View Full Version : Best Superbowl Comment

01-27-2003, 09:33 AM
Im not a big football fan, but I love watching the superbowl cause everyone gets so into it and has a good time watching it.

Best comment of the night: <b>Incomplete Pass but he still managed to land it in the hands of a Tampa player</b> (as it was caught out of bounds by a player on the sideline.)

lol... man ... sooo many interceptions that night .. great fun to watch.

Dave K

01-27-2003, 11:39 AM
HEheeh and a madden-ism.

"Well, the Raiders are coming on strong, but it looks like a classic case of too much too late." :D

01-27-2003, 02:29 PM
I like the "contesting of a no-contest play" We can't contest the pass interference, but it was an incomplete pass, because 2 feet never landed. "Gee, why did his 2 feet never land? Hmmmm?"

01-27-2003, 02:45 PM
no no no .. they weren't contesting pass interference because he caught the ball when they hit him

They were trying to contest that he was "pushed out of bounds" in the air before he landed, but you apparently cant contest that ... or thats at least what Madden said from what I could make out of his horrible grammar

Dave K

01-27-2003, 02:51 PM
The rule goes, its a complete pass if he is forced out, however the back linesman called it out of bounds, he was wrong, replay shows that he was in, and forced out, so as the rule goes it should have been a 2-point play. I'm a raiders fan and even with those extra two points, they were still beat. Tampa's a good team, but the Raiders gave them no contest, just didn't play at all. Ah well, always next year.

01-27-2003, 03:22 PM
i love madden...i still remember a dallas game he was doing when Troy Akeman lost his contact:
"Well, [some name], He lost his contact, hes sees better with his contact in."

im just sitting there watching...like...yeh....yeh..he prolly does...thats why he wears them!

01-27-2003, 05:08 PM
The best comment was that the game was over, it wasn't a good game IMO. I wish there were more good Super Bowl games, like the Rams-Titans one, or the last years with the Rams-Patriots, those were the two best Super Bowls IMO because they were close and kept you in it and made it fun to watch. This years was over by halftime basicly. Many of the Super Bowls are blowouts which aren't fun to watch. Well that's my little rant.

01-27-2003, 05:41 PM
I didn't enjoy this superbowl at all and the commericals werent that great either hrmmmm maybe next year.