View Full Version : Mag and CO2. How many of u run this setup?

01-28-2003, 12:34 AM
How many of u run this setup? I currently run this setup and of course ive taken precautions to keep liquid out tha gun, plus i dont shoot all that fast. Just like to know what the maintenace schedule is like with Mag on CO2, till i can get the HPA setup. Any oring freeze? Shootdown, consistancy(mine is about -/+ 5 fps) Any yall with CO2 & Mags, help me out with the skinny. Thnx!

01-28-2003, 01:32 AM
+-5 fps is pretty normal with Co2. I run a slinky remote to a 4 stage expando.

I've run my Minimag this way for 6 years, with no real trouble at all. In fact, last Saturday, I refilled the hopper after the "last game" (because there is always another game after the "last game":) ). Rather than pouring the hopper-full back into the bag, I just stood up, and proceeded to empty it into the barrel bunker, as fast as I could. The top of the 20oz frosted heavily, but Big Red just kept on whopping paint into the barrel! Despite having a Level 10 inside, it never hesitated once in the whole hopper.

Maintenance is simply to keep it well oiled, clean any debris and paint out of the breech area, and wipe down the outside. I have changed my O-rings only once in that 6 years, and that was because I had torture-tested the Level 10 by allowing liquid Co2 to pour into the gun while shooting it. Yup, locked it up solid. I waited about 20 minutes for most of the frost to go away, and proceeded to finish off the test. I may not have needed to change O-rings, as I didn't see any real damage, but decided it wouldn't hurt anything to do so:)

You already know to keep the liquid out, so it seems you are doing fine. Put a couple/few drops of oil into the ASA before you play, and you should be good to go.

01-28-2003, 03:22 AM
If you don't like the idea of having a remote hose, Get an anti-siphon tank/tube installed and set up for your gun. That, and an expando will keep liquid out of your gun just as well as Army's remote/expando setup.

If you're on a Budget, what you *can* do is get a larger tank (16-20 oz) and only fill it partially, and use an angled ASA. Try to keep the gun pointed upwards when you're not using it and whatnot.

I've run guns on 1/2 fill on a 16 oz tank and *just* an expando and not had any problems.

Oh, and contrary to popular belief, Neoprene tank covers will *NOT* keep your tank warm. Covering something only keeps something that's already warm, warm. It will actually decrease the rate at which your Co2 tank will warm back up, because the cold air is trapped by the neoprene cover, and continue to keep the tank cold. It might not be that significant, but maybe something to keep in mind.

01-28-2003, 09:55 AM
I run CO2 on a classic and in 7 years I have never had a CO2 related problem. Of course I use a huge expansion chamber and a palmer sideline reg. It's consistent fast and I have never had drop off. I do chop on occasion but that doesn't have anything to do with CO2. I do more maintenance than most though. Unlike ARMY it isn't in my genetic make up to trust o-rings that long. :D I have replaced all my o-rings at least once a year, and sometimes more. I like to completely disassemble my gun and clean every nook and cranie after almost every weekend. I have heard about problems with re-using the reg seat but I guess I have been lucky in that I re-use mine after taking the gun apart and have not had any problems with it. You could say i'm obsesive-compulsive about keeping my gun clean and you don't have to do it that much. It just gives me a warm fuzzy.

BTW: Since I change my O-ring on a preventive basis, I keep all the old o-rings when I change them out. You'd be surprised at all the different guns people have brought to me at the field and I have fixed using one of the mags "old" o-rings. I usually ask $1.00 for any O-rings I put into a gun and that buys my parts kits(and fills, some paint, lunch, and....)!:D

01-28-2003, 11:15 AM
Hehe, I ran my Classic on a dual 20oz setup with an expansion chamber before the remote line into my mag. I had good consistency, and never froze.

Ah, pre-nitro days... :)

01-28-2003, 03:01 PM
I used to run that setup. i used remote w/ it, but im not doing it any more! i just ordered a new Crossfire 68/4500!! im waiting its arrival, i cant wait

01-28-2003, 05:25 PM
I used to have a nice little minimag. Oh man... that was my favorite gun of all time... it was perfect. Shot as fast as I could pull the trigger, shot darts, and it ran on CO2.

What I did for that was use an Anti-Syphen tank and a Palmer Stabilizer. Don't let anyone talk you out of the Stabilizer because you "aren't supposed to put a reg on a mag." The stab worked EXCELLENT on co2, that would be the way I would go if I were you...

01-28-2003, 10:11 PM
Thnx for reply yall! Its good to hear CO2'ers out there getting good results with orings, and maintenance-wise. Currently my mag has got a vert. Palmer stab, and a 15 deg. ASA. So far no freezing or leaks. I was surprised when my LX bolt operated perfectly at 240-235 fps. (yeah thats pretty low, outdoors too!). Thnx for yer input!

01-29-2003, 04:22 PM
I used to run an antispiphoned 20oz tank into an expansion chamber on my mag. Never had a problem, although if nitrogen is avilable in your area I would highly recomend you spend the 60 or so bucks on a steel tank because there is a huge performance gain with nitrogen.