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View Full Version : spring is just around the corner

01-27-2003, 11:12 PM
Hey guys, spring is just around the corner and I can't stop thinking about paintball. I've been busy all fall and winter with football and projects but I'm ready for the warmer monthes..

I'm thinking about switching markers or getting upgrades. I have had a minimag and flatline 68ci 3000psi setup for quite awhile now. I also got a lapco bigshot and intelliframe. The marker is great but I want something faster. Something with a lighter/faster trigger pull.

I immediatly thought X-Valve, but I don't think that is the same as a small fast trigger pull. I think of it as just a high ROF tool.

Should I just forget about firing faster, and pick up some things that will be more useful, such as warp or barrel kit?

OR, on the other hand, I was thinking about getting a Cocker. The 2003 Cocker comes with hinge frame and I know the 3 way is a good one besides the brass it has on it. I love my mag, but can't afford an emag. If there was a nice electro grip for standard mag, i would definatly do that, but there isn't.

Any ides or suggestions


RT pRo AuToMaG
01-27-2003, 11:32 PM
get a Centerflag Hyperframe, my friend has one on his ReTro Mag, it's very fast and nice, no problems, of couse he just got the gun on saturday too, only has put 5 balls through it.

01-28-2003, 12:06 AM
hyperframe would solve all my problems. but the problem with the hyperframe is that I hear that it doesnt perform well. I've heard it is inconsistent and unreliable for the price paid.

That is exactly what im looking for in a trigger, without the problems though..

How do you people like the X-Valve. i have never shot an RT, so i wouldnt know..


01-28-2003, 12:15 AM
im just thinking to myself now.. how can i get rid of my mag? i love the thing. why do i need anything better?

is the shop here the cheapest place to buy mag bodies? im thinkin about getting a black one now..

man how my mind changes..


01-28-2003, 12:28 AM
As far as getting a new body, wait for a few weeks.
I don't know if you've heard, but TK is about to release a series of lighter aluminum bodies with cocker threads (so it's easier to find aftermarket barrels), and interchangeable feed tubes. And from what I've heard (may not be true) they will be available in different annoed finishes. That would be a good next step.
If you want faster without going to an emag, drop the cash on an x-valve. It's reactivity should boost your ROF. Both Centerflag and Booyah E-frames void any warranties on the gun because they put excessive abuse on the bolt and the edge of the sear. They're fast, but they'll eat your gun.
In my opinion, get the x-valve. Thats what I'd do.

01-28-2003, 03:24 AM
Go and shoot yourself an RT. I bought an RT Pro without having shot one, and if you even REMOTLY like the trigger pull of a standard valve automag, you will most likely LOVE the RT trigger.

It's shorter, crisper, and the "feedback kick" is great.

and fast too :) :)

01-28-2003, 07:02 AM
X-Valve is definatly tempting even though it is 230 :] I really like it cause it is lighter.

And what about these new bodies? how much will they be? will this effect the price of the older black bodies?


01-28-2003, 09:33 AM
i would say just upgrade your mini. i have a minimag as well, but i have an x-valve on mine, and that thing is amazing, it truely is, no regrets at all. if you do get 1, you may need to tune your lvl 10 bolt a little, it works fine, but i just wanted it to be a little easier on paint. but it's no big deal to tune. in terms of ROF...i can now out shoot my ricochet in longer stings, and well in short bursts i think my ROF is up to some where around 10 BPS...over the chrono, i needed it 260 for the game i was doing...shot #1-261, #2-259, #3-261 (crossfire preset tank) so it's good over the chrono too, i loooooooove my mini, if it was human, i would sleep w/ it...oh wait, i already do at times :cool: ;) . yea dude,i would just say upgrade your mini, the intelliframe works fine for me(i still have to adjust to the double trigger though, i've always used a single) but yea, check the link in my sig to take a look at what i've done to her

in terms of bodies, that's really the only thing i might upgrade, i might do a warp body w/ a warp feed, or i might just to a no-rise center feed...not sure yet

01-28-2003, 09:40 AM
felony, now you have gotten me all excited about spring/summer and playing paintball. i can't wait now. i won't be able to concentrae in any of my mid-terms.thanks a lot:p

01-28-2003, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by felony
Hey guys, spring is just around the corner

You wouldn't be saying this if you lived in NE. ;)

01-28-2003, 03:56 PM
Played last weekend. It was sunny with temps around 70* or so.

01-28-2003, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by Kevmag
Played last weekend. It was sunny with temps around 70* or so.

you suck, you know what the temp. got UP to today? it got UP TO A WHOLE 2 DEGREES, 2 degrees outside, that's it, that means 1 was just out side my door, the other was way across my yard, 2 degrees, try playing in that.

wish we could all be that lucky....envious:(

01-28-2003, 05:57 PM
go with the x-valve. Is basiclly like getting a whole new gun. and, with a price tag of 230, its CHEAPER than buying the new cocker. (and much eaiser to shoot fassst, in my opinion.)

New body? definitly wait and pick up one of the new aluminum milled ones. Then, treat yourself and have the whole gun re-annoed.

01-28-2003, 06:05 PM
my friend is trying to get me to get a stock cocker, which ive heard alot of good things about, but there is soo much coming out for the mag that sounds soo good.

-This alluminum body that is milled? How much will this be?

-X-Valve, only thing im worried about is the first shot drop off. must not be too big of a deal considering so many people buy it.

-what ever happend to the 15* ASA's? I really wanted one, then I got wrapped up in other things. Any ideas?

-The Y-Frame

-Also looking into a new barrel, possible barrel JJ edge Kit fopr 115. Any thing bad about these?

-Annodizing. How much would it cost for this? Is it worth it? Or should i look into a black classic mag body and go mostly black with chrome?

yes, im excited..heh


01-28-2003, 06:45 PM
all right. first things first:


What first shot drop off? I assume you're reffering to the phenomenon of RT's having Shoot-UP. Here's the deal: Under some conditions of VERY rapid fire, RT vlaved guns have been known to cycle soo fast that the air going through them HEATS UP. this causes a gradual increase of pressure= increased velocity.

How big of a deal is this? Not very. Theres a special chrono procedure for RT's. If you follow that, you basiclly get 2 readings: your '1st shot', and your 'shoot up, rapid fire hot shot'. As long as the gun is set up properly, its not that much. ( mine is usually about 4-5fps more.)

As far as consistency goes, with good paint and a good paint/barrel match- - - - I nailed 277 3 times in a row with the field limit 280 not too long ago.

So: I would not consider your 'concern' over the x-valve much to worry about at all.

Next: milled Aluminum body:

I dont have much in the way of details for you right now. AGD had a post showing some of the milling designs, but I dont recall any info on an exact release date. Pricing has not been released at this time. I would figure sometime in the next month or so we should have some more info.

They are threaded for cocker barrels, and have angel-thread screw in feed tubes. that much we do know.

15 degree asa's:

The company that was making them kinda dissappeared (or somthing like that.) I think some customers got screwed out of cash, soooo. . . . i think it's safe to say that they are not available anymore. (at least not yet. Ask me agian in 3 months :D )

latest and greatest news on the Y-frame is that its in development, and has hit a snag with trying to get it to take DYE sticky grips. here's the newest info: http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=65831


Do not have any experience with the JJ kit. Obvisouly, you realize the importance of paint to barrel match and how it affects accuracy. One question that I would pose to you is: How long are the back pieces? check this link out for the importance of that info: http://www.automags.org/resource/tech/tomstech/01_barrel_eff.shtml

Im currently looking at the PIPE system. Back pieces are about 6" long. longer than anything else ive seen. Also people seem to be very happy with them so far.

Annodizing is COMPLETELY up to you. It is nothing but a cosmetic makeover for you marker. If you have everything done to the gun that you plan on doing to it, my argument (and what im doing) is re-annoing everything so that it looks (and now is) like a totally custom gun- - -totally unlike anything else out there. - - and you can make everything look like it was made together: even your off-colored air fittings.

Cost varies. Some places you can get basic things done for less than $100. As you get more techinical with your designs, the price goes up.

Regardless of whether or not you decide to anno, i generally suggest that you have your 'final' upgrades on the gun when you do it. Why spend good money making your trigger frame and gun match when you dont even have the trigger frame you want yet.

Black and chrome is cool. I have a gun done in this. Im changing it for 2 reasons: #1: the aftermarket parts are not all the same 'shiney' color. some are nickel plated, some are chrome. the difference is noticable and rather annoying. 2#: although black and chrome is cool, it is a tad bit overdone. MANY people try to do the black and chrome thing, some better than others. Im gonna re-anno mine so its completely unique.

Hope this helps,


01-28-2003, 07:18 PM
wow carl, you really laid it on him, that's alot of good info, couple things though to add....terms of 15*, why couldn't you make your own? i mean if not make a whole new peice, just make an angle plate that fit between your asa, and your body rail? hell, this could even be made out of wood(i wouldn't recomend it though)

in terms of ano, all ano will harden the alum. a little, but you can also get a hard coat ano which will make it VERY hard to scratch.

my x-valve, no matter what shot it is, only varries +/- 5 fps w/ any shot...loook at my previous post to see chrono results

01-28-2003, 07:41 PM
thats what I was thinking: make your own.

In the next 3 months we may have access to 4-axis milling. We're planning on doing some custom run guns, total custom work on an individual basis, as well as our own 'line' of odds and ends parts - - - - quite possibly including a mag 15 degree A.S.A. as well as custom sluggo's.

however, thats still a long way off.


01-28-2003, 11:41 PM

i guess the decisions are up to me now..

they new body sounds great. but the cocker threads mean a new barrel + the new body. that is pretty pricey at once.

so i may look into things i can have for both, if i make the switch to the new alum body.

any suggestions on warp? ive held one, and i think they are nice.

i could do warp, JJ edge, and black classic mag body. ( what about powdercoating a standard mag body?? )that would look fine and the price on the mag body may even drop if the alum is out. then the only nickle plated thing i would have is the valve and the intelliframe. possibly x-valve later.

a new alum body is gonna cost me more, i would think. plus anodizing it, unless it would come standard with a few different colors. as that will probably be the last thing i get, ill look and see what is goin on with the bodies and check their prices.

i do want a 15* asa though. I had to dremel my gas thru @ the top because it wouldnt fit with my intelliframe. so it looks ugly as a piece of poo. so maybe a new black forgrip and a 15* asa. any ideas on construction of one??

thanks for reading this long posts :]

i appreciate it!


01-29-2003, 12:43 AM
Dont buy a cocker unless its an Eblade. If you are buying a new gun go electro.

01-29-2003, 01:15 AM
the reason i suggested the slug body is because you were considering a cocker- - - you would probably wind up getting a new barrel anyway. Besides, if you were looking at a new barrel system, the cocker threaded one would most likely cost less than the mag one. I think the milled al bodies will come in some colors. You can always have it re-annoed at a later date.

However, you're right- - it is totally up to you. Build/ customize somthing that is exactly what you want. Keep us posted on it! we love seeing new and custom stuff.


01-29-2003, 07:43 AM
I havent played for a few months... damned snow.

But sometime here in March we have a huge tourny going on, about 200 People usually show up :)

I still dont have my mag, and it looks as if I wont for a while either :(

01-29-2003, 09:09 AM
Originally posted by felony

i guess the decisions are up to me now..

i do want a 15* asa though. I had to dremel my gas thru @ the top because it wouldnt fit with my intelliframe. so it looks ugly as a piece of poo. so maybe a new black forgrip and a 15* asa. any ideas on construction of one??

the decisions have always beeen up to you....

in terms of making 1, i may try it here soon myself. well make 15* adaptor right now all i thnk of is just adding an angle plate between the asa and the body rail and just have a 2 different scrwe holes...1 to hold the asa, and 1 to hold it to the rail, there may not be enough room for that, so i may drill and ream out the screw hole that is already there, and do a press fit so only 1 screw hole is then needed. one other thought that crossed my mind, is that the asa has "fins" on it to wrape up around the body rail, i may try to make them into a dove tail and make an angle plate that will slide into that dove tail, hold it in place via a set screw, and then have he other drilled and tapped hole to hold it all to the body rail

01-29-2003, 11:25 AM
Doc Nickel is selling these right now. There is a post in the Dealer Forum for them


01-29-2003, 11:37 AM
wuss, i've been playing int the snow and cold, hehe jk:D , i say stick with the maga nd get an x-valve which includes the retro and lvl 10, don't get a cocker unless your willing to learn how to do upkeep on it, but its up to you man.


01-29-2003, 05:19 PM
Doc's 15* asa's look very nice.. wasnt planning on nickle, but maybe it will do.

has anyone done and business with him?

and its not that i dont wanna spend time to upkeep a cocker, but why bother??


01-29-2003, 09:07 PM
who if anyone has experience with JJ edge barrel kit? will my mag be any quieter in comparison with my lapco bigshot??

how about warp? is it tought to adjust for different paintballs? or is an easy thing?
