LED Angel ( wow ... who knew it could shot that nice)

8. V sport Shocker ( because the brick ..shoots realllll nice)

01-27-2003, 03:23 AM
I like to just name them all.....

in order of when i got them, i don't own them all still however

pgp (still own, gotta love this thing :) )

stingray (sold :( Ran it with a bottomline, 114ci hpa system, sp all american barrel and a venturi bolt :) )

spyder (Proof that you can put 500 dollars into a spyder and you only get about 150 back :) )

vm68 (sniff sniff I miss this one)

tracer pump (still own somewhere)

smart mag (sold valve and some other parts on it)

sto cocker (no more)

impulse (no more)

angel led (no more)

hyperretromag (hyperframe and retro valve on the smart mag)

emag (emag conversion program :) my current toy)

01-27-2003, 03:27 AM
1. Spyder Xtra (used it for maybe 1/2 day before i decided it wasnt for me)

2. Stock Cocker (had for a couple of months)

3. Hyperframed Vert feed minimag with eclipse splash kit (was a cool gun but it was a blender)

4. Shocker S/f (Still have but is broken)

5. Sandridge f5 marble ano body

6. Blue to Wine Fade Emag

7. Sandridge F5 Black Windowed body

8.Blue 2k1 cnc angel

9. Gz timmy

I think thats everything. Next i am thinking about getting an LCD matrix. I still currently have the second sandridge, shocker, and GZ Timmy. The GZ is no doubt the best I have owned.

01-27-2003, 03:34 AM
1.) pg1 pro
2.) 68 automag sf
3.) who knows...

01-27-2003, 03:40 AM
1) splatmaster
2) pgp
3) smg 60

those are just 3 of many

01-27-2003, 03:54 AM

Trracer Pump
Brass Eagle poison
F-2 Illustrator

Then my mag

then I started collecting guns
Pgp, Crossman 3357, splatmaster, Brass Eagle Golden Eagle, Urban Camo Phantom with stock class and right feed bodies. Plus some Trracers and Mavericks, F-2's and an older Impy.

01-27-2003, 04:14 AM
HAHA i just realized that the title of this thread is "First Three Pianball Guns" LOL I cant believe i read that as paintball the first time around. I guess it is pretty late. :rolleyes:

01-27-2003, 04:33 AM
for a list (with pictures) of some of mine.. older and new

01-27-2003, 04:47 AM
It's 4:46am... nothing better to do... sad aint I ? hehehe.....

Anyways... I'll join in as well:

1. PGP
2. Spyder A (back when only 2 spyder choices)
3. 68 Classic
4. Automag RT Original (still running strong, 5yrs+ old)
5. WGP Sniper 2
6. PTP FX MicroCocker
7. SLF Emag.. (whoot !)

~da baller

01-27-2003, 06:12 AM
1. 68 classic (later with boo-yaah).
2. RT "old school" (now with z-grip & warp).
3. RT "old school" (now with z-grip).

01-27-2003, 06:31 AM
nicad, damn u have alot of guns. do u play with all of them? does the pvc gun work?

01-27-2003, 06:54 AM
1) talon - o yes!
2) tippy 98c
3) Micromag I have now...
Yes the gun I have acctaully had the longest is the talon... And I still have it for some reason:p

01-27-2003, 07:48 AM
1) spyder sport
2) spyder e-99
3) retro inteliframe mag

6,000,000) xmag.......

01-27-2003, 08:07 AM
ill just list them all in order

rat impulse

the last 2 i still owned the others i sold(i threw the talon in the garbage though)

01-27-2003, 08:33 AM
1. Tippmann Pro Carbine
2. Joker
3. Tippman 98
4. Minimag

Load SM5
01-27-2003, 08:41 AM
1) Splatmaster
2) Old Kingman Hammer Pump
3) Tippman Prolite

01-27-2003, 08:45 AM
Ok, you guys are all making me laugh, cause I haven't seen anyone yet who owned a gun prior to there being semi-autos on the market.
My first gun:
Splatmaster (1987)
PGP pump
Razorback II (first gun I had with auto-trigger)
Shortly after this gun, I got a Phantom, and some guy showed up to the field I played at in Eugene, OR with some new semi called an "Automag".... Needless to say, it didn't work very well in cold weather on CO2 ;) So he was on the receiving end of my 14" Phantom quite a bit. I didn't know at the time that Tom had really designed the gun to run on HP, and I thought it was kind of a piece, so I bought an F1 Illustrator, which was a little more reliable at the time. A couple years later, I bought a Mag, and really liked it, then I sold it, and bought another one, which I played with in Panama for 4 years (got my picture in APG playing in Panama with that mag). Well, there have been many other guns, but enought reminiscing for one day...I know there are a few other old timers here that know what I'm talking about :D

01-27-2003, 09:07 AM
First three used or first three owned?
Interesting. I'll list them sepeartely:
first 3 Used:
1. Stainless steel Nelson based forestry tree marker - don't know what it was called. (early 82-ish)
2. Splatmaster (83-ish)
3. PGP (same year)

first 3 Owned, purchased, not borrowed or rented)
1. 68 Automag (90-ish, they were brand new)
2. Mega-z
3. Stroker

01-27-2003, 09:08 AM
yeah, I'm relatively new to the sport, but hey, I like it :)

1. Tippmann Model 98 (traded it for number 3)
2. Minimag (REALLY wish I would not have got rid of it)
3. Crappy broken autococker (hey, what would you expect from a trade for a Model 98?)(I upgraded the heck out of this, and eventually traded it for number 6)
4. Vision Impulse (didn't feel "solid" to me. I was kind of afraid to mess with it...)
5. Normal VF Emag (I LOVED this gun... only had to sell because of college... stupid college...)
6. SFL Emag... w00t! Hopefully it's here to stay.

Oh, I also had a PGP and a SL-68 II in there as well... don't remember exactly when I got them though...

01-27-2003, 09:09 AM
1. Spyder TL+
2. Minimag
3. Classic Mag
4. 2k1 Cocker
5. Classic Intimidator
6. PGP
7. Rainmaker

Still have everything but 3 and 4.

01-27-2003, 09:23 AM
1. rainmaker (sold to by #2)
2. RTP
3. pgp
4. angel lcd (traded to TK for #5)
5. Emag..
6. race freeflow cocker
7. superman lcd
8. emag
9. std extreem emag
10. XMAG......

01-27-2003, 09:41 AM
1) stingray
2) pgp- had to upgrade from the stingray :D
3) tippmann 98 - still got and love it
4) 68 mag - still have but dont use as much
5) orracle - traded for the emag
6) emag - nuff said

01-27-2003, 09:59 AM
big sarge u apparently didnt read my post. i have been around paintball for about 15 years and have owned alot of pumps. i had a pretty tricked out sniper 2 before the autococker came out. i thought i was the big man on the bloack until a guy came out with his SMG-60

01-27-2003, 10:21 AM
1: maverick
2: f4
3: Mag
4: mag
5: mag

(got a great deal on three brand new mags, and once i gassed up the one i planned on keeping, i couldn't go back)

01-27-2003, 10:22 AM
1) Bushmaster pump
2) .68 special
3) Tippman PRO/AM
4) .68 automag
5) '96 autococker
6) AND coming soon, X-Mag

I only have the automag left right now. I wish I had the bushmaster back though.

01-27-2003, 10:52 AM
1) 1997 bought a Classic 68 mag w/ standard body
2) RT Pro (i consider it a new gun even though i upgraded my classic because I replaced EVERY single piece over time)
3) Emag :)

Dave K

01-27-2003, 10:59 AM
1. pf/hl mag
2. pf/hr minimag
3. warp left LX E-Mag

01-27-2003, 11:09 AM
Originally posted by RamboPreacher
first 3 Used:
1. Stainless steel Nelson based forestry tree marker - don't know what it was called. (early 82-ish)
2. Splatmaster (83-ish)
3. PGP (same year)Wow RP, you'd think you've been in this a while. :D

My Keepers:
VM68 Magnum ('94)
Classic 68 Automag ('99)
EMag ('02)
Trracer Tagmaster ('02)

01-27-2003, 11:20 AM
Retro Mag

01-27-2003, 11:25 AM
1) Tiger Shark
2) Spyder TL Plus
3) Phantom

Senor Cartman
01-27-2003, 11:35 AM
1-Tippmann pro/am (1993)
2-B&M custom minicocker (1994)
3-Tippmann pro-lite le (blue ano w/ gold splash)(1995)

01-27-2003, 11:37 AM
1 Pmi prirahna. bought right after they came out when NOONE knew what they where..ie "before they where cool" for low ends

2.Spyder Special Edition

3. PGP (returned same day tho I wish I had kept it)

4. Pmi piranha something EXT(the first of the spyder tl clones but annoed)

5. 99 cocker

6. pgp2

7. Rtpro (soon to be sold)

*8. BM2k3 (as soon as 7 goes)

The first 5 where all bought within a 2 year period... the rtpro was purchased last year. and the bm2k3 is my next marker so far

I want to see Dirtybunny's or jonxpm's lists....lol

01-27-2003, 01:53 PM
Spyder Compact 2000
SmartMag (now a Retro)
PumpMag (built from old Smartvalve and various parts)
2K3 Cocker

01-27-2003, 02:14 PM
Some of y'all are showing your age!

1. Tippmann 98 Custom (added RT, and LP kits)
2. Emag (added Warp, and lvl10)
3. 2k Shocktech SFL Cocker

They all shot well, after tuning them so they were easier on paint.

Traded the Cocker for a 2k1 Dark Angel. It has been tuned at TheAngelGuy, and is in top form. I still have the first two.


01-27-2003, 02:25 PM
1.) Tippy 98 on ebay w/ random upgrades $125 (sold to buy #3)
2.) Brand new 98 won in a raffle at a big game $free (sold to buy #3)
3.) When I sold it, black and chrome warp left mag w/ iFrame ~$400 total (sold to buy #4)
4.) HL Polished EMag, looking for a WL body, preferably black. $650 (will recoup some when I sell extra parts)

Evil Bob
01-27-2003, 02:25 PM
1) Nelspot 007 (1982), bought 3 of them, carried 2 since they were so damn hard to load (10 pound spring bolt action) it was like shooting an old black powder pistol.

2) SplatMaster (1983): Had it for two weeks, then someone figured out how to make a pump arm out of PVC for the Nelspot 007 and we went back to using the Nelspots again, sold plastic garbage splatmaster to a friend who used it once for a day then gave it to his cousin for a christmas present.

3) PMI PGP (1984): Bought 4, modified 2 of them with longer barrels, butt stock, did all kinds of crazy things with them, awesome marker for it's time.

-Evil Bob

01-27-2003, 02:27 PM
1)Minimag (sold to a friend)
2)Talon (don't know why I bought this one)
3)SFL Emag (traded it for no. 4)
4)Emag (Selling it cuz of no. 5 and need the money)
5)2K3 Cocker

01-27-2003, 02:48 PM
durign my day...ive owned at one point or another....

6x BE Stingray IIs
2x BE Stingray Is
3x BE Samurais
1x BE Poison(BE Canada)
1x BE Jaguar(BE Canada)
8x BE Cobra (BE Canada)
1x BE King Cobra(BE Canada)
6x BE Rainmakers
1x BE Tigershark
3x Spyders
2x Tribals
1x Angel LED(just for a day--never even shot it)
1x PTP Micro EMag 2000 (LX)

soon to be:
1x CnC XMag

Top Secret
01-27-2003, 03:35 PM
1) Model 98(Original Silver)
2) Automag 68 Lvl 7
3) Angel LED
4) Talon(for kicks)
5) Emag No-Rise LX
6) Minimag LX
7) 2k2 Autococker(now Ebladed)
8) Phantom
9) PGP2


10) Black-polish CnC Xmag

01-27-2003, 03:46 PM
might as well do them all....

1.tippy model 98(not custom)(put some upgrades on and sold to my bro to buy the phantom)
2.phantom(put a stock on it and a 14 in cci barrel and sold it to buy the mag)
3.68 classic mag(put and i-frame and got a n2 tank and warp and motorized hopper and stuff, took warp off and hopper and sold it to buy the micor emag)
4.lx micro emag(still have it right now, will forever, has lvl 10, sold the warp and got a ricochet 2k)


01-27-2003, 04:42 PM
1)stingray 2
2)model 98 (from 98)
4)supernova (if one mistake wasnt enough)
5)99 rainmaker
6)98 rainmaker

i own all of em still. looking for a mag or a cocker when the rainmaker projects get done.

01-27-2003, 04:42 PM
1) tippmann 98c
2) My mag
3) mabe a emag?:confused:

01-27-2003, 04:43 PM
Ahhh the good old days

Stingray 2 (Gotta love Walmart :p )

68 Classic Mag (Passed onto my father)

Automag RT with a level 10, intelliframe, 68/4500 apocolypse, freak barrel system and other **** (Currently owned and loved :D )

big E kingpin
01-27-2003, 04:56 PM
splatmaster, first, doesnt work any more
f1 illistrator, still works
pgp, use it regularly
zgrip micro mag, use it regularly
ptp sleeper cocker, just finished modding it
emagnum, own the feild with it regularly

still have all my toys, including a metal framed zleader mask, a vents predator and a vl 3000 (banana)

01-27-2003, 05:03 PM
You guys go through a lot of guns. My first 3 were a BE Raptor, a Spyder Compact, and a Pro-Lite. After that, I went through a PT Extreme, a Trracer, an A-5, an Autococker, and 2 98 Customs. I've basically went through 9 guns since last may.

01-27-2003, 05:08 PM
trracer pump
F2 illustrator

01-27-2003, 05:16 PM
1) Autococker (A very old one, had hundred of troubles with it)
2) Autococker Predator (It rocks now with a racegun)
3) Emag (Ahh my first tourney marker... Now upgraded to an Emag C&C. It's the same one in fact)

And from there...
4) Zgripped RT (Yeah I love the reactive trigger :) )
5) Zgripped 68
6) Another RT :) (Looks like I'll start a collection)
7) PGP

And very soon to come
8) Crossfire Intimidator (thanks to the sponsors :D )

Edited for spelling


01-27-2003, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by Pand0ra
And very soon to come
8) Crossfire Intimidator (thanks to the sponsors :D )
what's that? crossfire making their own version now?

01-27-2003, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by wyn1370

what's that? crossfire making their own version now?

Nah. It is possible to put replace the Ironmen name on the Ironmen Intimidator by another one (don't ask how, I'm not in charge of this and don't know how this will be done). Hence the Crossfire Intimidator :)


01-27-2003, 05:59 PM
1) BRuizer Outlaw
2) 2001 VF cocker
3) Custom F/X Sleeper cocker 99
4) F/X STO...upgraded all to hell until it stopped workin
5) Classic Timmy
6) Gotta 2002 CnC LCD ON THE WAY! wOOt!

01-27-2003, 06:19 PM
1.Stingray (now has a Warp Feed, and a ton of other stuff on it)
3.Stingray (I love these things)
7.Talon (Whenever Paintballgear ships it. I'm gonna make it autococking)
And next, who knows. I've been thinking an Angel LED.

01-27-2003, 09:02 PM
Over the last 5 years...

1. Stingray II
2. Tippman 68 Carbine
3. Spyder SE (sadly I sold my tippman to buy this piece of...)
4. 99 Cocker
5. 98 Cocker (bought and sold for profit)
7. Tracer pump
6. Defiant
7. Matrix
8. 00 Bonebraked Cocker (piecer)
9. ANS GX-3
10. Excalibur
11. PTP Micro Emag (on the way)

01-27-2003, 09:21 PM
1: Piranha STS G3 VF
2: Sidekick Semi
3: 99 RF Minicocker
4: Trracer pump

01-27-2003, 09:41 PM
Oh boy:rolleyes: I can tell right now that I'll forget some! I have what the doctors call "paintball addiction" ;)

1. Stingray 2

2. Spyder Xtra

3. PF mag

4. PF LX mag

5. Shocker Turbo Sport

6. RF cocker

7. Micromag

8. STO cocker

9. Custom cocker

10. Black dragun

11. PPS Blazer

12. All chrome intelli LX mag (Soon to be no-rise)

13. Vision ratpulse in the mail

I think there have been more, but most have been left to sit around while I used the LX mag (#4). The STO got some use. The chrome mag is my baby! The ratpulse is a toy that may or may not be for sale soon. We shall se ;):D

01-27-2003, 09:50 PM
Yuh oh! You made me do it!

The madness started....let's see....3 years ago...with a Model 98.

Since then:
In no particular order.....I'd need a melon head to remember that...

Red Spyder Shutter
2k RF Cocker
Tippman 98
Tippman 98 Custom, RT
Polished unibody phantom
Black .45 Unibody phantom
Point Zero Model 83
99 RF Cocker, chrome palmers pnues
Retro Minimag
PFHL classic mag
Blue Black Dragun LED
Red Black dragun LED
Old school Imp #2315
Old school Imp #2351 (for real)
Fugly Glacier Shocker
Eclipse angel LED (sweetness)
2k LCD
another black 2k Angel LCD

What i currently own:
LX Intelli RT (RTP valve, regular rail)
Stock RTP
Euro PF mag with Booyah (just got it today, gotta install)
Sidearm rifle mag (Needs more work)
Crap Spyder....its crap....seriously :)
Crap Cocker (more of the same...nice frame though)
Sear Eating Green LX micro emag...ya...it eats sears....PTP has it now, i want it dammit!

What i may be getting soon.....Blue fade classic timmy

What this past 2 years has been....The most meaningless gun whoring imaginable.

nice... :)

01-27-2003, 10:42 PM
spyder tl
cocker 99
tippman 98
bushmaster 2k
68 mag
minimag /w hyperframe
Angel Ir3 Blue

01-27-2003, 11:10 PM
Angel LCD

Mr. T!
01-27-2003, 11:33 PM
1. BE tiger shark
2. Kingman SPyder TL
3. ICD vapor bushmaster

4. 2k dark angel lcd
5. jackal cocker
6. emagnum
7. soon to get an IR3 of somesort

01-28-2003, 12:58 AM
1. VM-68
2. Spyder Compact P
3. Model 98
4. Eagle 68 - Please dont ask, I'm very ashamed of it as is
5. AutomagRT Pro
6. Dual Tank VM-68
7. Spyder EM-1
8. Benjamin Sheridan Pump Stock Rifle - OLD SCHOOL
9. Benjamin Sheridan Pump Stock Rifle - OLD SCHOOL
10. Spyder Shutter
11. 2000 Autococker
12. SL-68 II
13. VM-68 - #3
14. Tippmann A-5
15. Will be the X-Mag for sure:D

Gitaroo Man
01-28-2003, 01:23 AM
Here you go....i know you said first 3 but:

All in a period of 4 months:

1. Spyder Compact 2000
2. WGP Cocker
3. Mag w/ intelli, splash kit, warp, 2 bodies
4. Dark Angel (Blood Red)..

01-28-2003, 03:05 AM
Ok, how old school is this?

Splatmaster variant (old rock and cock)
Bushmaster pump (top of the line in 89)
Razorback II (an upgrade from my bushmaster)

course, now I own an x-mag, so, I think I've run the gamut.

01-28-2003, 04:13 AM
1 - tippman pro lite
2 - spyder ...?
3 - tippman carbine
4 - automag rt (still have, my favorite gun)
5 - bob long defiant
4 - 2003 angel lcd on order!

01-28-2003, 09:22 AM
Lets see guns used/owned in order.

Gotcha or splatmaster, cant remember which came first
Trracer pump
Tippman .68 special

01-28-2003, 10:28 AM
OK, I'll show my age-

1. Bloodsucker Pump (it was sweet- my friend had a razorback)
2. Tippmann Pro-Am
3. Automag- 1st powerfeed with the Crownpoint barrel- I can still hear that bugger ringing as I shot it...

sell it, take 8 years off and buy a minimag and it all starts again...


01-28-2003, 11:21 AM
1) 32° Rebel ($120)
2) AGD Classic 68 ($230)
3) AGD E-MAG ($415)

No plans for anymore markers (unless its an SFL or an X-Mag)

01-28-2003, 01:21 PM
First gun shot, Splatmaster.Now for the list of guns owned.
1- Hammer Pump ( sold)
2- Another Hammer Pump ( sold)
3- Stingray I bought used for $25 and had lots of fun with the dremel tool and hacksaw. Still have it.
4- BE Raptor, tricked out and traded for #7
5-Mirage bought for $25 sold for $50
6- Tippman Pro-Lite Rental gun bought for $50 sold for $100
7- 98 Autococker (traded for #8)
8- Mini-Cocker traded for #9+cash )
9- Old Automag had a air america whispering death expansion chamber and some weird barrel that i've never seen again, was short and had curved slits in the last few inchs, ,traded for #10
10- Mini-Cocker, was a totally messed up piece of crap traded for #11+cash
11- Tippman 98 traded for #14
12- PGP shot it in the yard a few times then sold
13- Sheridan Jackal bought off wal-mart clearance shelf for $10
14- BE Raptor for some reason i love these guns, this one has all the original problems fixed and shoots fast and has never let me down
15-Automag off of ebay for $170 standard feed, old Lapco grips, 12" Carbon Fiber barrel, 16" Stone Cold II barrel, and old Stock barrel cut down to 7" with chrome gas through and chrome booyah drop forward. Has since had the rail hand reshaped and polished, ,body stripped of old paint and repainted red.

Wew, never realized I had owned that many till I started listing them. And I have the feeling I may have left a couple out :)

01-28-2003, 01:34 PM

1. Sheridan PPG pump pistol (sold long ago)
2. Sheridan Rifle (still have this, much modified pump)
Long gap in time...
3. Scorpian (my backup, an all metal Spyder knock off)
4. My Mag

01-28-2003, 01:49 PM
1st: Line SI Bushmaster (purchased in 1989 or 90)
2nd: Automag (purchased in 1991)
3rd: X-Mag (purchased in 2003)

01-28-2003, 02:42 PM
1. Spyder Compact 2000 ;|
2. M98c
3. Minimag (wish I bought this first)
4. not sure yet, some new mag.

01-28-2003, 02:51 PM
1. ICD Puma
6 years later...
2. Warp fed lvl 10 RT, so tight, had to sell for cash
3. ICD B2K, gonna keep this one a while

01-28-2003, 05:20 PM
1. Outlaw II (pump,'93)
2. Tippmann ProLite ('93)
3. Minimag ('97)

01-28-2003, 05:35 PM
Trracer Pump
F-2 Illustrator

01-28-2003, 09:24 PM
Nelspot 007 (still have it!)
PMI2 (probably my favorite and firs one with continuous air)
Nightmare (if I remember correctly it came out of the box set at 500 fps!)
BlackWidow (very accurate)

This was in the time when paint was 3-5 dollars per tube of 10.
A case of 1000 was 80 bucks wholesale.
Full masks were optional.
Paint came in red or blue, was oil based, and did not wash out.
Chronographing was shooting the marker into thin wall board to see if it splintered.
A high rate of fire was 2 bps.

How's that for a trip down memory lane?