View Full Version : Starving College Student Paintball Players (CONTEST) WINNER ANNOUNCED!!!!

01-27-2003, 06:22 PM
I am firmly convinced that had I known about paintball back when I was in college ('84-'87), I never would have graduated. In fact, I don't have any idea how you college kids afford to play now.

In any case, my new black-to-purple fade X-Mag has just arrived this past week. This moves my beloved '93 IAO 2nd-place AutoMag prize marker (now tricked out in red splash) to reliable back-up. It also should move my former back-up AutoMag into retirement.

Now this marker set-up is definitely nothing fancy, but it has always been there when I needed it, and I don't like the idea of it sitting on a shelf somehwere gathering dust.

The set-up consists of an original 68 AutoMag PowerFeed (Probably '94 or '95 vintage), Air America Raptor 110 cu in/3000 psi nitrogen tank (re-hydroed in 2001), a couple of VL2000 Shredders, the original crown-point barrel, and a new aluminum Armson barrel. The set-up has a purple frame rail, sight rail, and vertical ASA; a cradle for the nitro system; a Venom Hi-Line; and all necessary hoses, including a slide-check. All of this equipment was won by me at tournaments over the years. AGD and paintball have always been good to me, and now I would like to give something back to a loyal AO user.

This brings me to my proposal. I am willing to DONATE all of this equipment (and pay for shipping) to the currently enrolled college student/paintball player who writes the best essay (300 words or less) describing why they should get this marker and what they intend to do with it (i.e., college team, tournaments, rec ball, scenarios, etc...). Post your entries as replies to this thread. All entries must include your real name, the name of your college, your major, and the year you expect to graduate.

Your friendly forum Moderator, cphillip, will be putting together a team of judges to help narrow down the selections, and I will make the final decision. The contest entries must be posted to this thread no later than March 3rd. The winner will be announced by no later than March 10th.

01-27-2003, 06:29 PM
Can this include those of us who are planning on attending a university/college next fall? I mean, we have to be saving money too for college and especially with me having a job, my cash limits on paintball are pretty low also. Also, I would have to say that me being in my last year of highschool, am having to work very hard to keep my grades up in order to get into highschool. I'm not sure if you're aware but this year in Ontario, there is a Double Cohort, meaning twice as many highschool graduates are coming out of highschools because of the change in curriculum. There was a grade OAC (13) and now its cut back to grade 12. So the grade 12 and 13's are graduating in the same year, meaning only higher grade average's are going to make the cut. Anyway, I'm done ranting. (I'm 18 by the way, my birthday was last Friday)

01-27-2003, 06:37 PM
bsolomon this is inspiring! I wish I was still in college, wait no, things are much better now! But still, Very Nice Gesture!

01-27-2003, 06:39 PM
nice.. Im glad youre doing this! Good luck to everyone!

01-27-2003, 06:41 PM
I play from left over money from my pell grants. That is money I never have to pay back :)

01-27-2003, 06:43 PM
Is this cool or what?

So far Webby, Miscue, Rob and I are going to judge the essays. Maybe another one or two later. And we will recommend to B our top three picks. He will then have to sort through them and chose the final one.

OK! Spread the word!!!! Stickie this on up now...

01-27-2003, 06:46 PM
WOW.......I mean WOW. That has got to be the nicest thing I have ever heard of some one doing. This is terribly cool. Good luck to all entrants. :D

01-27-2003, 06:50 PM
bsoloman: YOU DA MAN!!

01-27-2003, 06:50 PM
This is a great idea and gesture by you bsolomon. Just another reason and example as to why AO is the best forum on the 'net with its great atmosphere and closeness members have to one another. Good luck to all entries.

01-27-2003, 06:53 PM
I hereby withdraw my entry. I sure as heck don't deserve it nearly half as much as some other people here...

01-27-2003, 07:23 PM
hey cphilip, clemson students get special consideration right?;)

01-27-2003, 07:26 PM
...oh.... they already won...cough cough!!! I mean um.....NO! Of course not!!!! ;)

01-27-2003, 07:42 PM
i love that idea man that is awsome

i could never be that genourous lol MY MAG:mad: :mad:

01-27-2003, 07:53 PM
Well the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Paintball club could certainly use any equipment that you would choose to donate. Only myself and my other officers really have any equipment that is of decent quality. Southern Central Wisconsin is one large farming area, and the kids around here just don't have the money for paintball equipment. Students here at UW-Whitewater mainly particapte in sports with very little financial contribution required. So the various club sports which require decent funding:paintball, hangliding, hockey,etc. just don't have much in the way of membership. But if I could provide one more set of equipment to a fellow student, it would be one more member for our paintball club.
If need be, I could personally pay for the shipping... Thanks.

01-27-2003, 09:23 PM
Jared Avery
Genesee Community College
Computer Science
June 2006

During my entire high school career I played the awesome sport of Paintball. During that time, it was easy for me to play paintball because I had very few expenses. Now that I am enrolled in college, paintball is a lot harder to get around to play.

All through the week I work for 3 hours a night and I still manage my homework. On the weekends I try to go out and play paintball, but more times than not, I can’t play. The reason that I can’t play most of the time is because my current setup of a spyder doesn’t function properly. Other times I am totally broke, so I can’t afford to go out and play. When I do get a chance to go out and play, the gear that I play with is often picked on and inadequate.

I believe that if I were to win this setup, I would be able to sell my spyders and be able to play speedball and local tourneys a lot more. I love the sport, but it is the most expensive sport I have ever been involved in. The expenses that I have through college do not allow me to participate in many things. Paintball is the thing that I miss the most by starting my college career and paying my own way. If I were to win this, I very well may be able to win items in tournaments and eventually be as generous as you are.

Thank You.

01-27-2003, 11:28 PM
Jordan McCann
University of Wisconsin LaCrosse
May 2006

UW-L could be described as a barren wasteland when it comes to Paintball. During my entire first semester here I ran into only one other person who had ever played much less owned a gun. Everywhere I went I would see recruiting posters for sports ranging anywhere from Rugby to ultimate Frisbee, but, no Paintball. I was in withdrawal, and to make it worse had to sell my gun to pay for tickets, food, bills, ect.

One prominent organization on my campus (and many others) is the Campus Crusade for Christ. This Christian foundation is an outreach program for college students and one of the major aspects of the CCC , is Crossfire an outreach by college students to at-risk teens. One of the major problems with this sort of outreach is finding a connection that allows them to open up to you and be responsive to that outreach. One such connection that had measurable success in my hometown was a paintball outreach. I brought this to the attention of the local senior pastor for CCC and he was most interested but he was also a lot timid. His main worries were safety and the aspect of at-risk youth playing with “guns”. Without any of my equipment on hand to quell these worries, I had let the idea fizzle.

It is a new semester, however, and, with this equipment I can demonstrate to the lead pastor that paintball is the safe, team oriented sport it is and with his support we would have regular PB outings scheduled for Crossfire in no time. And with this added publicity through CCC, Paintball would undoubtedly spread (as it has a habit of ding) throughout UW-L as a wildfire.

HA HA 283 words, Woot!

01-27-2003, 11:54 PM
if i didn't have to write a 12 page research paper and tons of other work i might do this :(

01-28-2003, 12:04 AM
You got 'till march 3rd dude :) and how long could it possibly take to write 300 words? Go for it :)

01-28-2003, 12:04 AM

If your writing a 12 page paper, these 300 words should be cake! I'm used to much bigger assignmnents too, it took less then 15 minutes to write that...

besides, you have until March 3rd to enter this one...

01-28-2003, 12:48 AM
ummm, wrong gun there Dawg...:p

01-28-2003, 02:21 AM
I could dream couldn't I. :D :D :D

01-28-2003, 03:39 AM
This is really nice of you. I live in Evergreen as well, i played with you that time we had an ao gathering at pba back in september(i had the rt with the polished inteliframe). I am also a college student, currently attending the university of california at santa barbara. We don't have a paintball team out here yet but i'm tyring to start one. I usually only play about once a month down at Urban Quest in Oxnard, if anybody knows where that is.

I'm not entering in this contest, i already have the rt and I'm giving other college kids the chance to own a mag, i just wanted to express my gratitude for performing such a thoughtful gesture.

Good luck to everybody.

01-28-2003, 03:55 AM
Bsolomon, that is quite a generous thing to do..what a good guy! :)

01-28-2003, 08:40 AM
Originally posted by bsolomon

This brings me to my proposal. I am willing to DONATE all of this equipment (and pay for shipping) to the currently enrolled college student/paintball player who writes the best essay (300 words or less) describing why they should get this marker and what they intend to do with it.

Wow man. That's crazy generous!

Creative Mayhem
01-28-2003, 08:48 AM
Great going Bsolomon. I wish I had known a guy like you when I went to college. Kudos on the PURPLE set up too. It sound very similar to my own PURPLE PEOPLE EATER. :D

C Mayhem

01-28-2003, 08:53 AM
Notice: I am going to occasionaly clean this thread up to just the Essays posted on it. So please save a copy of your Essay in some form or fashion on your hard drive in case it gets accidently deleted. I do not expect to make a mistake but you never know. It will be your responsibility to periodically check and make sure yours is still here.

As far as I am concerned you may edit them up until a few days before the end of the contest. I will announce when no further editing is allowed to give the Judges time to read back through them for chosing finalists. Lets say three days before the final date most likely will be the editing deadline. You may still submit a first time one in those three days but we will have already read and scored the early ones at that point and will only then be reading any new ones so it will not do you much good to edit yours after that point.

Got it?

01-28-2003, 09:45 AM
Very kewl. kinda familiar, though (I have done this many, many times already - hehehe) - This is a great way to support Paintball! - I laud your proposal, bsolomon.

01-28-2003, 11:53 AM
i love it demon, i am one of the rejoicing simpsons fans.

01-28-2003, 11:56 AM
Wow, that was a good one ^

01-28-2003, 04:04 PM
Sam Juengel
University of Missouri-Rolla
Management Systems

Hi. I’m Sam…and I’m an addict.

Well first off this is pretty cool of you. Maybe some day when I’m well off on my own I could return the favor to the community but as of right now I’m far into the negative financially. For starters I started playing paintball my senior year of high school. I spent all of my money on a model 98 package with mask, tank, etc. This is when I fell in love with the sport. From then on out I have spent every penny I receive on paintball, I can’t help myself. Motto: Food can wait, I need more paint! I have no job, no car, and my college is being paid almost completely on student loans.

As of right now a few friends and I are trying to get a paintball club started here at the university. It’s tough getting started we have a constitution ready, a staff advisor, a dozen or so students interested…just one problem. A lot of the people interested in the paintball club have never played before. My friends and I have our own guns but none of us have extra’s that the new people could use. Right now (believe me we’re not doing this to be mean) we have taken out a few of the new guys with brass eagle blades and stingrays. We just don’t have the money to be buying spare *decent* markers for new players to use. And now that one of our stingrays went berserk I’m not sure if we can use it anymore. How are we supposed to get new people in the sport if they have a bad experience when they try it out? (and believe me…a blade is BAD)

If I were to receive this gun, I would make it an official club marker. Anyone who wanted to play with us could use it so they know what playing with a REAL marker is like. I am certain this would get a lot more people (here at least) into the sport.

-Sam Juengel

01-28-2003, 05:27 PM

BRAVO!! Great idea and in the AO spirit!!


01-28-2003, 07:29 PM
Although I'm in college, I'm not starving, but I'm not playing paintball until I graduate now.

And, I have no need for a semi really either... :)

Very cool, I'm sure whoever gets it will put it to good use!


01-29-2003, 03:43 PM
This is a very cool thing that you're doing here. I admire your want to give back to those who really need it, especially since you know what it was like...and one day it is my goal to do the same.
I have a gun, so I will not be greedy and write an essay for the marker...(eventhough I'm really good at essays...) ;) but...someone else needs this and I just wanted to tell you that you have my respect for your generosity and good will!

I hope someone that really needs this gun to have fun and someone who will better enjoy themselves playing this sport because of you will win!

Good Luck To All of my fellow College/Paintball players!

01-29-2003, 10:14 PM
Name: Garrett (I don’t really want to post my full name)
College: Davenport University
Degree: Bachelor of Applied Science
Estimated year of graduation: 2005

I just started playing paintball last year. I thought it was one of the greatest things in the world and started playing every week I could. This winter I bought an Automag setup. A player at the field let me try his automag and I loved it. I had also read a lot of good things about the mag and decided it was going to be my first gun. I managed to save enough over the winter to get a cheap setup. The only problem is that what I got has some flaws. The first real problem is that the gun I bought not only has a straight feed setup but the previous owner decided to cut it even shorter making me worry that chopping paint will be a serious problem with any decent ROF. The second problem is that the HPA tank that came with it is out of hydro. Right now it is off getting hydrostatic testing, but it had enough dings and scratches to really make me doubt that it will pass. The cost of buying a powerfeed body and a new air tank would almost equal what I invested in the gun to begin with. If I were to receive the setup from Mr. Bsolomon it would be used mainly for recreational play. I have not yet developed the skill needed for tournaments but I would not rule it out in the future. As for the gun I just bought I would happily donate to somebody such as CoolGSak so he can use it to introduce people to the game of paintball.
As to the starving college student part, I think my belly can attest to the fact that I get enough to eat. Anything that can save me a little me is most welcome though.

**** edit**** I sort of forgot about this until cphillip brought it back up. I would like to say that I bought an air tank for my gun.

01-30-2003, 01:47 AM
Name: Sean Jones
University: University of Alaska Anchorage
Degree sought: Bachelor of Fine Arts
Estimated graduation date: 2005

Making the Grade

Without a doubt most everyone who plays paintball finds it a considerable financial challenge, especially in light of a strained budget. With the cost of obtaining a proper marker set-up, gear, supplies, and paint it is a wonder that anyone unsponsored can play on a regular basis. What matters most is determination and commitment in achieving goals, whether attending college or working.
My name is Sean Jones, while working full time I attend the University of Alaska Anchorage in pursuit of a degree in fine arts. Currently, I am building an all Automag team which (with any luck) will be competing in the NPPL Super Seven as a novice team.
Every weekend for the past three months I have made a 300 mile round trip by car to train with my team Strictly Business. This trek has rapidly become expensive but my level of commitment to my team and team members is unquestionable and come rain, sleet, or snow I will train every weekend. I am committed and I am determined.
With three hundred words it is hard to convey all of the difficulties a college student faces, so I won’t. Instead I’ll tell you the use I would put this to. One of my teammates is without a marker these days and is in need of a competitive set up. Instead of using it myself I would donate the marker either to him or to Team Strictly Business.
With your help and our determination we would be one step closer to attaining our goals and representing the Automag community in a positive light. As Captain of Team Strictly Business I thank you for your time and effort in reviewing this essay.

01-30-2003, 07:50 PM
Don Litzenberg
Chapman University
M.A. Organizational Leadership
Graduation June 2003!!!!

As an owner of a Spyder *Shudder* E99, I recently participated in the Warlords scenario with very little information about what an Automag really was. I was fortunate enough to be placed with the Magmasters and had a great time romping on Worr's team. From the moment I came into contact with anything to do with AGD, I was fairly impressed, Tom was very approachable and personable, he had no problems talking about the good and percieved bad of his products, he didn't take an indignant "Mine's automatically better than anybody elses" standpoint when asked what he thought about other markers. As a Magmaster, I was able to see just how wonderful a product the Mag really was and became a member of the forum after talking to Tom. I feel that as a respectful, honest rec and scenario player in Cocker town I would go a long way towards promoting a wonderful company such as AGD and possibly cause more people to purchase mags in this neck of the woods. More consumers means more income for AGD. More income, more money to expand the business, more money to crank out more X-mags, more availability, creating a reinforcing loop that could result in everyone with the money and desire would have quick, easy access to an X-mag. Then I too could hold a contest (on AO of course) to give away the marker that started it all. Southern California needs a lesson in thinking outside the Autococker/Angel box! Please allow me to show all the Cocker heads a little light.

01-30-2003, 07:55 PM
dammit people! STOP RESPONDING! your ruining my chances at winning! :D :D :cool: ;)

01-30-2003, 11:20 PM
Cadet 2LT Adam Walker
Oklahoma State University
Management Information Systems
August or December 2004

I am currently the Executive Officer of Charlie Company, 7th Regiment, National Society of Pershing Rifles. This multi-service fraternity is dedicated to teaching and exercising advanced infantry tactics in a variety of missions. One of the tools we utilize to enhance our skills is paintball, although many members do not own their own marker. Should I receive the marker I will loan it to my fellow riflemen so that my MiniMag is not the only superior weapon on the field. Our long-term goals include hosting an annual tournament to foster interest in military service and give back to our college community. We do not have many exercises where we use paintball because of the cost, but with another marker it would make it much easier. My girlfriend has also expressed an interest in playing paintball, and I scoff at the thought of allowing her to use anything but an AGD marker. It would be a perfect marker for her because her favorite color is purple and is the primary color of her college, TCU. I would love for her to share in the excitement of paintball, and another marker would make it that much more affordable. Now for starving, by joining the Air Force I will receive around $20,000 less per year than I would in civilian employment with my degree in Management Information Systems. The opportunity to serve my country more than makes up for it, though. I would also allow my future brother-in-law, a current Air Force Lieutenant and paintball fanatic, the thrill of using an AutoMag. I would love and cherish another mag, and I’m sure that it would get as much use as my current marker.


01-31-2003, 01:22 PM
Todd Michaels
Southern Illinois Univ.
B.S. in Chemistry
Fall of 2003


I am currently the Vice President of the newly formed SIU paintball club. We actually had our first meeting just over 2 weeks ago. As a newly formed club we are actually looking to be pretty big with about 25 members already. But many of the members (including myself) do not own extra guns to lend to new players to try out. One of the main goals of the club is to make the price of playing as cheap as possible for newer players. This gun will be used as a loner for the club to help newer players be able to try the sport of paintball without commiting too much money for a day of playing. I will presonally care for the marker as I have used a mag in one form or another for the past 5 years and I should to be a certified mag tech by the summer time. Now if we can get AGD to give a level 10 kit with the marker....


02-01-2003, 01:53 PM
First i would like to thank bsoloman for giving all of us this generous opportunity

For those wondering why this is my first post, i found out about the contest through my roommate who frequently visits AO

Ryan Scott
Clemson University
Mechanical Engineering
Spring 2006

I was first introduced to the sport of paintball by my roommate at college, who currently plays on the Clemson Paintball Team. It was spring break of 2002, which was my first spring break in college. My roommate invited me to stay at his house in Palm Beach Gardens Florida for some bass fishing and relaxation. Somewhere in the mix of things the topic of paintball came up and he wanted to take me since I had never played before. We played a couple of normal games, and I had no idea what I was doing out there. My roommates’ gun was acting up so he left and told me to keep playing. So I was there by myself just doing whatever people told me to do. After one of the games a guy wearing an all camouflage suit suggested that we play “Ambush.” I thought this was a normal thing and we were divided into teams as usual. They explained the rules to me as follows: One team leaves the field as the other team hides, once they are hidden the team that left the field is allowed to come on the field and their objective is to run to the opposite side of the field without getting shot. I didn’t really see the point of the game but I went along with it anyway. With my luck I was on the team that was trying to make it to the other side. The other team signaled that they were ready so we entered the gate onto the field not knowing that a player of the opposite team was standing right behind the gate. I got hit 5 times in the back from ten feet away. After this event I couldn’t figure out why people wanted to play paintball in the first place because I knew that I never wanted to again. For the rest of spring break the story of “Ambush” was a big comic hit to my roommate and his family. My roommate explained to me that he has played paintball many times and has never heard of ambush. He said it was just a bad first experience with paintball.

Even after that experience I never gave up on the sport. I’ve played several times with the Clemson Paintball Club. I usually use my roommate’s extra marker, which is an old Spyder. My game is mostly keeping tight to the bunkers, whenever I do shoot the Spyder it lays down a massive smoke screen from the CO2. I can never see what I’m shooting at after the first shot, and whenever I do see a ball it is terribly inaccurate since it chops so many balls. I have been planning to buy a gun for sometime now, I think I could learn a lot more about the sport and drastically become a better player with a gun that actually works. However I’m sure that everyone that has ever played paintball before knows that it is a very expensive sport. From what I have seen, even if you buy a pretty nice gun you have to spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars to add parts on like tanks and loaders to make the gun shoot at its full potential. As of right now I don’t have those hundreds of dollars to spend on a sport. Hopefully sometime I’ll get to see what paintball is really like, and enjoy the competitive team sport to its fullest.

02-01-2003, 07:28 PM
My name is Scott Lescenski, I am from upstate New York, but I am currently attending college at Virginia Tech, and studying for the hardest major on the Eastern Seaboard, an Aerospace engineering degree from the college of engineering here at tech.

To make things worse, I am a member of the corps of cadets, and the regimental band, the Highty Tighties. We play at all the Tech home games in case you haven't seen us. I am in Navy ROTC and I hope to eventually serve in the Navy after college. But while I'm here, me and my "buds", those who have gone through basic with me, need something to pass the little time we have each weekend.

Eventually, I convinced my buds that paintball was the answer, but unfortunately for all of us, the sport is just much to expensive when all we live on is military stipend money. To help pay for a computer I needed for college, I sold my old gun, a totally 100% reliable Tippmann pro/carbine. One by one, my buds are getting paintball guns, but I am yet to buy. Money is tight, and I want to get the best gun for the money. From the start I was thinking an automag, so I can compete with those who actually have money and can buy some fancy electro. So I came here to this site to find some of the best (and cheapest) ways to build an automag. I stumbled across this thread, and here I am now, writing to hopefully win one.

The only time I have for paintball is the occasional rec ball game over any given weekend, however if I can I would join the paintball club here at Tech and maybe participate in a few tournaments. I also hope to bring this wonderful gun along with me to my one paintball dream… the Oklahoma D-day game. Isn’t this the perfect gun for a young G.I. to storm the beaches of Normandy with, I certainly think so.

Shawn at suny oswego
02-02-2003, 02:49 PM
Hi, my name is Shawn Larson I am a freshman at the State University of New York at Oswego and I am the president of the S.U.N.Y. Oswego Paintball Club, I am chemistry major and I expect to graduate in the spring of 2006. This fall some friends of mine and myself started a paintball club on campus, so that we can expand the sport of paintball by getting students who had never played paintball to come out and try it for the first time. We have been established for three months and we already have 40 members. Our biggest problem of course is money, so I spend most of my free time calling local fields and convincing them to give the club discounts on rentals. I personally own my own marker that I bought last year, it is a used spyder TL +, I have never owned a really nice marker because of the cost is too great. Two of my four officers and 10 out of 40 members own markers, the rest all rent from the fields. As you see this can get very expensive, so when we can we loan guns to people, rather than them renting. Thankfully, our vice president owns a CO2 fill station, and is a wonderful air-smith, so we rarely have to pay for repairs to markers and we can do CO2 fills at much lower cost. We also spend time buying markers, used and/or broken, and repair them to working condition. If I won the marker I would allow any of the members of the club to use it and my old spyder and my own uses for it would be rec ball, scenarios and tournaments.

02-04-2003, 01:41 PM
Name: Tony Kessler
Freshman at Thompson Institute, Harrisburg Pennsylvania
Computer Aided Drafting Design

I’d like to start off with a short history of my paintball experience. I started playing in 1999 while in 9th grade. After hours of begging I convinced my mother of the absolute safety of the sport. Surprisingly enough our parents gave my brother and me Tigersharks that year for Christmas. The first game in our backyard country woods hooked us. Towards the end of the second year I participated in paintball I bought an Autococker 2000. I proposed to four friends, we try the Skirmish Winter Wars tournament, we checked it out and decided to go for it. The result of the tournament wasn’t bad, we came in 4th in an eight-team division, but my brand new Cocker 2000 had broken down. Knowing little about the marker, I borrowed my teammate Dave’s backup Automag. I fell in love with the marker and traded in my Cocker 2000 upon arrival home for a new 68 Automag Classic. Throughout the next year I customized the gun to my tastes. The next year in January my team went The Skirmish Winter Wars brandishing three nice Automags and two respectable Impulses. We made it into the finals where we got destroyed by the home team, Mixed Nuts. Of the 28 attending teams we went home holding the 4th place position. I was devastated after graduation when I had to sell my prized marker to afford college. I have a tournament regulation speedball field set up in a field adjacent to my house which we used to play on regularly, however school doesn’t allow me time to even play on the field I labored furiously to construct. With no marker and nowhere to play I have been cut off from my addiction for over six months. If I were to win this marker it would give me the vital stepping-stone required to play again. My situation at present allows me sit on front of a computer and drool over all I’m missing.

pictures of my field

02-04-2003, 02:00 PM
more pix's of the field

02-04-2003, 03:41 PM
Luis Munoz
The University of Texas - Austin
B.M. in Music Education
Summer of 2003 (Hopefully, crosses fingers, lights candles)

I found and bought an SFL E-Mag that was lightweight, and shot like a dream. But, I had to sell it. I traded it for money and an E-mag. Now, I am at the point where I need to sell my E-mag and Warp for money. I just recently sold one of my back-up markers, which was an fairly nice and upgraded Minimag and it might get to the point where I would need to sell my back-up cocker and tank and stay stuck with a BE Talon. Now, many people by this point would think that I am crazy or that I lost money in Vegas. But that is not the case. I did it for my big sister and my little nephew, Aaron Jr. (A.J.) that was born on January 6th. He is amazing, to say the least. I needed the money to fix up my sister's truck so that I could use it up in college and she could have my Focus ZX5 for herself and the baby. (Didn't want the baby to sit in the front seat) Now, they just found a blood clot in her abdomen and she will not be able to pay for her truck for this month. But, even though this is a slight burden, we have this amazing little baby at my house, and I love him to death. Being away in college has allowed me to grow up, and learn about myself. Now I feel that I should be home with my family and now my little nephew. What I plan to do with the marker if I do win is save it for him, so that he will be able to follow in my footsteps. Hey, it is AGD after all, it will last.

Well, one thing is for certain, I can't say that I am not happy. In fact, many people would think that I would be the opposite, but I am not. I know that my interest in paintball has been curved due to the circumstances, but I don't care. I wouldn't have it any other way.

I don't know if this disqualifies me for having more words in the post then alotted, but I wanted to explain my story in the essay part, and explain my thoughts seperately. Thanks and take care.


02-05-2003, 11:29 PM
I'm hurt! :(

I gotta say though, lots of schools showing up here - you guys need to be forming clubs and coming out to play. Also, to the student from Oklahoma State, there is a paitball club at your school, should you want to check it out... email [email protected].

- Chris

02-09-2003, 03:20 PM
Up closer to the top...;)

02-09-2003, 07:59 PM
Sam Thompson '06
Elmira College, Elmira, NY

Showing up for summer orientation here at Elmira College, I was wondering most if I would find anyone else interested in the sport of Paintball. Coming from a tournament background, I had eagerly read about the college tournament scene, and was very impressed with Collegiate X-ball at this year's World Cup. Taking the proverbial "Bull by the horns" I set out on a flyer-campaign to promote the sport alongside the creation of a college club. Finding a few new members, we began practicing twice a month under the un-official name "The Elmira College Competative Paintball Team." Looking to gain sponsorship and recognition from our school's dean of athletics, we are constantly looking for that 5th member to join our squad in order to fill the required number of students to become an official campus organization. I can't think of a better incentive than a free marker for that fifth member. Gearing up for a presentation in front of the College President, we're hoping for the best... and being able to show such support from the paintball community would be an ultimate plus.

Thank you,

Sam Thompson
President, future Elmira College Paintball Club.

02-09-2003, 08:06 PM
Cancel the competition! It's making me feel old!

- Chris

02-09-2003, 08:30 PM

Me the class of 74 and 78 knows a bit more about "Feelin Old" Chris... :(


02-11-2003, 11:50 AM

02-11-2003, 12:34 PM
Up for a good cause.

02-12-2003, 02:19 PM
Throughout my life, I have made many mistakes, and have learned many things. It has taken everything that has occurred this year to allow me to realize what can release my feelings of pain. My parents have disowned me; and I have been forced to provide for myself. Things have happened in my life which I am not proud of, but, as a student, I believe mistakes are nessisary to experience learning. Last year, my friend introduced me to the game of paintball. It was an incredible experience, the adrenalin, the fear, and the indescribable feeling that this game brings allows me to have fun. I rarely have fun. But, when my friend let me use his gun and race out into the field; I could express my feelings; I could let go and fight. I did well, my mind cleared, and I was able to defeat my problems through this game. The rush of paintball is a medical experience for me, it feels like the real thing – and it is something that I enjoy so much.

I do not have the money to afford a paintball gun. I work as much as I can to pay for school, and keep rent and utilities on an apartment. I am involved on Clemson’s campus, and have also signed up for the paintball team. If I play paintball, I have to borrow a gun, but if I had one of my own, be known that it would have a great home. It would be used nearly every weekend, and if allowed to participate in tournaments, then it would be there. I ask you to think about what paintball does for you – what feelings does it bring; does anything else which bring more excitement and adrenalin into your body? I am a 19 year old kid who has had to grow up really fast, but paintball takes me back, and I like it there.

If I could have your gun, it would be a great gift. The care you placed in your gun would be continued, and would know that you have passed on the amazing feeling of paintball to someone who loves it as much as you.

Andrew Hurley
[email protected]

02-12-2003, 03:22 PM
T.J. Albrecht
Currently enrolled at the College of St. Scholastica in Duluth, MN
Computer Science degree will be completed in May 2004
Mathematics Degree will be completed in Dec 2004

First off, I would like to say that what you are doing deserves a lot of credit. I have both given and accepted donations in the past, but for someone to be able to do that in the sport of paintball is probably unrivaled, until now. That said...

The summer of 2000 was one of the best times of my life. Not only did I meet my fiance, but I played paintball. I started out with a Spyder but that summer I was able to afford an Impulse. I put together a team and we had two Impulses and one Super Nova. Our first tournament went amazing.

The organization of a paintball tournament is great. We had only played recball before. We ended up taking 2nd place and even beat a novice team in :28 one round! But then I had to leave paintball. I ran into money trouble with it, and also started college after that summer.

I vowed that I would play paintball again someday, and I recently purchased a mag. After owning it for 2 months I fell in love with it and played only once. Again, I needed the money for college and sold the mag, just like I sold my Impulse 2 years before.

The school I go to isn't cheap, but don't let that make you think I'm rich. My family is made up of my mother, father, and 4 younger brothers. My dad works his butt off installing signs year round and my family makes a total of less than 45k a year. When my college tuition is 20k a year the math just isn't there.

I turned to the government and received a lot of help, and I even got a scholarship of 7k/year from a 3.6 GPA and 28 ACT score. That all really helped, but I was still a little short.

Since I'm first generation college-bound, it was important for my family to put me through college, so they helped pay for everything they could, but their secret would kill me in the end. Last year I found out that they had driven up over 20k in credit card debt by paying for their expenses with cards and mine with their hard earned money.

I am now working 20+ hours a week and still going to college. My fiance helps me out when she can, but that is a huge burden on her. My parents have worked their debt down to under 15k and I'm practically on my own for money. I can usually scrounge up the money to play when I can, but I haven't had a marker in a while.

I traded my computer away for a stock cocker and I realized that being a computer major I need a computer more. I cannot get past that initial investment of purchasing a gun, without putting myself into money trouble. So the cocker is no longer mine.

I would give this gun a good home, take care of it, and hopefully be able to repay you or keep the chain going someday. Thank you for your time!

T.J. Albrecht

02-13-2003, 03:13 PM
up again

02-20-2003, 02:54 PM
up again

buck 50
02-20-2003, 03:45 PM
To cool! I am a college student but this is my last semester and I have a good job that pays fat so I wont be interring the contest. I have a combined 50+ pages to compose this semester anyway. I just wanted to say what a cool idea it is. You should call it the AO paint ball scholarship. Others should keep this going next semester and make it a tradition to fully arm one college student per semester.

Bubonic Plauge
02-21-2003, 10:44 PM
Craig Culbertson
University of Arizona
Bachellor of Science / Expected Graduation: Spring 2004
Major: Psychology w/ 3.6 G.P.A.
Minor: Humanities

Paintball has been very good to me. I started as a freshman in High School. I convinced my father to buy a VM68. Four years later, again a freshmen but now in college, scholastic expenses forced me to sell my VM68, and restrain "weekend warrior" renting. Now that I am a Junior/Senior with the acquisition of a job, I have re-submerged with dedicated players/friends.
Life has sudden and unxpected turns. After dating an amazing woman named Noelle for five years, my soul awoke. I engaged with hopes of wedding after graduation. After cashing my federal tax return of 2001, I purchased us BOTH spyders, air, masks, and gloves for her nails. "Heaven knows no fury like that of a woman's scorn."
Truthfully, I have been saving for an upper end marker. It is a slow process as I work and attend class. Most of my teammates use Cockers or Imps. It is gruelling, though she loves the game, to justify this paint investment as the spyders are "just fine" and "we need a washer and dryer." DOH!! Compared to the Imps, we can't keep up. I am hoping to use this mag as an upgrade for her and myself. With this mag we will grow, and soon start team competition. I can then keep saving for another mag, balancing us, and still get that washer.
Paintball has kept me out of trouble, I dont drink or smoke and neither does she. It IS expensive for us all, but is a wonderful addiction. I love the comradery, competition, and total exhaustion at the end of the day. Paintball has been very good to me.

Bubonic Plauge
02-21-2003, 10:45 PM
P.S. That didnt post with my paragraphs and indents the way they were on my PC. =) /shrug


02-23-2003, 10:29 PM
up for the final week

02-26-2003, 03:24 PM
Only a few days left...

02-27-2003, 08:08 AM
First off I have to say how nice of a gesture this is. I have never heard of someone being so generous with their old equipment. My name is Justin West I am a Computer Science Major at Old Dominion University in Virginia my gpa is 3.7 , I plan on graduating in 2005(hopefully).

Paintball has meant a lot to me and has gotten me through so really rough times. Although I can’t really afford to play it that much it’s been the one thing I could look forward to during my bleak high school years. I have an intestinal disease that at times can completely disable me from all physical activity and restrict me to bed. Most of my high school years were spent being tutored at home because I couldn’t attend class. Now I wasn’t like this all the time. I would have phases where it would be better or worse and sometimes Id be almost normal. It was during one of these normal times that I found out about paintball when a few friends invited me to go along. Sounding a bit too physical for me I almost declined (sheshh what a mistake that would have been) Anyway I went and I loved it. The thrill of victory! The things you learned with each defeat. After that day I was hooked. Ever since then I’ve looked forward to paintball, its been the reason to get well.. must get better must play paintball!(I’ve looked at so many paintball magazines drooling during that time)
Now I still have medical problems but they are lighter with new medication. I enjoy paintball so much, looking forward to it whenever I can go. Finances are a problem though.. I’m strapped for cash almost constantly. Having to pay the rental fees at the fields doesn’t help. If I had my own gun I wouldn’t have to pay those anymore and could play more! I’m also hoping to start a paintball club here at ODU and if I were to get the gun it would belong to the club and remain with them so it would get a lot of use(and hopefully addict a lot of people to paintball).

03-03-2003, 09:03 AM
The Judges are now deliberating... Votes are coming in... Stay tuned...Entries are closed from this point I believe.

03-05-2003, 02:45 PM
Up! Just because! ;)

03-10-2003, 03:35 PM
Before announcing the winner I would like to thank all of the people who took time to enter my contest and to wish you all good luck with you college careers. I would also like to thank the moderators who acted as assistant judges for taking the time and effort to help me out with a tough decsion. Although the voting was close, I decided to take the advice of my judges who unanimously selected one essay as their winner.

For one person to be so in love with the sport of paintball is admirable, and yet to be responsible enough to know when paintball is interfering with his goals and aspirations takes tremendous character. Finally, my winner hopes to keep this tradition of AO charity alive in the future!

Without further ado, I announce my winner as:

T.J. Albrecht
Currently enrolled at the College of St. Scholastica in Duluth, MN
Computer Science degree will be completed in May 2004
Mathematics Degree will be completed in Dec 2004

First off, I would like to say that what you are doing deserves a lot of credit. I have both given and accepted donations in the past, but for someone to be able to do that in the sport of paintball is probably unrivaled, until now. That said...

The summer of 2000 was one of the best times of my life. Not only did I meet my fiance, but I played paintball. I started out with a Spyder but that summer I was able to afford an Impulse. I put together a team and we had two Impulses and one Super Nova. Our first tournament went amazing.

The organization of a paintball tournament is great. We had only played recball before. We ended up taking 2nd place and even beat a novice team in :28 one round! But then I had to leave paintball. I ran into money trouble with it, and also started college after that summer.

I vowed that I would play paintball again someday, and I recently purchased a mag. After owning it for 2 months I fell in love with it and played only once. Again, I needed the money for college and sold the mag, just like I sold my Impulse 2 years before.

The school I go to isn't cheap, but don't let that make you think I'm rich. My family is made up of my mother, father, and 4 younger brothers. My dad works his butt off installing signs year round and my family makes a total of less than 45k a year. When my college tuition is 20k a year the math just isn't there.

I turned to the government and received a lot of help, and I even got a scholarship of 7k/year from a 3.6 GPA and 28 ACT score. That all really helped, but I was still a little short.

Since I'm first generation college-bound, it was important for my family to put me through college, so they helped pay for everything they could, but their secret would kill me in the end. Last year I found out that they had driven up over 20k in credit card debt by paying for their expenses with cards and mine with their hard earned money.

I am now working 20+ hours a week and still going to college. My fiance helps me out when she can, but that is a huge burden on her. My parents have worked their debt down to under 15k and I'm practically on my own for money. I can usually scrounge up the money to play when I can, but I haven't had a marker in a while.

I traded my computer away for a stock cocker and I realized that being a computer major I need a computer more. I cannot get past that initial investment of purchasing a gun, without putting myself into money trouble. So the cocker is no longer mine.

I would give this gun a good home, take care of it, and hopefully be able to repay you or keep the chain going someday. Thank you for your time!

T.J. Albrecht

03-10-2003, 03:41 PM
Congrats TJ! And once again, huge admiration for ya bsoloman! If you come to the next colorado AO day, your beers are on me!

03-10-2003, 04:20 PM
HOOORA FOR TJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sticky and changing title!!!

03-10-2003, 05:44 PM
Mainly based off of having college clubs.

For starters, college kids tend to pay less to play in the first place. College clubs are easy, repeat business for fields, and as such tend to get discounts over regular pricing. They don't call your field sasking for durections, they fix their own equipment, can referee themselves, pick up their own garbage, and essentially provide free advertising on campus.

Clubs generally give you access to free money from the school. Some places it's just per-mile travel reimbursement, others it can be multiple thousands of dollars in entry fees, paint, or even cash to start an on-campus field.

College tournaments are much less expensive than pretty much any other tournaments out there - never more than $20/player registration and air, and paint as low as $35/case or BYOP. (West Point's tournament two weekends ago was $10/player BYOP. Nationals is $20/player + $35/cases. Even indoor events are only $20/player + $70/case.)

The NCPA also has some nifty discounts on various products for NCPA club players.

Some clubs even have their own fields and/or wholesale accounts.

There are even some college teams out there with a full ride - which is pretty impressive when you consider there are probably less than 50 teams on the planet who have everything paid for.

Going to college can be a very good thing as far as paintball is concerned - I think it cut my playing costs in half over what it cost me to play pre-college.

- Chris

03-10-2003, 05:49 PM
Good job and congratz!

Now… when are we going to have a contest for “Old working farts with families to support and REAL bills to pay”? ;)

I see specials for Women, specials for college kids, specials for under 18, etc….. where are MY discounts?!?!?!!


03-10-2003, 05:53 PM
If you haven't done so already, I would suggest making a separate posting of the info you just supplied. I am sure many of the potential college student players are not aware that it may be so cost-effective to play with their local college clubs as opposed to playing occasional rec-ball games.

03-10-2003, 05:59 PM
Originally posted by shartley
Good job and congratz!

Now… when are we going to have a contest for “Old working farts with families to support and REAL bills to pay”? ;)

I see specials for Women, specials for college kids, specials for under 18, etc….. where are MY discounts?!?!?!!


tucked safely away in my closet, in the bottom of the case that contains the world's smallest violin that plays just for you ;)

in other news, congrats

03-10-2003, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by synreal
tucked safely away in my closet, in the bottom of the case that contains the world's smallest violin that plays just for you ;)

Oh, don't let it get worn out... you will have kids too some day. ;)

Shawn at suny oswego
03-10-2003, 07:52 PM

Bubonic Plauge
03-10-2003, 09:15 PM
Congrats TJ! Have fun....

One case of paint = one kill (at least for me anyway) =)

03-12-2003, 10:02 AM
I personally thanked bsolomon via email, but I would like to take the time to say a few things.

First off, thanks to the judges. It sounds like they put a lot of time and effort into this, and they should not go unnoticed.

I would also like to thank my old teammate who got me interested in mags in the first place. Without him I would have never even made it to this forum.

Not too mention all of the fellow AO'ers. Thanks! I have to say this is one forum that I can generally rely on for almost any answer. I could come in here and ask about literally anything, and I'll get a great combination of honest opinions, hype free facts, and quick responses at that!

Lastly, TOM, AGD is a great company. I hope that situations like this show that the followers of your company and product, reflect on the business that's being run. You have some loyal followers, and you can add one more to that list ;)

A few more words before I go. I am so far successfully completing college. When I become financially stable, which will most likely be after I graduate, this tradition WILL be kept alive. It is an honor for me to accept this, but in all honesty, the greatest honor goes to bsolomon for donating this peice of equipment. I can only hope that someday soon I will be able to keep this tradition going. I just have one question for all of you out there.

Should this gun be kept exactly as she is? Or should we all slowly upgrade it on down the line? Maybe in 10 years we could be passing an X-Mag down, who knows? I would just like the input of fellow AO'ers out there. Thanks again to everyone, especially bsolomon. You will not be let down!

T.J. Albrecht

p.s. For you college students out there, I am very lucky to receive this, but education should be kept slightly higher than paintball on the priority list, get decent grades, have fun while you're at school, take part in clubs, etc. College is only 4 short years, enjoy them while you can, and paintball can stay with you the rest of your life!