View Full Version : Anodize Color Question

01-27-2003, 10:30 PM
I am thinking of buying a GenX-4 Autococker and I was wondering if a the green on a green-black fade GenX-4 would be the same color as a green freak tip? Thanks for input :)

01-27-2003, 11:25 PM
VERY doubtful.

Im in the process of setting up an annodize shop right now, and one thing Ive noticed is that if you want the colors to match, its best to do them in the same batch. Different batches may look very similar, but when held side by side (or on the same gun) are usually noticeably different.

If you're really interested in getting everything to match , your best bet will probably be to have the everything re-annoed in the color of your choice. Typically, single color jobs for a gun run in the neighborhood of 85-100 dollars.

Additionally, if you're interested in getting any work like this do (especially a little cheaper), PM me for details.

Hope this helps,


01-28-2003, 10:20 AM
i got a question. why does it cost so much to anno. parts? is the chemicals you use that expensive? or is it just labor?

01-28-2003, 11:23 AM
generally speaking, all of the above. Labor, more than parts. Stripping the old anno off the part, re-polishing (can take along time if the part is really messed up / sctatched) bead-blasting (if thats what you want) and then all the different 'baths' for the peice- - - it sits for a certain amount of time in a number of chemical solutions. Yes, some strong acids are used.- - - as well as electrical current. The electric connections have to be maintained to make sure that the anno laayer comes out right, and then the coloring process takes a little bit of skill- - primairly to make sure that the color is the right shade- - -and even over the part. Even after that you have to rinse and wash the part in a few more things, then let it hang for somthing like 8 hours.

SO, yeah, i would say that theres a good bit involved with anodizing. Its not that the process is EXTREMELY difficult, but that alot of things have to be done just right in a rather long sequence for it to all turn out.

We also noticed some of the high prices for 'effects' like splash and fade, and do think thats a little overpriced. (the process to do a fade or splash is a little longer, but i dont think it should be $150 higher than the base cost). We are looking at breaking that price boundary.


01-28-2003, 06:00 PM
smokey... u do anodizing? how much u charge? im lookin for a cheap price to get my e-mag ano'ed

01-28-2003, 06:08 PM
yeah.. wondering same. how much woudl it cost to get 4 backs that are black polished..hoping ya can cut me some slack ehe

01-28-2003, 06:23 PM
Ok guys, in order to keep from jamming up the main forum, lets take this to PM's.

If you want basic info, click the link in my signature.
