View Full Version : Help Me Grow Out My Hair

01-27-2003, 08:36 PM
Hello All,
Ive been trying the last few years to grow out my hair.

First off, Im white (if that makes any difference I dont know, but different races have different hair) Also, my hair is very, very thick. Whenever I used to get it buzzed, I would ALWAYS clog up the razors. Now onto the problem.

Once it gets about 3 or 4 inches long (down to somewhat covering eyes) it begins to grow 'poofy' By poofy I mean, it looks like Im growing an afro (sp?) It sits on top and makes a ball shape around my head. Also, I have the problem of it being very dry and it seems to dry out my entire face (especially my eyes) I have tried getting it trimmed down every-once-in-a-while, but that doesnt really help.

Anyone else here try growing out their hair and have any sugestions?

(oh yeah, I do shampoo it daily and towel dry it, duno, I really suck at doing something so simple)

yeah so i need help :)

01-27-2003, 08:38 PM
one word... rogaine

lol jk, idk what to do

01-27-2003, 08:42 PM
Well I have very thick coarse hair.. and it used to be down to my shoulders probably a little longer before I took my current job. The best thing I can ay is find a soft bristled brush, and once your hair is dry brush it!! The more you brush you hair.. the more it stimulates growth.

Also my girlfriend's best friend is a cosmetologist/hairdresser, and she recommends rinsing your hair in the coldest water you can stand. It makes the roots grow the hair quicker because of the cold temp. Hair i on your body to keep it warm and when it gets cold, it grows quick. Just like chicks shaving their legs, when they get cold.. the get goosebumps.. then 15 seconds later.. they have sandpaper.

I'd recommend a good conditioner. Something that makes your hair feel slimy when it's wet. The more moisture in the hair the healthier it is.. the longer it can grow without breaking.

When I had my hair I never reall y conditioned it.. but I did do the first two things I mentioned. And it grew relatively quickly. I guess if this helps.. take the advice.. I'm no hair expert but thats how I grew my hair out.

01-27-2003, 08:50 PM
Hmmmm cold water and brushing, I never did brush it, and never did think about cold water... Thanks, Ill have to try it :)

01-27-2003, 08:54 PM
I was in the process of growing my hair out. Only wanted it like 5 or 6 inches long or so. Well, by the time it was down a little past my eyes i decided to get it trimmed and that trim ended up being about 3 inches off of the length of my hair just cause the lady messed up. Oh well, I don't think I looked all that great with my hair like that anyways. Oh, and to get rid of your dry hair try using lots of conditioner.

01-27-2003, 09:19 PM
i tihnking about growin my hair out too. My mom is begging me to get it cut, but i refure. I have really thin hair, but it looks cool when its all shaggy and puffy.

01-27-2003, 09:31 PM
get dreads, i always wanted dreads, but everytime i think i have a chance to grow my hair and get them... my rents make me cut it :(

01-27-2003, 10:48 PM
I have the same kinda hair, realy thick, clogs razors, after it gets about 2 inches long, its realy poofy, and gets realy annoying, I found some nice gell stuff, called... umm let me go check... Smooth Shine... its in a little black tub that has pink and black label, and you will see Shine before u see smoothe, its in the black people section of wal-mart hair products isle(as racist as that sounds, I dont know anyother way to describe the part with alot of stuff with black people on the lables) And it works realy good, it keeps ur hair down, and controles and gives it that wet look that everyone loves all day, even though ur hair isn't realy wet :), When my hair was like 7 inches long, I put it in my hair everyday, and it kept it down, and wet looking, only bad thing, its kinda oily, so it kinda makes ur face oily if ur hair touches ur face, but I guess u just need to bring a clothe or something to wipe ur face every now and then :) Hope this helps, and I realy reccomend this stuff, realy great, go see if you can find it.
Edit!!!! http://www.ebonyline.com/19800.html

01-28-2003, 07:37 AM
Heh... ebonyonline, sounds like porn...

Thanks for the tips guys!

Load SM5
01-28-2003, 08:58 AM
All these actual helpful answers. I just had to wear a hat a lot until my hair got long enough for the weight to pull the fro down a bit.:D

01-28-2003, 07:37 PM
Well my hair comes down to about the end of my nose in the front and its a little longer in the back, I can make my hair turn into an afro, but its usually just straight(and it curls at the ends sometimes tho), but I use conditioner(mostly because I spike my hair and I its sometimes dry after getting all the gel and elmer's glue out lol), so maybe use conditioner?


01-29-2003, 05:54 AM
Originally posted by -Jôker-
one word... rogaine
lol jk, idk what to do

serisouly, they had a scisors that is used to thin hair. Giving, it cuts "some" hair and that hair will eventually have to catch up, but it's a solution, also try using a spray gel. It's not all greasy and stuff, but will let you control your hair. Then about 5 him later, run your hand through your hair and presto it lays down flat, with not hairspray smell OR greasy look.

I have THICK hair, or course I think long hair is unprofessional, specially considering my age, but if I don't get a hair cut every other week, I look like I stol the hair off a dead black man. To give you an idea, I buzz with no guard and 1/4 to 1/2 on top. THAT's SHORT!

01-29-2003, 07:33 AM
Yeah when Im not growing out my hair I buzz 3/4" on top and 1/2" on sides and back :)

But I want to have some fun